Offense taken, or not!

in offense •  6 years ago 

Many, I have noticed, appear to strive to offend others by belittling, insulting, or hurting them in some way or another. It usually emanates from the less endowed or, more lowly members of society. I quite often used to take offense and respond in the expected manner which too, usually was of an offensive nature; this never once resolved anything. I since have learned that the best way to deal with an offensive word or deed is to make as if it did not occur. This more often than not diffuses the offender and his little shenanigan, leaving him at a loss for words and feeling like a right nunu. That's how I was taught and it works. I now tread very lightly when entering any such conflict creating discussions or debate. Some say it's the cowards way out but I disagree-it takes extreme discipline and self control to achieve and invariably also makes for a far better chance at reconciling or, repairing and healing, the relationship afterwards, if there ever was one in the first place. If there was not, it leaves a far more positive chance of building one later. Try it next time when someone is trying very hard to offend you and see the results.

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Thanks Karl