I want to start with school system, it starts with primary school (İlkokul), secondary school (Ortaokul), highschool (Lise) and University (Üniversite). Turkish Government made it free for its people, everyone can go to University for free. But its not that simple. There is a corrupted school system starts at the beginning , the most important thing is Maths, if you aren't good at maths, you are nothing. You can draw ? go to sanayi (Sanayi = Industry but it means Car Mechanic, its a common phrase) You can play instruments ? They will be block your lessons you can play later. Turkish students, children can't do other things, only thing they know is study. After University, they got a Bachelor's Degree but no experience, no job experience. All they want from students are to be civil servants. Narrowly got minimum wage, and lots of taxes. When students see their peers in other countries, they want to be like them, they wanna live, they wanna be free.
Being A Student In Turkey
4 years ago by necmhi (25)