My Off Grid Camper In Winter Snow Storm

in off-grid •  7 years ago 

I lost my job and apartment and then moved into a camper in the winter. This is what made me who I am today.

Jan- February 2013 I lost my job and then my apartment within a month of each other. I moved into my camper in the woods during a cold winter blizzard.

During that period I had 65 watts of homemade solar panels which I had literally put together myself using broken solar cells, plywood and plexiglass. It was enough to turn on some LED lights, charge my cell phone and sometimes my laptop.

I used my cell phone as an internet device and made some videos which I uploaded to YouTube.

It was cold and harsh. I had a tiny antique Sears coal oven which was originally a laundry room heater. I had to hand cut small pieces of wood to feed into the stove in order to keep the temperature above freezing.

I made videos of my experience back then and they were a hit. People wanted to see more. They wanted to know if Troy would make it through the next day.

I had many adventures during this time and suffered quite a bit. But I kept going.

I was not going to return to the rat race anymore. I was determined to make my own way through life by reducing my bills and moving into the woods in my dilapidated camper.

I had my cat with me. Her name was Baby cat because I got her at the age of three weeks and saved her life by feeding her myself. She is my Baby. She was my companion and friend.

My land rent was only $200 at the time so I took on a part time job, just two days a week to pay the bills. My cell phone was the only other cost.

I had tons of food on hand because I was a prepper, stocking up on food during the good times for just such an emergency. I am happy that I did too.

My water supply was sketchy at best and I collected rain water off the top of my camper, filtered creek water or snow water.

I bathed in a plastic basin sort of like my family did when camping when I was little. I could get through an entire day on just one single gallon of water for my dish washing and bathing needs.

I had received the camper for free because it was badly water damaged and was literally held together by tape. It was a mess but it was my home.

The tiny wood stove had to be fed every hour or it would go out. During the night it would get very cold in that old camper. In the morning our water was often frozen and had to be thawed out.

But somehow we made it through.

I am thankful for what I went through and would not want to change a thing. I am who I am today because of these experiences.

You can watch the video here:

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The Do It Yourself World

NOTE: Through the years I have blocked some trolls on YouTube for harassing people.

They have found me here and are spreading some very horrible lies about me in hopes of turning people away.

They edit my videos and make photos in order to support their lies.

Please do not give them any credit by looking at their stuff.

Thank you

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Please ignore the trolls comments and lies below.

They try to turn people against me.

Please dont give them the credit by watching their copies of my work which they spam me with.

Well, at the very least, you generate interest, and that alone will probably help in a place like this.

Yeah, seems so. My comments are through the roof.

*Troy you are voting for yourself again*

Only to keep my comment on top to warn people of you guys.

An opinion on the Land Contract between Mrs. Marcia Wright & Troy W. Reid dated and notarized 29 July 2015.

Reid did NOT mention having a boundary survey done with stakes at the corners to verify the specific property dimensions. How would Reid know when folks were trespassing or when he encroached the neighbors land? Did he count on divine intervention from select texts in his battle bible? Allegedly handed over $15k as a down payment + $1500/month not knowing whether the land occupied was clear of any encumbrances? How did he know if Mr. Russell Wright had a wife or wives prior to Marcia, if they still held dower & courtesy rights, title and/or produced entitled heirs? If the contract was a valid one it would have contained the docket book number, block & lot numbers of land Mrs. Wright was to convey upon payment in full of the contract, until then the land was exclusively hers & obligation for taxes. Reid limited legal recourse by not paying for a title search before signing the contract devoid any knowledge of the land's history. Was it once the sight of a tannery, mine, cemetery, slaughterhouse, farm, battlefield, possible easement on the water rights such as maintenance of dams or bridges. Upon change of title designated as private forest with a reduced property tax rate it would legally require a variance to reside on the land in compliance with any/all health & building codes.

Reid was granted rights to occupy that land but not reside. Reid occupied the land with 160' long 10' wide lead paint demolished barn wood, roadside garbage, junk vehicles, rotting RV's, boats, tractors, & trailers. He failed to include the term exclusive. Troy could now legally hunt on that property complying with NY DEC regulations. Reid stepped on that land mine with both feet lamenting last year hunters were on the land illegally chasing away the deer. Marcia had every right to honor and/or revoke hunting rights granted in the past, while retaining title to the land. The timbers are specifically NOT granted to Reid & remain the exclusive right of Marcia, even the maple sap to harvest as she saw fit. It's a riddle that Reid failed to get in writing rights to use the timbers. Reid demonstrated on videos standing like a piece of dead from the neck up wood when contractors downed timbers with easement/access rights for their vehicles, under no obligation to fulfill Reid's alleged barter of timbers for gravel. Despite advertising Old Growth Firewood on the internet Reid exploited Mrs. Wright's property & her fair share of profit. Contractors were not strategically clearing timbers providing sunlight for solar panels, all profit from the timbers, are Marcia's alone.

Reid might as well have had strapped to his back a Vegas styled neon sign flashing S T U P I D. By going cheap thinking himself the more savvy of the two, certainly proved himself a six foot stack of dumb sh*t by not retaining a NY attorney to represent his interest in this first major real estate transaction. From the looks of that simple document, to wit, no educated consumer would have penned their signature.

And here is where the deceptions begin and Reid hasn't looked back.

Actually, since he abandoned the wasteland he created in Pine Bush NY 7 months ago, Reid says "You can't pin that on me".

The Do It Yourself World

NOTE: Through the years I have blocked some trolls on YouTube for harassing people.
They have found me here and are spreading some very horrible lies about me in hopes of turning people away.
They edit my videos and make photos in order to support their lies.
Please do not give them any credit by looking at their stuff.
Thank you

Again the little man lying to save his worthless lying ebegging ass.
Those you blocked simply stated fact which was contrary to your scam De Jour. It also seems you have forgotten inviting everyone from YT to join Steemit. The problem you did not count on is your faithful minions of YT are mostly illiterate and declining in number. Your Patreon account is coming up on its first birthday and shows your true number of braindead followers. 29. Good thing for family or the number would be Zero.

What year was this picture taken?

Warning to the curious visitor: Reid's disclaimer near the end of the article says "the trolls Found Me Here and are.....blah blah..."

The truth is, Reid made a video on his YouTube DIY World channel enthusiastically Inviting his viewers to come to Steemit to "have fun and help him make money".

This is one of Reid's major flaws of credibility,
not telling the absolute TRUTH.

Thrown out of your apartment??? Just because you stole hundreds of dollars of electricity for months heating your camp trailer in the woods behind the apartment building. Landlord discovered your hookup to the building and wanted to be paid. You take advantage of everyone around you, human or animal. Take, take, take you thief. Landlord NEVER was paid so of course you were thrown out, piece of shit thief.

Wow. Nice story. But you could never know such things (which are not true) because you were not there.

The real story is all no my videos though for anyone to see.

It is TRUE story. You STOLE ELECTRICITY for camper electric heater 24/7, got caught and thrown out. You screw over every one around you. You make yourself unwanted where ever you go. You always on the move cause thieving asshole and add constant LIAR SCAMMER FRAUD too.

Really? Show the evidence of this "true story" and where you got such an idea.

My camper was out in the woods, far from the apartment. Very far. There was NO power out there.

My electric bill was included in the rent.

You LIE!!!

Produce evidence or shut up!!!

People don't get thrown out in the middle of a blizzard for nothing. You had been stealing electricity for months heating your camper from the buildings electric. Did I mention that you LIE about everything!!!

Prove it!!!

Otherwise you prove you are a liar!!!

Go on. The community is waiting for you.

My story rings TRUE. You prove WHY you were thrown out of apartment during a blizzard. Why was it necessary for your landlord, apt. manager to do that?

I have already said on video.

I lost my job and was going to start making videos in my camper on YouTube.

He said that since I was going to make more money using his land I had to pay double the rent - or leave.

His words were something like "I am not going to kick you out, but you cannot afford to stay". He had a sly smile like he had me over a barrel.

I surprised him by telling him the next day that I found a place to go.

I went back to Pine Bush where I had previously lived and moved into the camper.

My rent was $200 a month for the land there.

I never missed a payment on rent at either place. All paid in full.

Its all on YouTube.

I believe them since you are the one constantly lying about your past.

Reid lies here also he actually spent the winter in a warmer climate. and had an apartment. The Camper was a prop to make his whoa is me videos in.
I think Australia and Ireland is where he vacationed that winter.
All on the money collected from little old cat ladies who fell for his con.

Isn't this about the time you started the fraudulent fund drive on Indegogo?

Give Reid $5000 and he will show you how to go off grid.

Spoiler Alert, he's still not off grid.

Was not fraudulent and nothing happened. It was a flop.

your videos always had that promise in the description- I'll show you how to live off grid for $5000. It never happened because you moaned and groaned and people thought you were on the verge of freezing to death so they started sending you equipment to help you out. You did not do it on your own.

@thediyworld. Can you demonstrate how you came up with the figure of "95" percent off grid?

How did you calculate that and how did you include each power consuming item into the equation?

@thediyworld. Can you demonstrate how you came up with the figure of "95" percent off grid?

How did you calculate that and how did you include each power consuming item into the equation?

He opens and says on his Patreon video,
Hi sorry about the glare, cant do a thing about tha!
Its from the one grid lid light FFS Turkey Brain, turn the fucker off next time!!!

In reality most of the time "the Shiftless Prepper" was running EVERYTHING by gas generator and propane heat. He wasn't even living there and would rent a room from the landlady who was fully on grid. This is fake.

He never looked back at the horde of junk he left at the landladies land. He has contempt for the land and animals, but mostly contempt of the people who helped or tried to give him kind advice. On his You Tube channel he would ban, block and shut down anyone who gave advice or opinion contrasting with what he was doing. He would confront the poster and tell his subscribers to go after the person. This happened so often that a group of disgruntled, shut down and harmed subscribers from his site formed their own web-site where they would never be blocked or censored. It's called free speech!
It's called the

Nice story. Fiction, but interesting.

The real story is in my videos.

Your videos are FICTION, LIES, FAKE DESTITUTION SCAM, CRIMINAL FRAUD, BS ENTERTAINMENT for donation of money and gifts. You are scamming conman!

Yes Troy the "story" is in your videos.
+The Truth is Troy Reflectivechick is 100% telling the Truth+

can't have it both ways idiot. You either could not live on the property because of the code violations and state law forbidding living in anything less than 800 sq ft nor can you live in an RV or camping trailer. Or you lived there against the law and now claim you did nothing ilegal. You mentioned several times you were renting a room from the landlady because you could not live on the property. So the entire living off grid was a lie or it was ilegal.

Great post!

Hope you have settled for some more comfortable living now. At least a camper that isn't held together by duct tape.


Thank you. Yes actually things steadily got better and better through the years.

I ended up getting an RV which was at least not leaking cold air.

Then built a tiny house on wheels.

Got married, moved to an 18 acre homestead in Michigan with a real house.

Recently had a baby.

We are nearly off the grid here and becoming self sufficient.

All from YouTube videos.

I never looked back :)

"We are nearly off the grid here and becoming self sufficient." Utter crap! Your garden fails year on year. Drought stricken tribes in Africa have more success than you do.

*Troy you are voting for yourself again*

Only to keep my comment on top because you guys flood the comments with garbage.

Leave and I will stop voting my comments up.

@idigit Don’t believe Troy Reid’s lies. He’s almost 100% ON-GRID, with still no working solar system installed in his dwelling. He lied about that all summer.

"He lied about that all summer." I dont think he's generated more than three days solar power in the last five years. He cant find his arse with both hands, nevermind the sun!