Dakota Access Pipeline Leaks 84 Gallons Of Oil!! Found Article

in oilspill •  8 years ago 

It's what the protesters were on about for the No Dakota Access Pipeline Movement!!

Here is the article - http://nativelove.us/dakota-access-pipeline-confirms-fears-leaks-84-gallons-of-oil-on-sacred-land.html


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Good thing it leaked into the containment area with a special lining which prevented it from actually contaminating any soil or water.


Need to stay up on all this to further the movement!

Our lawsuit challenging this Project is ongoing and it's more important then ever for the court to step in and halt additional accidents before they happen, and 17 million people whose drinking water is at risk.
This is very important things in new genaration and future world.thank you so much @havok777 sharing it.GOD BLESS YOU.