Octal and hexadecimal are two number systems commonly used in computing and electronics. Both represent numeric values using a combination of digits and serve as alternatives to the more familiar decimal number system, which uses base-10.
Octal uses base-8, meaning it can represent numbers using the digits 0-7. Since the maximum number of unique digits needed is 7, octal is well-suited for displaying computer data stored in chunks of 3 binary digits (bits). Each octal digit represents a 3-bit binary pattern. For example, in octal the number 10 equals the decimal number 8 (which has the 3-bit binary representation of 1000), and 37 octal equals decimal 31 (which has the 3-bit binary representation of 00110111).
Many character encodings like ASCII also use octal to represent control codes and non-printing characters for historical reasons. Octal values are denoted with a leading 0 (zero) when written numerical - spaqpyw9ho - https://webtoolsmate.com/octal-to-hexadecimal?unique_id_cupvcesi
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