Odin's Eye Headlines 6/5/2017: Norwegian farm history, Researchers Have Finally Ascertained Who Owned an Celtic Opulent 2500-Year-Old Tomb in France, and an Introduction to Asatru

in odinseye •  8 years ago 

Here's a brief overview of the headlines you missed today on Odin's Eye Media:

Norwegian farm history - the tradition of summer pasture

For more than a thousand years, Norwegian farms would send their livestock to the summer dairy. This was an important part of Norwegian agricultural life. The milkmaid travelled with the animals to the forests or to the mountains to make use of the rich grazing resources there. In 2016, this way of life has almost disappeared.

Read this article here

Celtic Prince or Princess? Researchers Have Finally Ascertained Who Owned an Opulent 2500-Year-Old Tomb in France

First unearthed in 2015, research on the stunning artifacts found in a rich tomb in Lavau, France are finally coming to light. Scholars have managed to solve the mystery of the tomb’s owner and have provided some other exciting pieces of information on the rich grave goods.

Read this article here

An Introduction to Asatru by Stephen McNallen

The following is a brief introduction to Asatru given by Stephen McNallen.

Read this article here

Stay tuned tomorrow, for we shall be posting more.
Hail the gods, hail the ancestors, hail the folk!! - Heathen Howl

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Great information.

Thanks for your comment! Skal!

Asatru sounds familiar. Could that be similar to Astarte, Isthar, Isis, or Inanna? Here is a good source by Nancy Marie Brown:

Asatru is a Scandinavian term consisting of two parts: ASA referring to the Germanic Gods and Goddesses and TRU meaning faith. Thus Asatru literally means faith in the gods, although it is commonly misunderstood to mean 'true to the Aesir gods'. The faith is also referred to as Odinism or Norse Germanic Heathenry.