Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued... Syrian Op Exposed.

in oil •  6 years ago 

ETOAQ  Syrian Op Exposed.

A tweet from Papadopoulos brings up the energy business in Israel.  He thinks that the US and UK wanted to spy on Israel through him.  Killing two birds with one stone possibly.  But there is some fire with the smoke.  Lets look at the Oil and Gas business in the war zones.  Russian NG lines work their way through E Ukraine to E Europe and then to W Europe.  Conflict in Ukraine stops that flow of NG and the return of wealth to Russia.  Obama's policy wanted this.

Remember Q talks of a 16 year plan to pit the US vs Russia in a false flag trigger event caused by nucs made in Iran or NK with US uranium that was supposed to go to Russia.  All they needed was Hillary to win in '16 to finish the last 8 years.

Note who was involved in the Pro Russian Ukrainian policy?  Paul Manafort and Tony Podesta.  Who is going to jail now?  The Bush and Obama Administrations wanted conflict in Ukraine stopping Russian NG from freely going into W Europe.

Interestingly, it looks like the Clinton's were keeping their options open since the Podesta's did some work for them.  Initially it looked like they were backing whoever looked like they were going to win.  Flexible.  Have fingers in all pies.

What action did Russia take?  Baltic undersea lines to Germany.  Another NG line proposed to go through Turkey.  Who are our weak links in Nato?  Seems Germany and Turkey.  This is a side issue for now.  But it could blow up NATO for good later.

What NG would replace the Russian source?  There are three.  1st a large NG source discovered under the Persian Gulf split between Iran and Gulf emirates.  Each has a pipeline west being planned and or being built.  Russia supports the Iranian route.

Obama creates ISIS to stop that Iranian route through Iraq and Syria.  Israel supports this move because they want to develop an NG supply located under the Golan.  This is a third source of NG to replace Russian NG.

But Obama is supporting the Emirate/Saudi route through Saudi, Jordanian and Syrian territory.  This only works if there is regime change in Syria.  Israel is in support of this plan as it allows them to lock done the Golan for their NG stash.

But Israel does not want the other pipelines either, so they run an operation to keep the region in chaos.  So you have four factions on European NG supplies. 1. Russia with two routes, 2. Russia & Iran, 3. Emirates/Saudi/US plan and 4. Israel.

Faction 1 helps break up NATO.  Faction 2 allows Russian NG to pass this direction too by connecting to the Iranian pipeline network, but is primarily Iranian sourced.  Deep State supports faction 3.  And faction 4, Israel is the wild card.

If, as Q states, Saudi money owns many western politicians, then you can see why our foreign policy was set up as it was under Bush and Obama.  Israel seems to be playing their own game.  And as such does lay credence to Papadopoulos's claim.  

Enter Trump. He goes to Nato and exposes faction 1.  Germany is dealing behind NATO's back with Russia.  As is Turkey.  Going after ISSIS seems to be going after faction 3 and supports faction 2.  Could this be his fig-leaf to IRAN to get reform there?  You bet.  Russia consolidating power in Syria closes that air corridor to Iran from Israel. Helping Trump. Iraq in the Iranian political sphere closes that air route into Iran from Israel.  Last, Proxy war in Yemen needs fixed to assuage Saudi.

Would security from Israel make Iran play ball?  US and Russian efforts look to be creating the buffer necessary.  Now will Iran give up their proxy war in Yemen to be protected from Israel?  Saudi needs a victory. And Israel needs dealt in too.

So there are some unresolved issues, but Syria is getting solved.  Russia will be the ultimate kingmaker as to which pipeline gets to go into Syria, faction 2.  Iran wins, Russia wins, US and Saudi win if Yemen is fixed.  Yemen is the loser here IMO. 

So faction 2 wins and the US gets a real deal with Iran.  Russia gains a partial west exit for some of their NG to add to their other routes and when this is all over do not be surprised if faction 3 pipeline ends up going through Jordan and Israel.

Israel?  You bet.  The cost of NG is about to come way down.  Hurting the Deep State, but if peace comes to the region it helps the world [but hurts the deep state again.]  It may be the cost to guarantee Israel and Saudi participation.   If Israel cannot  annex all of that Golan NG then they will need to be brought into the deal with faction 3.  This is why you see some movement on resolving the Palestinian issue  since all sides benefit if this is fixed.  Big picture folks.

If the funding of the PLA [and other factions] dries up then they will deal.  Trump knows this, this is why Jerusalem has our embassy now.  He believes that everything can be linked together.  Lets hope he is right.  WWG1WGA

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