10 film directors who had serious problems with justice

in offbeat •  5 years ago  (edited)
In Hollywood, and in the world the cinema in general, the actors are those who are usually found in the center of the media scandals. Accusations of ill-treatment, problems with the fiscus, fights in bars, tumultuous demands of divorce, judgments by aggressions...

If you search the Internet, you will find police photos of many actors and actresses who have had clashes with the law. 

However, it is not so common that the filmmakers who are responsible for keeping their egos at bay in the shootings are protagonists of such controversies.  

Of course there are exceptions, cases of filmmakers who have seen their careers truncated or temporarily diminished after being accused of crimes of various kinds.

10. Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll, creator of ‘’Alice in Wonderland, ‘’was criticized and questioned after admitting that his inspiration was a girl, little Alice Liddell.  

The filmmaker had a catalog of photos of girls without clothes and in somewhat inappropriate positions.  

The book “The Man Who Loved Girls”, written by Servando Roch, relates that Carroll constantly met with minors and even carried a suitcase full of toys to offer them. However, he was a religious man, strict and shy, so he never drew attention.

At his death, in 1898, the writer left a legacy of newspapers, some 700 letters and 600 photographs.  

Fifty years after his death, his biographers found that some of the material was mutilated or contained studs made by the heirs to hide the content.

9. Roman Polanski

Another of the filmmakers who have been involved in sexual scandals is Roman Polanski.

In 1977, the director was sued by a 13-year-old girl named Samantha Geimer, who accused him of sexual abuse.  In the book The Girl.  

A life in the shadow of Roman Polanski, Samantha described that the director took her to Jack Nicholson's house to do a photo shoot that was supposed to be published in Vogue magazine, but he drugged her, alcoholized and abused her.

Polanski was sentenced to almost three months in prison, but fled the country.  Thirty years later, in September 2009, he was arrested in Switzerland. 

The filmmaker settled the matter when he admitted, in 2011, that he abused the minor.  In the documentary 'Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir', the director offered an apology to Samantha Geimer: “She is a double victim: mine and the press.”

8. Victor Salva

Víctor Salva's childhood was not simple, with an absent father and an alcoholic stepfather who abused him. Nor was adolescence a path of roses, when his family kicked him out at home for 18 years because he was gay. 

However, he went ahead, and with just under 30 years, he attracted the attention of Francis Ford Coppola, who produced his first film, The House of the Clown.  

However, Salva threw away his promising career at the first exchange, being convicted of a sex crime against a 12-year-old boy who worked on this film.  

To this was added the pornography of minors that the police found in his house, for which he was sentenced to 3 years in prison (he served 15 months) and included in the list of sex offenders.  

After this scandal he again starred in a controversy by directing Powder for Disney and subsequently achieved success with the Jeepers Creepers saga.

7. jafar Panahi

Jafar Panahi is an example of perseverance and love of cinema despite the obstacles and adversities he has encountered in his career. 

The Iranian director was accused by his country of "acting against national security and propaganda against the State", and consequently he was banned from making films.  

Since 2009, Panahi has been banned from leaving his country and in 2010, after spending 88 days in jail, he was sentenced to 20 years of disqualification to make movies or give interviews. 

However, the winning filmmaker of the Golden Bear has refused to abide by the orders of his country and since his conviction was pronounced, he has been shooting movies clandestinely.

In a statement to the Berlinale organization, the Iranian made the following statements: "I am a filmmaker. I don't know how to do anything other than movies. Nothing can stop me. 

And the more they have pushed me to the farthest corners, the more I have connected with  my interior. Cinema as art has become my main concern. And I will continue making films to feel alive."

6. Nate Parker and Jean Celestin

Nate Parker and his co-writer Jean Celestin were accused of raping a student in 1999 when they both shared a room at Penn State University.  Parker was acquitted in 2001 and Celestin was sentenced to six months in prison, which was overturned by the appeals court after his accuser, whose identity was never revealed, refused to testify again. 

The case returned to the media in 2012, when it was revealed that the victim committed suicide in a detoxification center. 

With the premiere of the movie "Birth of a Nation", Parker and Celestin were placed as favorites for the Oscar 2017, however, every chance of success was shot down with the statements of Sharon Loeffer, the victim's sister, to the magazine  Variety

Sharon called the idea of ​​including a scene of sexual assault in the film "perverse."

"I think it is terrible and perverse that Parker and Celestin include a fictional scene of rape and that Parker plays the role of a hero who comes that aggression," said Sharon Loeffler.

5. Bryan Singer

The director of the saga 'X-Men' starred in one of the most popular sex scandals in recent Hollywood.  

In 2014, a few weeks after the premiere of 'X-Men: Days of the Future Past', actor and former child model Michael Egan accused Singer of abusing him in 1999, when he was 15, at one of the organized parties  in mansions around this and other prominent Hollywod figures. 

In them, according to their statements, the actors were violated in exchange for the promise of a role in the cinema.

In August of that same year, Egan, abandoned by his lawyers and with his credibility diminished, withdrew the lawsuit against Singer.  

In 2015 he was accused of fraud for an unrelated issue and sentenced to two years in prison.  

However, the damage against the director, who decided not to attend the promotional activities of the 'X-Men' movie, was already done. 

It should be clarified that, despite the accusations and the debate about sexual abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood that unleashed, Singer's criminal record remains blank.

4. Randall Miller

In 2015, Randall Miller became the first director to receive a prison sentence for a death during a shoot. 

Miller pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter, after being accused of the death of his camera assistant, Sarah Jones, hit by a train during the filming of the (incomplete) film 'Midnight Rider', biography about rocker Gregg Allman.

Miller, who also pleaded guilty to illegally accessing a restricted area to carry out filming, received a two-year sentence between bars, and ten for disqualification as a director or supervisor in any type of filming. 

The director was released after serving a year in prison.

3. Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock had a reputation as arrogant and misogynist. He loved being loved, and being the center of attention in all conversations. 

As for women, I felt a predilection for the 'Nordics' because I considered them mysterious and frivolous. One of those 'Nordic' actresses is actress Tippi Hedren, discovered by the famous filmmaker.

Hedren says he was harassed and treated cruelly by the suspense master during the two films he made for him.

In her memoirs, the 86-year-old actress says that the director of "Psycho" entered several times and put her hands on him.  "It was sexual, it was perverse."

He also noted that during the filming of the second film, Hitchcock asked the makeup department to make a copy of his face for him to have. 

Despite the contract, after his nightmare with the director, Hedren did not want to return to work with Hitchcock, who died in 1980.

2. Woody Allen

Woody Allen was accused by his adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, of abusing her as a child. 

In 2014, in a blog of 'The New York Times', Farrow published a letter in which he reported the sexual abuse he suffered from his father.

"When I was seven years old, Woody Allen took me by the hand and led me to a dark attic on the second floor of our house.

He told me to lie on my stomach and play with my brother's electric train. Then he abused me  sexually. 

He talked to me while he did it, whispering to me that I was a good girl, that that was our secret and he promised me that we would go to Paris and become a movie star, "he said in the letter.

The same year the letter was published, Woody Allen married his other adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn.

1. Harvey Weinstein

The newspaper, The New York Times and The New Yorker magazine uncovered the history of sexual harassment allegedly perpetrated for decades by Weinstein, one of Hollywood's best-known and most powerful producers, co-founder with his brother Bob de Miramax and The Weinstein Company.  

After the revelations were known, the Hollywood Academy issued a statement to reject the "disgusting" and "abominable" attitude of the producer.

The list of actresses and models who suffered Weinstein's abuses has not stopped growing in recent days and, among the victims, is Angelina Jolie, who in the late '90s, during the release of the tape "Playing with  the heart, "he rejected the producer in a hotel room.  

In recent hours, actress Eva Green has also said that she had to escape from the producer when she tried to attack her in a hotel room, the scenario that Weinstein used for her aggressions, according to the testimony of the victims that have come to light. days.  

The list of actresses and models who suffered Weinstein's abuse now reaches 40.

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