The enemy is already within and the borders are our bodies and their cannons have been replaced by needles.

in omicron •  3 years ago 


From "Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism” by James Lindsay:

"Many of the greatest horrors of the history of humanity owe their occurrence solely to the establishment and social enforcement of a false reality. With gratitude to the Catholic philosopher Josef Pieper and his important 1970 essay “Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power” for the term and idea, we can refer to these alternative realities as ideological pseudo-realities.

Pseudo-realities, being false and unreal, will always generate tragedy and evil on a scale that is at least proportional to the reach of their grip on power—which is their chief interest—whether social, cultural, economic, political, or (particularly) a combination of several or all of these. So important to the development and tragedies of societies are these pseudo-realities when they arise and take root that it is worth outlining their basic properties and structure so that they can be identified and properly resisted before they result in sociopolitical calamities—up to and including war, genocide, and even civilizational collapse, all of which can take many millions of lives and can ruin many millions more in the vain pursuit of a fiction whose believers are, or are made, sufficiently intolerant.”

Right now Tony Fauci is promoting a new and even more unreal pseudo-reality for his profit and our enslavement. The title of this magic trick is the alleged new “variant” of Covid-19 the WHO calls “Omicron”. Already Israel has closed its border to try to contain the spread of this alleged new viral threat and other nations including our own and the USA are swiftly falling into line.

The death of yet another Christmas season throughout the global Christian community is guaranteed. We’re going to be locked down, masked up and forbidden from living like human beings instead of maximum security prison inmates just when we all were given to hope that we’d be free to associate and all our local shops and restaurants would be free to get back to solvency and our neighbourhoods would bustle with cheer and good business to the benefit of us all.

Haven’t we had enough? How many reruns of this tired old routine do we have to see play out before we understand that it is a completely false pseudo-reality? “Omicron” is harmless, that’s why it’s so contagious. Omicron produces only mild disease, no more serious than a common head cold (and just as contagious as a head cold). How do I know that? I listened to the South African doctor, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association, who discovered it and is now attending to the ridiculously mild disease her patients are getting from it.

This is basic medical science: a virus which is so deadly it kills the host is going to be buried with the host; more moderate strains that do not kill the host will live and replicate. This puts evolutionary pressure on the virus to adapt to the human immune system by becoming milder so that it can be more contagious and thus survive to replicate. A disease that is both very contagious and very deadly is a contradiction in nature and thus very rare in history – for instance the Black Plague of the 1340s in Europe.

So when they say this new strain – if it even exists. I don't trust a single word Fauci or Tedros say, how about you? – when they say this alleged new strain or the alleged Delta strain are "very contagious" they are automatically saying they are not deadly. We humans have an immune system perfected over eons of evolution. It will continue to protect us as long as we do not RUIN it with some new medicine we do not need.

Why do you think they are trying to scare us all into getting the jabs? Many of us have good reason to think the jabs will make everyone who takes them chronically sick, ruin their immune systems and make them dependent on their endless new vaccines and their expensive drugs. All for profit, many of us objectors believe.

Is this all about the money that the big pharmaceutical companies and their flunkies like pint-sized medical Mafia don Tony Fauci are making? That’s what I thought and many others do as well. The virus swindle is all about the profits, we thought; it is managed by and for these profits. The WHO is controlled and managed by Bill Gates and his allies all for profit. That’s the reason for all the dictatorship, so the theory goes.

They want to eliminate the sovereignty of all the nations to put them all under the dictatorship of GAVI and the WHO. The WHO member states are soon to meet in Geneva, the home of GAVI, to "hammer out" a treaty which will be legally binding to hand over the sovereignty of all 191 WHO member states to the dictatorship of the WHO to be activated at the whim of the WHO any time they want to field a new lab-created viral money-maker. And that control is all about global capitalism for money.

But hold on! If all the jabs contain Graphic Oxide, PEG and mRNA or adenovirus which turns our bodies into factories for deadly spike proteins, these jabs are a global genocide. If we’re all dead how can they make money off of us?

There is no doubt whatever that the “vaccines”, at least the four injections being promoted practically at gunpoint throughout the nations of the so-called West (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson, AstraZeneca), are producing horrendous injuries and death and permanent disability including heart problems and stroke now appearing in children who have been jabbed. The most eminent virologists and physicians and epidemiologists in the world have sounded the warning – a warning which only our global community of conscientious objectors, united by Meta, are heeding. These doctors and scientists are alarmed and why wouldn’t they be?

Yet our government is promoting in our CBC their plan to jab 5 year olds and even pregnant women. And most people who get these jabs are seeming to be fine. My friends and my granddaughter who have all taken the Pfizer jab are perfectly OK and consequently they think I’m nuts.

They think I’m the victim of a false account of reality, a pseudo-reality. Me, I’m convinced that it is these people who are the victims of a false pseudo-reality.

What if we were both right but for the wrong reasons?

What if the great bulk of the batches of “vaccines” are nothing but salt water, saline-solution placebo? What if this new “Vaccine” promotion routine is more like the standard flu vaccine promotion routine than we imagined? Did you get the flu vaccine every year and weren’t you told that it wouldn’t protect you absolutely, that you could still get the “new” flu variant? Have you ever wondered if this flu vaccine were really nothing but saline solution? Was the flu shot like an air purifier machine, you could never tell if it was working or not? Is the Covid jab exactly the same scam?

But what about all the reports and the sincere tales of horrendous damage from these Covid jabs?

Turn it around, my friends. Ask why we anti-jabbers are being permitted to see these reports and why are these honest and eminent scientists, like Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr David Martin, Sheri Tenpenny, Dr McCullough of Texas A&M, and so many others, been permitted to inform our little (and it is little, our numbers are pathetically small) community? Why, if it’s all about promoting the jabs for money, have these objectors and even ourselves not been shut down completely? The social media tech giants and the handful of owners of mainstream global media could shut us all down easily. But they don’t. Why?

Have different brands of pseudo-reality been tailored for the opposite sides of the Covid media wars? Opposite sides that have been tailored, manufactured, set against each other by a force standing above them both to distract us all, doctors and patients alike, from the real objective. Not global genocide but global slavery.

What if it isn’t about the jabs or the money or the disease, none of it? What if the jabs are a way to get the majority of the global population registered on a global database which will be used to destroy their freedom and the sovereignty of all their democratic governments. What if we objectors are right that the jabs are horrendously toxic, even genocidal and what if the great majority are also right that the vaccines are harmless? Could the companies be distributing different batches of the jabs, mostly placebo and some horribly poisonous?

Everybody who gets a jab is registered by a unique code and every vial of the injections is also tracked by a unique code. And these companies are keeping the ingredients of these vials officially a secret. So they certainly have the ability to specifically target some people and not others for political reasons.

The video I reference above is an examination of the statistics compiled by VAERS and available on its website of the results of separate batches of Covid-19 vaccines that have been injected into people across the USA in each of the states specifically as they result, or do not result, in vaccine-related injuries including death.

VAERS own statistics show clearly that 80% of the batches are harmless. But some few specific batch numbers used in all the US states stand out as 1000 times to 5000 times more toxic than the base. You have a 1 in 200 chance of getting a toxic jab.

Why are they doing this? The proof that they are doing it is right there in the VAERS stats. But why?

The first obvious advantage they gain is to have all the honest doctors and scientists say all the jabs are toxic and have them confirmed in that belief by the reports of injuries and deaths. Meanwhile most people who get the jabs have no problem so that they think objectors like me are crazy. The WHO, GAVI, and most pre-eminently Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum have divided the entire world into separate classes and made a despised and ridiculed minority out of everybody who cares about their bodily and political sovereignty which has been protected by the Nuremberg Code.

The WHO and its medical mafia bosses like Tony Fauci are not targeting the majority of people for genocide they are targeting the Nuremberg Code, trying to abolish it or turn it into a dead letter. Violations of the Nuremberg Code in Australia, the US, Canada and other nations are already creating a global nightmare. Eliminate the Nuremberg Code and immediately what was a lawful country turns into Nazi-land in one single leap. Ask Australians about it. For that matter you can ask Canadians from coast to coast; a police state is solidifying right now all across Canada.

The Australian Aboriginal leaders have appealed for international help because in the North West Territories their people are being imprisoned in their own homes, denied the right even to shop for food and hauled away to a concentration camp if they “test positive” or if they object to their little children being forcibly jabbed. We in Canada, not just our own indigenous citizens but all of us, are next in line for this treatment.

Get it straight: Eliminate the Nuremberg Code and immediately what was a lawful country turns into Nazi-land in one single leap.

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