Have You Seen A Great White shark?

in ocean •  8 years ago 

I've been to a couple of aquariums, and I've never seen a great white shark. I didn't think much of it at first. Maybe it's because I've only been to the San Francisco, CA, one and the Sandy, Utah one. But I wanted to see one at some point.

But the chances of anyone seeing one, Are very small

Great white sharks cannot be kept in captivity, Not only do they grow very book, Sometimes up to 15 feet. But sharks aren't programmed to live in giant tanks.

SeaWorld has had one in the past, But it died in after 16 days!
The shark started to harm it'self by hitting itself against the side of the tank; There were visible marks on him. He caused destruction, By eating all of the other fish in the tank with him. Then eventually he ended up dying.

People assumed that the reason the shark wasn't able to survive, was because it wasn't captured while he was a baby. So in Monterey Bay California, they caught the shark beautiful and young,
They were extremely careful on Transport, And gave this shark a million gallon tank; They tried to mimic the ocean environment as much as possible, By having the shark eat what it usually eats in the wild. While sharks are young, they eat a variety of smaller fish, then later on in life they go to mammals for food such as seals and sea turtles. But the shark didn't care to eat much, Sharks like to hunt; They don't like to be fed by humans.

They did what they could to mimic the shark's natural surroundings by giving him a million gallon tank! But after all the effort, It still didn't work out.

Why to waste our money!?

I would say " Think about the sharks!" But that doesn't seem to have as big of an impact.
Yes! I'm disappointed that I may not see a great white in my lifetime! But these sharks deserve to stay in the wild, and They clearly cannot be contained. Lets save our money and leave them alone! Bring in some new fish or something! It makes me sick that people keep trying, and these poor sharks are dying for no reason! We should be thankful for the wonderful photographers who have gotten photos of this beautiful animal! So lets are happy with the photos! Unless you want to go diving, Then you can see one in person!

Some Great shark facts

  • They have live births, 4-7 at a time.
  • Great White sharks like to hunt in the daytime Because they can use their eyes to see their prey.
  • Great White Sharks don't come to the coast to eat people. They spend most of their time way out in the sea.
  • After tagging great whites, They have determined that great whites love freedom; They swim very far distances.

Why great sharks aren't in captivity, Why you haven't seen a great white, Why great white sharks aren't in aquariums.

Thank you Pixabay for the amazing photos! Much appreciated!

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Only in Aquariums, in Australia we have this saying ; I posted an article about Australia having the baddest of the bad almost every type of creature on the planet. . .

The Aussie joke ...

TOURIST : Are there Sharks in these waters ?
Aussie : Nope. (Tourist jumps in water)
Aussie ( calls out ) : There used to be Sharks, but the Crocodiles cleaned them out ! ! !

Australia actually means " Bad Arze Bush in Alien speech " ! ! !


But now they are threatened . . .



This site shows some animals in need of money , I cannot gaurantee your money will go to help real animals or just human animals . . .


Only in "Finding Nemo"!!!

OMG we all have seen a great white! you got me! I should scrap this article LOLOL


AHH This is getting Creepy! Cut it out!!! XD LOL

I feel you could do a post about your desire to see a great white shark and possibly use the funds from that to make a vlog about seeing the sharks and using the money from that to fund the rest of your trip.

This may be of interest to you - Cage Dive With Great White Sharks

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I actually saw the shark you mentioned in the Moneteray Bay Aquarium. I was lucky to see it in person, small but majestic!!

Lucky! I would of loved to see it! But at the same time I feel bad for the shark :(

Ive seen them in aquariums, i doubt iwould liek to see one in real life lol

very nice post :) i followed you. would be nice if you check my channel.. im an artist and would love if you check out my stuff <3 kalipo

THank you so much :) I"m on my way over!

I don't love aquariums! I love sharks!
That said, GW are not in aquariums because they eat every other fish/shark in there. They are amazing apex predators!

So true! They are incredible! I hope one day we can watch what they are doing, Without disturbing them. It's hard with the aquarium situation, Because without aquariums and zoos, Many people would never have the chance to see certain animals.

Thanks for posting this. Yes, great white sharks are great example of freedom since they don't want to be fed but hunt for their prey!

So true! They love freedom!

Another fact: great white sharks can't swim backwards or stop swimming...

Wow! I didn't know that! No wonder they can't be kept in captivity.

Good old Great Whites. Best chance to see one is to travel to South Africa, rent specialized crew boat and dive into the sea with the cage. I don't think that is cheap though.

I heard of that! I love that they do that. That way people can see great whites, without making the shark suffer! I doubt it's cheap either, But it's probably worth it! I guess people who can't afford it will have to admire photos and videos we have of sharks.

It's not just Great Whites that don't do well in aquariums. Any pelagic shark would eventually die. It's kind of like taking a dog and keeping it in a small pet carrier and never letting him out to walk. They are used to roaming over huge expanses of ocean, and they are genetically programmed to migrate from place to place. In an aquarium, they will be constantly disoriented and under stress.

Agreed! Thats probably why they hit the glass so much, They are confused. It makes me so sad! Maybe they are too smart for it, Where as other fish seem to do much better in tanks.

They are among the smartest sharks along with Makos. I imagine they hit the glass because their instinct tells them it's time to move on to the next location, they are trying to find a way out. I know people don't have a lot of sympathy for them because of their reputation, but keeping them in an aquarium is cruel. There are plenty of other shark species that do fine in aquariums and can be watched and enjoyed.

Great. I have never seen one in real life, but would love it.

only in the movies...

I would love to see them in a cage but I would probably die of fright

This is a great excuse to get into scuba diving. Go find a great white and in the process discover all the wonders the oceans have to offer!

I have never seen one in real life, but I would love it and without feeding them, they are not angry.

Hah! Agreed! I was wondering about whether you've seen one @future24 I was thinking about your diving pictures when I wrote this!