We finally found some property

in offgrid •  last year 

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Hi y'all! I know I haven't been very consistent in posting for a while. My life has kind of been up in the air after selling my house in the city. I've had to deal with issues with custody of children after selling the house which has taken a lot of my time. That and an extremely tough winter for those of us up here in the inland northwest made it hard to make progress and even harder to post.

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Since the weather has warmed I've been able to get outside more and get things done. Playing catch up and traveling the area looking at countless properties and making decisions on which one to buy made it hard to find time with the limited internet I have at my current location.


The good news is that is all changing in the next week or two. Simon and I found a property for us and our families. We stuck to our wants for a property that included water(creek or pond), bordering state or timber land and having good sun exposure for growing food and solar.


The property we got was way over priced and people laughed at the offer we made but we had a plan and used logic in making our offer. The great news is it was accepted and we have owned the property for almost 2 weeks now.

In that time we have bee trying to figure out where to put structures while trying to save as many of the trees in this densely forested property as we could.
I'll be updated fairly regularly now as we have decent internet access on the property and I'll be relocating there in the next week or so myself. I can't wait to show you all what we are doing and trying in this off grid adventure.


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