Off-page search engine optimization technology to build your website ’s reputation and visibilitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in offpagesearchengine •  5 years ago 

You have optimized your website content and followed all these best practices to maximize your attractiveness to search engines ... what's next? Implementing a truly complete SEO strategy means going beyond the scope of your own website and also participating in off-page search engine optimization.

Search engine ranking is not only based on the merits of your own website; it is also a popular contest. Off-page SEO includes enhancing your digital reputation and authority by obtaining backlinks and reputation verification placements on the web. Search engines strive to connect information searchers with content they consider valuable, and these off-page factors indicate that there is a world where your website and content are useful and worth recommending. In other words: search engines want their users to come back and quickly point them to the relevant information they need is a golden ticket-your goal is to make them do the job as easily as possible.

To this end, here are seven specific techniques for building links and increasing your site ’s reputation from the perspective of off-page search engine optimization:

Link building technology

Although obtaining links from other websites helps confirm the relevance and authority of your brand in the eyes of search engines, not all backlinks are created equal. The search engine views the link to the external site as a suggestion, and the reputation of the linked site informs the weight of the link. In this case, effective link building means not only earning backlinks, but also high-quality links.

Search engines assign their value to links based on several factors, including the overall permissions of the linked site and the number of backlinks on the site-usually, sites with good off-page search engine optimization provide more important recommendations. Links also bring more value. These pages come from pages that are more relevant to the linked content, brand, and industry, and also benefit when the anchor text of the link is relevant.

To evaluate a website and choose a valuable goal for your backlink work, check the website's website traffic Baidu ranking can provide a useful indicator of its influence.

1) Visitor blogs establish links and your reputation

Successfully placing customer blog posts on an influential website is a very effective method to improve off-page search engine optimization. Most visitor blogging opportunities allow you to add one or two links to your website, which also helps build your reputation in the eyes of a versatile search engine. To identify visitor blog opportunities, please investigate authoritative websites and / or related topics in your industry (find such websites through your own research or through tools). In addition, reveal where competitors are active, and check the ranking of websites that share the same audience. Once you determine which target sites overlap the audience you want and have a ranking that makes it worthwhile, please contact you.

2) Convert existing brand mentions into links

If your brand has reached a certain level of success, you may have received mentions of your brand, products, or other company information on influential websites other than customer blogging. If this is the case, it is worth searching for these mentions and reaching out to ask if a link has been added (or updated to point to the correct or latest content you posted).

3) Help other sites to repair broken links

The link is a bit short-the site changes the link structure or goes offline, and the URL address stops working. After identifying promising targets, please contact the relevant website to help them understand the broken link (and provide possible alternative links to your own website).

4) If your competitors have links, you can usually

In addition to guest blogs, your competitors may successfully participate in articles, industry roundups, catalogs, etc. These are usually mature goals for your own off-page SEO efforts. Identify competitors ’active locations and strive to achieve similar placements where possible.

Reputation building technology

Not all methods of enhancing off-page search engine optimization are focused on link building. Follow these additional best practices and earn the trust of search engines by boosting your digital reputation:

5) Really build your business directory and social media profile

After creating a website, building a business directory and social media profile is the next most important step in establishing a digital foothold. This means making sure that your business and your website appear on directory search and major social media platforms (depending on your business, this may include Baidu Encyclopedia, etc.). Brick and mortar businesses should also create a Baidu My Business page to display rich results in searches. When calculating the reputation of a website, search engines will not only notice these placements, but also provide opportunities to add links.

6) Use social media marketing

Although social media metrics such as liking and sharing have not been confirmed and directly affect off-page search engine optimization, the indirect advantages are too compelling to pass. Developing social media presence will definitely build your brand reputation and authority; doing so can also win your brand communicator, thereby increasing the coverage of your content and ultimately increasing the traffic of your website-this is definitely a contributor to SEO improvement . To this end, create sharable content, encourage sharing by including sharing buttons, and actively maintain your presence in key social channels.

7) Connect your reputation with influencers

Industry influencers closely related to your market-as well as other brands that make sense as a strategic partner-can enhance your own reputation through associations. To make the most of this technology, please invite influencers ( no need to be celebrities! ) To share your content and play an active role in marketing your brand. This can improve your off-page search engine optimization by adding traffic, mentions and permissions to your website, while also introducing your brand to the new audience you want to reach.

When using these off-page search engine optimization techniques, it is important to closely monitor website metrics to understand their effectiveness and adjust strategies as needed. Combined with successful page search engine optimization, these methods will make your website's reputation flourish.

Off-page SEO techniques

Nowadays, SEO becomes more and more difficult, and search engines have released many algorithm updates, and many websites have lost rankings. These are some off-page SEO techniques that you should stop using today. These technologies may have a negative impact on your website ranking. Here are six SEO techniques you should stop doing.

What is OFF-Web Search Engine Optimization?

Off-page is SEO, short for the term "off-site SEO". Basically, the off-page search engine optimization technology is an operation that we perform outside the website, the purpose is to improve the ranking in the search engine.

Here, I divide the SEO on the next page into three parts.

  1. Link building.

  2. Social media marketing or SMM.

  3. Mention the tagging of your name on other websites without hyperlinks.

    Is OFF-page SEO important, why?

    Many SEO experts say: "Backlinks are not important for ranking better in Google SERPs."

This is half correct and half incorrect. Don't be confused. This is something.

This statement is correct when you target a focused keyword with low competition or low keyword difficulty. In this case, if you provide high-quality content and excellent page optimization, your page will be easily ranked without many backlinks.

However, in the case of highly competitive keywords, page optimization and high-quality content alone cannot solve the problem. Here, you will need many high-quality links to your website.

If you are starting a new website, focus on long-tail keywords that are less competitive. Once your new website ranks well, you will automatically get high-quality backlinks. Only in this way, you can focus on highly competitive keywords.

Bing's worst out-of-page SEO technique on backlinks

1. Directory submission.

A few years ago, when the Google algorithm was not smart enough, this was a great off-page SEO technique. Now that Google algorithms have become more intelligent, directory submission is just a waste of time.

Web directory submission sites involves dangers that you may still not know about. According to a survey conducted by Moz on 2,678 directories, 20% of them were punished / prohibited by Google.

Being banned by Google means that your website links on these sites will damage your SERP rankings.

Directory submission sites now have high spam scores because many low-quality sites with low spam scores are submitted in these directories. Google quality assessors also recommend that you stop submitting directory submissions as an off-page strategy.

Today, more than 50% of free web directories have been de-indexed by Google.

This means that if you search for web directories, you will not find 50% of those directories.

2. Article submission.

Google also does not recommend this method. Now, this 0ff page technology is no longer relevant.

This is a great way to increase article popularity and increase article traffic. But this is not a good way to get backlinks from websites. This is the reason why the article submission directory is incorrect.

Article submission sites sometimes publish articles and spam that are not well written by random authors. Using this approach will reduce the permissions of the article directory page.

Articles published on many sites contain duplicate content from unknown authors.

As a result, the Google algorithm detected untrue sources of these article directories. So Google indexed these article directories. It is best not to use these articles.

3. Bookmark Submission:

Social Bookmarking Sites is another Off-Page SEO Techniques to create backlinks for your website, blog or business. So, if your site is bookmarked, this is an extra opportunity to increase real organic traffic", and "grow audience engagement for your websites, Blog or Business".

4. Classified Submission

Classified Submission sites is a procedure where you are making the world aware about your business and services. It contains off page SEO process business awareness and website promotion locally & nationally.

5. Image submission

Image sharing sites in SEO is referred to as the submission of the unique and quality of images on different image submissions sites. It is a part of the off-Page SEO technique that is used to generate relevant and high-quality links. We leave images on the submission sites that are related to our business websites. In image submission, we should select an accurate title, description, alt text, and tags. While sharing High quality and relevant image one should keep one thing in mind that is to attract the right audience for the business. For this one should create a good title, description and relevant tags, these are the important steps while uploading images.

6. Business Listing

A business listing sites is a public profile that contains a business' vital information such as name, address, number, website, hours of operation, and more. They act as a “virtual doorway” to local businesses, and can (and should) be found across hundreds of online listings and directory sites across the web.

7. Document Sharing Sites

Document sharing sites are one type of websites where we can submit documents in pdf formats. Document sharing is one of the off-page activity in SEO. You can create a document and upload it to free document sharing sites.

8. Guest posting

Guest Posting Sites” means writing and publishing an article on someone else's website or blog. I offer this on my own site (occasionally) and do it quite a bit on other blogs with audiences that I want to speak to. It's a great way to connect with new readers and get your name out.

9. PDF submission

PDF submission means when you write a content and save that content in PDF file format and after that you publish the same file or content on PDF submission websites then this is called PDF submission in SEO.

10. Buy and sell backlinks

According to Google Webmaster Guidelines, buying and selling backlinks is called black hat SEO. Buying and selling backlinks is a very risky technique.

It ’s only a matter of time before Google grabs your website ’s purchase link. Do n’t do this. Google will penalize your site and you will lose all rankings and domain name ratings. This is a better way to establish an SEO strategy.

Getting rid of Google ’s punishment is a heavy task. Remember: Do not buy or sell backlinks. Use SEO language and use central keywords as a security strategy.

11. Private Blog Network (PBN)

Google does not appreciate this technology. For those who do n’t know PBN, PBN is a group of blogs or websites that you control, which link to your main website. Say it again: no.

Manual operation ranking penalties

In detail, consider that you have five websites that are linked to your main website in order to rank in Google SERP. This is also a good way to get you punished by Google. Google strictly prohibits the use of PBN to obtain rankings.

12. Link exchange

Google doesn't like websites that promote link exchange. What type of link establishment does Google call link exchange?

Links made in the way of "link to me, I will link back to you" are called link exchanges. Cross-linking or link exchange is a good strategy, but Google does not recommend excessive link exchange and cross-linking.

Minimize crosslinking. After a careful planning, it can benefit your website-but too much cross-linking will be burned. It is best not to cross-link.

13. Comment on spam on the blog

If you use reviews as a referral source for your website, it may help you. If some blog comments are related to the blog they are reading, it will attract referral traffic to their website or blog.

However, if you try to get an SEO ranking through reviews, it is a waste of time. Nearly 99% of the links in the comment section are marked as "don't follow". You will not get any links from the remaining links in the comments section of the article or blog. Google will not follow the link.

Deleting links in other blogs in order to establish links is called comment spam.

No-follow tags have been introduced so that Google can reduce the number of spam comments.

You can comment and provide relevant links that may be useful to readers. Try to build good follow-up links without attention.

Remember: March 1, 2020-Google will start treatment without follow-up contact as a reminder. "Tips" means that Google has the opportunity to crawl these links.

In conclusion

The way to make the best website possible is to follow Google ’s rules for the website. You do n’t want to end with Google punishment.

For maximum success, follow the rules and appropriate off-page SEO techniques suggested here-and skip using strategies that may negatively affect your website and company.

Your SEO efforts are successful!

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