Are we fighting for freedom again now?

in on5whs •  7 years ago  (edited)

In the past, countries around the world were fighting for their independence from colonies, but it seems these days, everyone is fighting for personal independence. Possibly, each of us is a freedom fighter from birth or the current technology drives us all this way.

I am not smart enough to answer many questions that I raise; I can merely ask. I just hope we can find answer together here.

Photo: Flickr John Malis34720852020_65a8141e09_z.jpg

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@digitalist, what's the significance of the photo? I am not sure of the connection between your writing and the baby with her mother?

Freedom fighter from birth, it is just an idea.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

United States Declaration of Independence 1776.

We always struggle to secure these rights. It is never over. Each generation has a new manifestation of the fight for freedom, but the truth remains constant. We all are freedom fighters when the dignity of man is in danger.

New genes are inventing new technologies to actually make people more dependent and addictive to an extent. It is exciting, but obviously it comes to risks. Great innovators like Zuckerberg is believed to build brainwave sensor externally that can describe 100 words per minute with our mind.

Are these innovations for greater freedom or greater control? Do you really want any other person to know your deepest most personal thoughts? For what purpose are these sensor being developed? If a sensor can read your thoughts it can also transmit those same thoughts to others.

It seems to work like magic on my second thoughts especially we can reveal our mind to others without even speaking out. How that can be even possible? But it is believed to be already ongoing. That is a really big game plan.

At what point are our thoughts our thoughts, or are our thoughts the thoughts of someone else being implanted into our minds? I foresee terrible trouble with this, do we become a part of a collective and no longer individuals? Are our minds still free?

That is a big risk. Cant agree more.