Oil Prices Crash. Are Stocks and Crypto NEXT?

in oil •  5 years ago  (edited)

When one of the most useful commodities trades in the negatives to where they will pay you to take it away you have to wonder what market is the next to collapse.

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Stocks were already down much this year and recovered bit but I think earnings seasons is going kill many of them again.

At some point I think the market will somewhat balance itself. There are so many companies out there with no earnings. At some point when times are tough people will gravitate away from that I feel like but who knows.

The last recession I mainly focused on buying stocks with good earnings and a solid dividend and then sold covered calls. I might get back into that this time around after we fall a lot further. I might put $1000 towards way out of the money put options because I feel like everything is so over priced right now.

I'm thinking of looking at it after mid October.
Ready for buy in December and go away in May.

Exactly.....if history replays itself compounded by the pandemic you would think the summer would be a pretty big dip