Where you can hear yourself living #3

in ocd-resteem •  7 years ago 

stock-photo-little-house-on-the-hill-228892613 (1).jpg

“Take the time to celebrate stillness and silence and see the joy that the world can bring, simply.” Tony Curl

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Waw! Fotografiile tale spun asa de multe povești...

Multumesc din suflet! You're too kind :)

Tare compoziția :) . Dacă ridicai un pic detaliul din black-uri să vedem mai bine ce se petrece și acolo era demnă de editare (un înger sus, niște lupi în vale :)) )

Hehe mersi mult! Am inchis destul de mult zona aia ca nu se intampla nimic acolo si distragea atentia de la partea de sus. Buna ideea cu o manipulare...nu m-am gandit pana acum. Oricum am inca fisierul Raw . Poate fac o incercare de un edit mai creativ :)

Nice contrast ;)

Thanks alot! :)

You're an amazing photographer 🙂

Thank you so much! You're very kind :)

Beautiful landscape, I like how you can just make out the trees in the foreground!

Thank you so much! I struggled with the decision to let them exposed normally or to darken that part of the image. I went with the second option because the first one was too distracting :)

I think it was the right choice! Sometimes its nice to have darker and lighter points in an image, this one is great!

Thanks so much! :)