in oftsad •  7 years ago  (edited)

I am starting this challenge.

The challenge is simple steemians;
- try to get at least one person to join steemit each day for the next 7 days.
- create a post (on steemit) on the day you start with first tag as 'oftsad'
- Add daily comments to your 'oftsad' post on blogging/vlogging how well it goes.

This will help each steemian grow the community.
Also help you communicate the concept of steemit better with practice.
Will be interesting seeing challenges/experiences people have whiles sharing steemit with their friends.

I am hoping that whales pick up this challenge and upvote anyone who completes an oftsad.
Encourage your 'ofttsad babies' (people you sign on through this challenge) to comment on your oftsad post to confirm you actually introduced them to steemit with this challenge.
I know their validation of account takes some days but all the same they could type "ofsad@parentusername" (example my baby will type 'oftsad@michaelaffare') as a comment to this post.

Sometimes I am sure I may get more than one person to sign on, other times I may not get anyone at all. But let's all try this challenge and see how much it will grow the oftsad

steemit has greater potential than we have yet seen.
Would be great to have your friends and family benefit from this as well.

Let's go viral with oftsad!!!
I am starting with this post.

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day 1; oftsad

It was really easy today.
I simply talked to my work colleague about it and helped in sign up. He is pending approval

username will be @nanasei

can't wait to have in on steemit

day 2; oftsad

today I have spoken to a good number of my friends.
These people are the ones I interact with on daily bases.

Having them on the platform would make interactions more personal and meaningful.

Must of these friends are looking into steemit. Hoping to have them join soon enough

day 3; oftsad

I told several several friends about steemit through whatsapp.

It was lovely!!, the response was great.
I have a whatsapp group that has 5 people pending approval.

(cant wait to welcome them)

day 4;

I joined a group that is aiming at inviting 3000 people to