
in offtopic •  3 years ago  (edited)


closest thing i'll get in a while to having three dancing naked women in the bedroom LLLOOOL

I see the math around me make less sense by the day - getting the impression the thinkers and planners have been at it for too long, without a break, standing in the middle so they dont even see it anymore and they're stuck in a loop.

Frontliners can go on auto until they literally drop dead if they choose to do so. Planners and thinkers who get stuck in a loop and try to force reality to their last resort is bad news.

Come winter i'll be stuck in the house with two other people. ATM its just me and the cat, it couldnt be more safe, then its me and two others, me who is foolly JnJ'd for 60% against delta, the other two who will be past their six-month moratorium for their first vaccine round, double jabbed and all inclusive. I see things going from jab 2 = safe, to 3 to 4 to oz to prepare for a life of boosters, i see shit going from kids cant get it (no one bothered checking in the first year did they ?) to WE NEED TO GET THESE under12yo's shot up faas, i see buffaloze move from 70% to 80 to 90 to WE NEED THEM ALL and its saved !

but i see hospitals to the brim, ICUs having to choose and healthcare personnel burning out, the only good thing is the current shots preventing fast death and severity but whoever still believes it stops transmission is lying to themselves SO


might as well add some style

I was looking for something but no money and now ... i come across this : the price of 3 pizzas delivered to home (thats INC VAT, yo bish !) .. its like 10% of what you would pay if you bought it here, all vats included - on top of that its not even flimsy or thick paper, its woven vinyl, its strong, its flexible, its probably washable .. its in short


The motif with three dancing witches (at least thats what i see) no clue what its called, no clue who the artist is but the print is in one word :


four sheets, one roll actually i had to get lil' Stanley out (boxcutter i think its called in english) and since im not a construction worker plasterer and the house is over 50 years old ...

the wall aint really straight as it should be so , in waiting for me to educate me on youtube i just did a quick "pin&duct tape" job to see if it fits and boy it is


to put this seamless will take me quite some time, but since the vinyl(nylon?) stretches it should be possible although im in dubio on wether im actually gonna glue it to the wall.

If it were my house and my life and id have my money and didnt get stuck back here (due to circumstances im done talking about and actually pointless too) i could like call up cousin one or two, design me a nice frame in blender and ask if they wanted to woodwork their woodworkery for the right friendly family price, and put it all up the way it should be or living where i would like to live, find me someone with an industrial 3d printer, design my frame in blender and take it to the bridge lol ...

BUT ...

kunst- en vliegwerk dus

i expect the winter to be long but to me thats zero problem , i can do this for 20 years, i dont need humans anymore - coming from "studies social work back to school" to this ... but i dont

they made sure of that

i could be that guy from the road (movie) and still not miss em, as long as i have my cat (and internet although that would be hard after the atomic EMP i suppose)

I mean giving up is not an option anyway, got shit to do and if not for that at the very least i want to see the world that fucked my life crumble, its the least they can do to apologize ... (we also accept seppuku btw ... its the honourable thing)

And surviving it, even if it gets to the endgame is not really the problem, unless you're stuck in a place where the common denominator defines your factor of survivalchance b/c you cant avoid contact (with the denominator/people)

NZ proves that very well, if it werent for the lockdown partyers they might even get down to zero. This thing drives on behaviour after all, THAT's why its a virus to the system, not actually the genetics. It uses human behaviour to spread and there's no vaccine for 150.000 years of evolution (give or take depending on how cro magnon you consider the current state of humans to be)

Control that and its under control, the one place on earth to show for it, release it and its game over again, Oz for instance .. others, no telling what things are in north korea ofcourse, china, russia

africa colours like theres nothing but they catch that up well with local warfare and inter-genocide don't they ?

humans ...

whats not to like ...

so ... any behangers around with tips on how to plaster this to a 50 year old wall in a house thats falling apart i'll take it, otherwise i guess im gonna expand on one skillset i dont have yet in the coming weeks ... plenty of time, and i suppose there will be more.

Governments dont seem to understand that if you subtract everything from everything you will never get a positive number ... THAT i still remember since, even if i dont have a hi school degree so im REALLY stupid they taught me that in kiddie school 0 minus lots = less ... upping taxes while stopping aid with broken supply lines - the culmination of 200 years of an economic system that stopped working when the colonial era ended ...

but they did stick to the system

  • right

i posted it b/c this fall unders #arts and #crafts , #dyi and #creativity

not about to give a dissertation on politics, the human psycho and behavioural psychology regarding the bear in the cave projected to iPeds in 2021

its behaviour, behaviour drives this

behaviour can stop this, but at THIS point, its a wait and see question mark

we believe it could have been stopped in its tracks in the first three months

but wuhan was far away ...

new year will bring wisdom - ... common sense is your friend

vaccines wont kill you most of the time (lol?) but if you're with lots of people lots of times its probably better to do than to not to, even if im opposed to experimenting myself - i felt like i didnt have a choice since ill be stuck in close quarters with two people here. If it werent for that i would have NEVER taken it before i had more data and DEFINITELY NOT JnJ with the "we protect 60% from delta" (which they said one week after i got the shot after asking for pfizer for 3 months but "YOU CANT CHOOSE, IF WE LET YOU CHOOSE THERE WILL BE CHAOS"

now we'll see about that


i was gonna just show off my cool non-tacky supersexy michelangelan rubenswitches bedroom wallpaper

turns out its about #covid again, tsk ...

o ya, id like to just add the masks in the gif are masks from feb/march/april 2020 , i only use kn95 and an ffp3 for indoors now (not the cheapest but i have severe braindamage-o-phobia until proven otherwise)

for the record, and btw

i am NOT telling anyone what to do, i know people who dont get shot up, i dont tell them to

i dont think they drive it, i think its the vaxxed socializers AND the nonvaxxed socializers since , since delta thats just how it is

its them who run the risk , if they choose to do so thats their prerogative, i got enough on my head not to get into that cesspool of spiralling debate as well

the only thing : if you make decisions : make sure you're not deciding for someone else while you do

thats part of my credo - ... its not always practical

if i were a practical being, id be on my fourth wife in a composite family with 1.2 kids on the other three, paying of my tenth car and second or third house, stuck in a deskjob way below my capability b/c its belgium and you stick to your caste and i wasnt born with daddy money

but im not

im nutballs

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Great choice of wall papering I didn't realise it was so massive, like that it's not paper but made of rubber like this it will surely last better. I haven't seen these for sale anywhere I wonder where one can find such decorations. I guess it will do until you make your fortunes and have 3 real witches.


made in china, man :)

light in the box i think - i can check the mails if you like

they sell those here but its about 400-500 euros or more and thats something half the size and i betcha fiver they are just the same "made in china" too

this was like €60 or something (VAT included) , a bargain :)

'ere ->

this should get you started, but its google so its gonna be 90% links to amazon ... i have some kind of extension that actually removes all search results that link to amazon ... the internet suddenly looked different lol

Haha made in china duh I should have expected that but wow $500 on some that's crazy. Everybody is spamming their amazon affiliate links so I'm sure the internet would look different without them. Thanks.

you're welcome :)

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

yes they make a relaxing backdrop
very cool :)))

mwell ... if i had my 100m² cube with the garden on top and a glass ceiling for a bedroom roof id be decorating a little more ..

this just happened to be cheap , and it is cool , right, not even tacky


that looks a tad beyond my current budget

maybe just a little but you never know :)))
