OCD International Daily: Issue #138

in ocd •  7 years ago  (edited)


Welcome to the 138th issue of @OCD international Daily!

Issue #138 highlights content from nine (9) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in nine different languages! The OCD international team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.

Today our curators have delivered nine incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.

The nomination process

A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

If you enjoyed their work give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello!

FireShot Capture 6 - Jesus Solis (@jesuszoliz) — Steemit - https___steemit.com_@jesuszoliz.png

Hay ocasiones que una imagen puede resumir la historia de una persona en un instante, que captura en un momento toda la esencia de su ser. Y así es como @jesuszoliz nos presenta a este amable desconocido que permitió ser fotografiado y le regaló una sonrisa.

There are times when an image can summarize a person's story in an instant, that captures in a moment the whole essence of his being. And that's how @jesuszoliz introduces us to this kind stranger who let our author photograph him and gave away a smile.

Fotoseries #22: Un rincón de riquezas abandonadas


FireShot Capture 3 - Arief Dermawan (@ariefdermawan) — Steemit - https___steemit.com_@ariefdermawan.png

Bingung mencari aktivitas menyenagkan di hari minggu selain jalan-jalan? Team Kurator OCD Bahasa Indonesia @mariska.lubis dan @macchiata punya jawabannya. Melalui postingan @ariefdermawan kita diajak bernostalgia melalui sebuah permainan tradisional dan bahkan membuat alat untuk bermain permainan yang satu ini. Postingan ini sangat unik karena di tengah maraknya review game online, penulis menyuguhkan sesuatu yang berbeda. Mau tahu? jangan lupa kunjungi tulisan beliau.

This game review is not your typical gaming today. The author, @ariefdermawan is taking us to learn and try a traditional game called Sepak Kenchi. Do you want to know more about this unique game? don't forge to visit the author' s post and try it your own for this upcoming weekend !

"Traditional" Game Review: Sepak Kenchi

FireShot Capture 7 - Palaia (@palaia) — Steemit - https___steemit.com_@palaia.png

Un oggetto che non manca in nessuna cucina italiana è sicuramente la “moka Bialetti” con la quale facciamo il caffè, il caffè italiano naturalmente! Scopriamo la storia e come è fatto questo oggetto cult nel post di @palaia proposto per la selezione di oggi dal @ocd Team per la lingua italiana e curato da @sardrt .

An object that does not lack in any Italian kitchen is the Bialetti moka coffee with which we make coffee, naturally Italian coffee! Let's discover the story and how this cult object is made in the post by @palaia proposed for today's selection by the @ocd Team for the Italian language and edited by @sardrt.

Alberto Bialetti

FireShot Capture 9 - MindScapePhotography (@mindscapephotos)_ - https___steemit.com_@mindscapephotos.png

Mit dieser Fotoreportage zeigt @mindscapephotos eindrucksvoll, wie schön eine verfallene Ruine einer Kirche sein kann. Egal welchem Glauben man angehört - diese Fotos werden euch beeindrucken. Der deutsche OCD-Kurator @theaustrianguy hat diesen Beitrag für euch gefunden und nominiert.

With this impressive photo gallery, @mindscapephotos shows how beautiful and old and destroyed ruin of a church can be. Regardless of your religion or your believes - you will love those pictures. This post was found and curated by german OCD-Member @theaustrianguy

Mystic church ruin in the middle of the forest - Mystische Kirchenruine mitten im Wald [EN/DE]

FireShot Capture 10 - Barbara Orenya (@barbara-orenya) — Stee_ - https___steemit.com_@barbara-orenya.png

Aujourd'hui l'équipe francophone d'OCD a sélectionné une artiste française @barbara-orenya qui égaie Steem de ses mignons petits Wonkies ! Cet article est une participation a un concours. Découvre comment elle crée ses Wonkies!

Today, the french OCD team has selected a post from a fantastic artist, @barbara-orenya who color Steem with her cutes Wonkies ! Her post has been made for a contest. Discover how she create her wonkies!

#steemitdoodlecontest My WonkieRide painting - La chevauchée fantaisiste ^_^ [ENG-FR]

FireShot Capture 11 - LindaZ (@lindaz) — Steemit - https___steemit.com_@lindaz.png

Polska drużyna (@fervi, @lukmarcus i @Santarius) przedstawiają @lindaz. Polacy graniczą z Czechami, ale jednak często kraj "krecika" nie jest głównym celem odpoczynkowym. A może czas to zmienić? @lindaz postanowił przedstawić nam swoją historię z weekendu w Czechach, a dokładnie z Opawy.

The Polish team (@fervi, @lukmarcus and @Santarius) present @lindaz. Poles are bordering the Czech Republic, but often the country of "Krecik" (mole - animation for children) is not the main resting place. Maybe it's time to change it? @lindaz decided to tell us her story from the weekend in the Czech Republic, and more precisely from Opava.

Czechy na weekend - Opawa i okolice.

FireShot Capture 5 - Hoshi Miyabi (@miyabi) — Steemit - https___steemit.com_@miyabi.png

@miyabiさんは、私たちが選ぶ色は、自分自身に抱いているイメージを表すことを記事にしてくれました。この記事を読んで、普段見ている色の奥深さを知ってみませんか?Curated by 日本語OCDチーム @djynn@fukako and @yasu24

@miyabi made an article on the color that we choose to represent the image we hold in ourselves. Why not read this article and get to know the depth of the colors you usually see? Curated by japanese OCD team @djynn@fukako and @yasu24

Eng/Jpn. 色彩コラム personal color. 自分色と人物像


FireShot Capture 8 - 카리스 (@isson99) — Steemit - https___steemit.com_@isson99.png


안녕하세여. 한국의 스티미언 여러분 오늘은 여러분께 조금 색다른 유머를 전달해 주시고 계신 품위유머 전도사 @isson99님의 포스팅을 소개합니다. 품위유머는 2003년부터 품위유머닷컴을 운영해온 오피니언리더 이상준 대표(작가. 인성교육칼럼니스트, 유머전문가)가 십 여년 동안 직접 창작 또는 편집해온 유머라고 소개되어 있는데요. 스팀잇에서만 무료로 공개하시며 색다른 웃음을 전달해 주시고 계시네요. @isson99님의 품위+유머로 하루를 색다르게 시작해보세요. @ocd curator @steemitjp follow and support our @ocd for valuable steemit

It is so important to have sense of humer in life. @isson99 disclose his special humor contents which was created by himself during 10 years for steemit. I wish many steemians laugh a lot . (This post posted in Korean.) @ocd curator @steemitjp follow and support our @ocd

[품위유머]병원 안간 이유


FireShot Capture 4 - Perlia C (@perlia) — Steemit - https___steemit.com_@perlia.png

今日OCD中文區小隊 - @htliao@Travelgirl 想為大家介紹 @perlia@perlia 是一位新加入的Steemian,她喜歡用文字及照片紀錄生命的多采多姿。她熱衷美食、旅遊、運動。希望讀者在她的Steemit世界裡,能感受到青春的活力與少女的情懷。今次Perlia希望透過這篇文章向內地及國外的朋友介紹香港的夜生活。大家可以欣賞到山頂、尖沙咀與北角看到的夜景。還有不要錯過Perlia介紹的美食呢!

Chinese OCD team @htliao and @Travelgirl would like to introduce @perlia. She is a Steemian who likes to share her colorful life with words and photos. She likes food, travel and sports. She would like all of you to feel her youth and vitality through reading her Steemit. This time she introduces us the night life of Hong Kong. In this passage, you can enjoy the night view in different parts of Hong Kong. Moreover, don't miss out the fine foods she recommended!

A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest # 19.1 「人閒桂花落,夜靜春山空

Thanks for stopping by as this concludes today’s OCD international Daily. We would like to congratulate the authors nominated as well as those featured.

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.

The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.

Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!
Keep up the good work creating original content

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

compiled with love by @macchiata

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Wow, thank you so much for the nomination and the support!
You are awesome @theaustrianguy and @ocd! 👍

Beautiful post

Thanks for nomination! @fervi, @lukmarcus and @Santarius @OCD It's very nice!:)

Thank you @ocd for choosing my post!

Reseemed this post.

Thanks for @ocd, Kak @mariska.lubis, and @macchiata. Anyway, my name is @ariefdermawan. Hehehe.

Grazie mille