Why Everything Old Is New Again! Pt.1

in old-new •  4 years ago 

If you were born in the mid 90s or before odds are you remember your first cell phone as a blocky piece of plastic with tiny keys a primitive screen and maybe brick breaker and email,


functionality if you were on the cutting edge in those days a cell phone was a novelty and a small convenience you could keep tabs on your loved ones more easily read a business email

while out for lunch or just kill some time on the train playing a simple game on the dimly lit screen this burgeoning technology promised a bright future full of convenience productivity safety and leisure all available right in your

pocket or hip holster in those days and for a while that seemed like it would be the case but over the past decade or so our technology and how we use it has warped into an unhealthy dependent relationship gone are the days when cell phones were a simple means of communication with the advent

of social media and enhanced functionality of digital devices we found ourselves trapped in a toxic media heavy environment of our own creation increasingly we've seen that people both hate and depend on their phones many

consumers report wishing they could just get rid of their devices but can't because they feel anxious or out of the loop without them a growing mistrust of smart devices and big tech companies has people on edge

and nervous about how their activity is being monitored we fear for the privacy and mental health of children and young adults who have never known a time without the Internet we worry that automation is going to take our jobs it's no surprise that a growing

portion of the population is turning to older simpler less intrusive and more intentional technology to balance out the effect of the hyper saturation of modern tech many of you reading my post have probably never tried to type a message on a keyboard like this

or sat patiently waiting to get online while your computer made awful sounds like this modern technology is vastly more efficient and pleasant to use streaming music through Spotify is much easier than putting on a record then having to flip it halfway through the album. you can store thousands of books

on a Kindle and take them with you anywhere so why are physical book sales on the rise why do newly pressed vinyl records fly off the shelves at a rate of 200 thousand per week in the US alone where are all these small independent brick-and-mortar shops coming

from it's not an isolated trend either it applies to a wide range of analog technologies sales of instant film cameras and film stock are way up some companies even reintroducing previously discontinued film stocks medium

format film cameras that have gathered dust for decades are being snatched up so quickly that their prices have skyrocketed paper notebooks are everywhere.

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