According to the OITC and Urantia Book this is Jesus. Who is Michael of Nebadon?

in oitc •  6 years ago  (edited)

ATON/Sovereign of the Local Universe of Nebadon

The Many Hats of Christ Michael, Sovereign of the Local Universe of Nebadon - Channeled by Candace Frieze

Christ Michael: Back during the “First Coming”, when I embarked on a joint-incarnation with Jesus/Esu-Sananda, I did indeed experience the sorrow of the peoples of this Planet, very first hand, experientially. When I left that incarnation, on the Cross, I not only took my required rapid Ascension journey, as described in The Urantia Book to sit at the Right Hand of the Father, I stayed in the Central Universe for a time to review what I had observed in person. In my good conscience I could not let this Planet go, nor could I put its care into the hands of another, and delegate the work.

I knew I would return to make right of the wrongs, personally. So we thought, considered, stewed as you do, about the problems and what must be done. We have the ability to draw up scenarios a bit faster and we drew up many. Then we chose from what seemed like the best to choose from. We created in thought, but it was necessary to return and do the work within the realm, in "3D," in life.

So I am here again, in life, in a body on a Command Mothership overhead. We were also going to handle the end of the Galactic Wars, so I did choose to wear the hat of a Commander of a Star Fleet, of a portion of the mighty Ashtar Command. I desired to have this experience also. Creator Sons don't tend to command Star Fleets. And it was a perfect way to handle the situation of my return.

It provided a method of returning but not identifying myself as who I am, thus the "Hatonn" Space Commander image [initially taking on a temporary title as "Commander Hatonn" of the "Phoenix" Motherhship] . We do have to use stealth, in this work. Had I come as Christ Michael, I would have been a far greater threat, and the ruling "Dark Cabal" would have harmed all of you, in a serious way, those who have come to participate with me, and made this much more difficult. Obviously to be born a babe was not going to work, they would have killed most of the Human Race trying to kill me, remember the story of Herod?

Who is Michael of Nebadon?

Michael of Nebadon is a title (like King or President are titles). A divine being of the Michael order is uniquely endowed by the Creator (God) with certain powerful creative prerogatives.

There are at least 700, 000 such Michaels in the Superuniverse of seven trillion inhabited worlds; each one presides over a universe. Each universe contains the potential for ten million inhabitable planets.

According to The Urantia Book, Michael of Nebadon is the creator and divine administrator of our local universe home of Nebadon. Our Earth is located within Nebadon and falls under the efficient and loving watch care and jurisdiction of this magnificent and faithful Son of God.

Michael of Nebadon chose our planet, out of nearly six million of the inhabited worlds within his embrace, as the world on which he would live a human life, to show by example how a human being, even on a troubled and backward planet like ours, can live a divine and Godlike life. This exquisite life was lived not only to inspire us, but countless other evolutionary beings who struggle with the manifold challenges of life on a material world, in our local universe and even beyond.

He was born here, as Joshua ben Joseph, but later became known by the Greek pronunciation of Joshua, which is Jesus.

The introduction to the world of Jesus as Christ Michael of Nebadon in The Urantia Book is a sweeping and revolutionary portrayal of this most beloved and influential figure...a figure who has shaped the very civilization in which we live, and who continues to do so. Discovering Jesus as portrayed in The Urantia Book is a mind- expanding, yet an understandable and logical explanation of just who this amazing God/man really was, and what his monumental mission to our world was.

The Urantia Book
Paper 33
Administration of the Local Universe

  1. Michael of Nebadon
    33:1.1 (366.2) Our Creator Son is the personification of the 611,121st original concept of infinite identity of simultaneous origin in the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. The Michael of Nebadon is the “only-begotten Son” personalizing this 611,121st universal concept of divinity and infinity. His headquarters is in the threefold mansion of light on Salvington. And this dwelling is so ordered because Michael has experienced the living of all three phases of intelligent creature existence: spiritual, morontial, and material. Because of the name associated with his seventh and final bestowal on Urantia, he is sometimes spoken of as Christ Michael.

33:1.2 (366.3) Our Creator Son is not the Eternal Son, the existential Paradise associate of the Universal Father and the Infinite Spirit. Michael of Nebadon is not a member of the Paradise Trinity. Nevertheless our Master Son possesses in his realm all of the divine attributes and powers that the Eternal Son himself would manifest were he actually to be present on Salvington and functioning in Nebadon. Michael possesses even additional power and authority, for he not only personifies the Eternal Son but also fully represents and actually embodies the personality presence of the Universal Father to and in this local universe. He even represents the Father-Son. These relationships constitute a Creator Son the most powerful, versatile, and influential of all divine beings who are capable of direct administration of evolutionary universes and of personality contact with immature creature beings.

33:1.3 (366.4) Our Creator Son exerts the same spiritual drawing power, spirit gravity, from the headquarters of the local universe that the Eternal Son of Paradise would exert if he were personally present on Salvington, and more; this Universe Son is also the personification of the Universal Father to the universe of Nebadon. Creator Sons are personality centers for the spiritual forces of the Paradise Father-Son. Creator Sons are the final power-personality focalizations of the mighty time-space attributes of God the Sevenfold.

33:1.4 (367.1) The Creator Son is the vicegerent personalization of the Universal Father, the divinity co-ordinate of the Eternal Son, and the creative associate of the Infinite Spirit. To our universe and all its inhabited worlds the Sovereign Son is, to all practical intents and purposes, God. He personifies all of the Paradise Deities which evolving mortals can discerningly comprehend. This Son and his Spirit associate are your creator parents. To you, Michael, the Creator Son, is the supreme personality; to you, the Eternal Son is supersupreme—an infinite Deity personality.

33:1.5 (367.2) In the person of the Creator Son we have a ruler and divine parent who is just as mighty, efficient, and beneficent as would be the Universal Father and the Eternal Son if both were present on Salvington and engaged in the administration of the affairs of the universe of Nebadon.

  1. The Sovereign of Nebadon
    33:2.1 (367.3) Observation of Creator Sons discloses that some resemble more the Father, some the Son, while others are a blend of both their infinite parents. Our Creator Son very definitely manifests traits and attributes which more resemble the Eternal Son.

33:2.2 (367.4) Michael elected to organize this local universe, and herein he now reigns supreme. His personal power is limited by the pre-existent gravity circuits centering at Paradise and by the reservation on the part of the Ancients of Days of the superuniverse government of all final executive judgments regarding the extinction of personality. Personality is the sole bestowal of the Father, but the Creator Sons, with the approval of the Eternal Son, do initiate new creature designs, and with the working co-operation of their Spirit associates they may attempt new transformations of energy-matter.

33:2.3 (367.5) Michael is the personification of the Paradise Father-Son to and in the local universe of Nebadon; therefore, when the Creative Mother Spirit, the local universe representation of the Infinite Spirit, subordinated herself to Christ Michael upon the return from his final bestowal on Urantia, the Master Son thereby acquired jurisdiction over “all power in heaven and on earth.”

33:2.4 (367.6) This subordination of the Divine Ministers to the Creator Sons of the local universes constitutes these Master Sons the personal repositories of the finitely manifestable divinity of the Father, Son, and Spirit, while the creature-bestowal experiences of the Michaels qualify them to portray the experiential divinity of the Supreme Being. No other beings in the universes have thus personally exhausted the potentials of present finite experience, and no other beings in the universes possess such qualifications for solitary sovereignty.

33:2.5 (367.7) Although Michael’s headquarters is officially located on Salvington, the capital of Nebadon, he spends much of his time visiting the constellation and system headquarters and even the individual planets. Periodically he journeys to Paradise and often to Uversa, where he counsels with the Ancients of Days. When he is away from Salvington, his place is assumed by Gabriel, who then functions as regent of the universe of Nebadon

The Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) is Urantia’s key organization in relation to global wealth and finance and the current 3D global economy

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