Winches, locks, reducers, snorkels, beadlocks ... All this is an excellent weapon to fight in the field, but for the mechanic from St. Petersburg, Alexei Garagashyan, it was still not enough. Instead of refining off-road vehicles, the Russian decided to build his own vehicle - Sherpa ATV, which today can be said to be one of the most universal vehicles in the world. Garagashyan did not follow the usual paths, deciding to create a light vehicle (1300 kg), relatively small (3.4 m long, 2.52 m wide, 2.3 m high) equipped with gargantuan wheels and a central pumping system, which allows you to drive with minimal pressure, and if necessary, instantly replenishes air in less than half a minute. The patented "oponki" are actually quite big (1600 х 600 х 25) and in addition they are characterized by an unusual, "paddle" tread, which is used to drive Sherpa ... in the water. Yes, it's not a mistake. Russian ATV handles well in difficult terrain (it has 60 cm of clearance), as well as on a frozen lake surface, in frenzied snow, mud and water. He does not drown, he can independently get out on hard ground, overcome vertical obstacles with a height of 70 cm (practically running freely through a lying trunk) and squeeze between densely growing trees.
6 years ago by karol666 (25)