Slowgress is Progress

in offtopic •  3 years ago  (edited)

even if the noise in thirdspace is back to pre-pandemic levels (by which dont mean the decibels b/c for some quaint reason the decibels are less than what one would expect now everything is loose ... either all real men and brave children caught long covid, or the long road home made them lazy or ... they kinda like it OR ... they skurrrd and dont believe anything anymore until they see it with their own eyes ...

or maybe its more than just-ice virus

ha lol yes, justice-virus ... that

possible too



we have many people inside but mister handy isnt one of them - well there's always a way and improv usually finds one but when it comes to the finesse of a die-hard 24/7 handyman

its just not in the genes, however, ... without perfax, glue , brushes and the whole room plastered, removing the wallpaper, sandpapering everything filling up the holes, and replastering so theres no bulges in it larger than the

oppai (grijns)

of my last girlfriend

without any of that and 10 metres of double-sticky tape

we are somewhat pleased with the result so far

at €60 even to ourselves it seemed like worth experimenting, ... we personally expect a

well , an interesting winter at the very least, probably more than the summer even has been ... whatever that turns out to be

it wont be eventless but there might be ample roomtime


much is about the presentation, if you go up close it aint all that, but the room is usually never fully lighted and if you just pass by it probably wouldnt show much either ...


well theres more light than that but thats just testing with one solar led ...



in the end

no one ever comes there but me and the cat

if this is nsfw btw , its not where i live ... then i suppose michelangelo and plenty of others would be heresy too , i tried to put my feed "no kids" b/c the language in american doesnt exist here either

and i know how sensitive they can get, not just them ....

plenty of people around the world

it would be a lot easier if you didnt empower words to the part where they get energized like prayers and just stuck to the message included



no heavies, cant be about the taliban, covid, mu, R.1, a cartel war coming to a city near you, inflation, amazon getting one million peoples food per minute and other #funstuff, ...

so ... le moi

used to be human btw at one time


the kid

they killed the kid so he never grew up and forever a ghost and forever young stuck in janes onderground with the rest of us

Well i thought i was but i quickly learned i wasnt and only decades after they started telling me i am .. a bit too late now lol

marked out the girls eyes since, even as childhood friends today you never know , censored will sue for €50 if they think you got €60 ... (i doubt it , but just , i hear its common practice and good manners to do so)


oh, apparently the cycle went wrong ...(??!?) on the site, fixed


eeeh, now gotta check the error logs ... bem



another 5 second post like who gives a censored-



hyea .. sabotage probably its generic ... or a server fault .. sigh not that it matters with no registrants ) its #justforfun after all

see ?

ed : Thats €5 , make that €500 in the swear jar and two earfulls , report by 8:30 wearing barb wire

oh .. an imaginary girlfriend in the harem who handels al the p.r. and marketing since every single one of us censors at that ... no matter what anyone says, its not an acquired skill unless you want mediocre

gud then ....

our 5 cents for the

o, 25 cents for the day

one kWh .. ? (ah no is +60% now)


62,5% of one kWh ...

so i can bake some eggs, thanks guys :D


the site has atm 23 loaders which cycle daily at maintenance (which is something by syntax error in memoriam of everyquest 1 , it made players sleep or censors would probably die like that starcraft guy, thats how hardcore the crowd was for that one

and since it was supposed to be a game

we decided #justforfun to make use of the cycle

and for some reason it didnt put the file in place

loaders are only available on the day they are and thats (atm) a random process

AlleyCat would like 500, but Syntax and Zero think 250 is plenty by 2050 ...

ofcourse ... on the off chance we find 200 million (like the government does with billions, weve been looking for that place but its apparently a state secret ... but they always seem to find it - and what does in 1/3rd round of funding ... its a topsy world ...

things are still possible


but first the winter (not dewinterontwitter, o, they're gonna do their own app so tek-6 wont censor anything anymore, twast to be expected and it wont be the last one ... manu dure (or whats it called) usually ends up in dispersion, not solution)

so now you wont even know what they're saying ... but to you out of sight is gone, right ?

"sir" ?

right nevermind, just some character acting that flopped out

carry on

nothing to see here
well ... some voluptuous wallpapers ... but thats about it

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