Octal to Hexadecimal - Octal a Hexa | WebToolsMate

in octaltohexadecimal •  10 months ago 

Converting between octal and hexadecimal is a straightforward process that only requires understanding place value in different numeral systems. Octal uses eight unique digits (0-7) while hexadecimal uses 16 (0-9 plus A-F).
To convert from octal to hexadecimal, first write out the octal number using digits 0-7. Then break it into groups of three digits working from right to left, filling empty places on the left with zeros as needed. This will give you groups of three digits corresponding to powers of eight. Then replace each group of three octal digits with their hexadecimal equivalent:
0 = 0
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
For octal digits greater than 7, use the following conversions:
10 = 8
11 = 9
12 = A
13 = B
14 = C
15 = D
16 = E
17 = F
Finally, write out the hexadecimal digits from left to right to obtain the hexadecimal number. For example, to convert the octal number 735:
735 (octal)
7 3 - 344xe0dyc1 - https://webtoolsmate.com/octal-to-hexadecimal?unique_id_54y8ayqz
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