Why Bible Prophecy Matters! “The Rise of a One World Government”. Part Four

in one •  7 years ago 

Let’s do a brief recap.

• The idea of a unified kingdom with secret knowledge (Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) and being separate from God was birthed in the Garden of Eden through our first parents in their rebellion.
• The Tower of Babel was mankind’s first attempt of a One World Government with man in the center. God stopped the rebellion by giving humanity hundreds or possibly thousands of languages and the peoples dispersed globally as God had intended. Also, the vision of one world government and a god-man religious system spread to all continents.
• Daniel see’s the great statue that God showed King Nebuchadnezzar and gives the interpretation of the 4 great kingdoms (Babylon, Medo-Persian, Greek and Rome). Also, Daniel saw a ten toed blended kingdom of both weak and strong kings that would arise in the last days that would come from the ancient kingdom of Rome. The two iron legs represent the Roman kingdom that divided between the East (Constantinople) and the West (Rome) approximately 476 AD.
• There have been many attempts of a god man regional rule historically and the latest was Adolf Hitler who had an even grandeur ideal. Global rule, the 3rd Reich!
• Mystery religions and in more recent history secret societies have kept the dream alive of a Utopia society with a god-man at the helm.
• Many times, these dark secret societies or religious elites have had to be underground, but in the last couple decades the ideal of a one world government has been propagated publicly. Many powerful financiers like David Rockefeller, Presidents (Clinton’s, Bushes, Obama), Globalists (George Soros, Henry Kissinger) and Hollywood has pumped out dozens of movies in the last couple decades promoting or propagating the idea of an elite super government (Hunger Games, New World Order, A number of James Bond movies etc.).

What is even more stunning is a statement made in the last month by French President Emmanuel Macron’s called “the coalition of the willing. The French-led military pact has pulled in London — and Berlin”. It has pulled in London — and Berlin.

PARIS — Impatient with German foot-dragging on defense, French President Emmanuel Macron will bring together a 10-nation coalition of the willing next month designed to prepare European armed forces to take action together in emergencies, and to bind Britain into military cooperation as it leaves the EU.
• Defense ministers of France, the U.K., Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark and Estonia will sign a letter of intent in Paris in June, officials told me, pledging to develop a common strategic culture, share analysis and foresight on trouble spots that may require intervention and work to coordinate their forces for future operations.
To read the full article done By PAUL TAYLOR 5/2/18, 4:00 AM CET Updated 5/12/18, 6:30 AM CET contributing editor at POLITICO, writes the Europe At Large column.

This may actually be the 10 regional kings that both Daniel and John saw arise in the last days (the ten toes or 10 horns). If this is the case, then the Antichrist will possibly soon follow!

What makes this interesting is that the Antichrist will be ultimately a man of war, and the stated goal of President Macron is to build a 10 Nation coalition and create a new super military to supposedly protect the EU. The Antichrist will need a major military machine to achieve his 3.5-year reign of terror and to both attack Christians and Jews and subjugate the world to his deceptive and wicked rule. Only time will tell what comes of this directive of Mr. Macron.

Daniel the prophet continues to have profound and incredibly accurate dreams with clear details of the rise of the Medo-Persian Kingdom as a ram with two horns. Then to be followed by a goat (Greece) who would conquer the Persians and expand the kingdom as far as the border of India. Daniel 8.

Daniel chapter 9 provides one of the great intercessory prayers in the Bible as Daniel intercedes for the release of Israel from captivity. Also, the Seventy Weeks is disclosed to Daniel as a template for Israel’s future and God’s timetable, and the coming Messiah/His death/salvation and the Antichrist religious ambitions expressed as he declares himself god in the third Temple.

Chapter’s 10 and 11 Daniels continues to see visions of the fall of Persia and the rise of Greece and her divided kingdom after Alexander the Great died and he see's numerous wars/conflicts in their middle east kingdoms.

In chapter 12, Daniel once again encounters Michael the great angel/prince who has been given charge over the Nation of Israel and he discloses future events that would unfold upon the earth and Israel. Michael reveals three incredibly important events that would happen in the last days, the Great Tribulation, deliverance of God’s people and the resurrection from the dead. As I have mentioned several times in this blog, the rapture/resurrection are the same event and happen after the Tribulation. At the end of this terrible seven-year period Jesus affirms when the rapture will occur in Matthew 24: 29-31.

Michael the angel calls God’s people to be wise and shine brightly in this dark period as a witness. Then Daniel is told, “shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end”. Then Michael tells Daniel a couple major signs to indicate when the end is near, “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase”. This exactly describes the generation we live in right now. People constantly on the move, travelling endlessly all over the world and there has never been a time in all of human history that knowledge (both good and evil) has exponentially exploded in quantity.

The last important details that Daniel is given are found in Chapter 12: 5-13. Two important questions are asked, “How long shall it be till the end of these wonders”? and “What shall be the outcome of these things”? These are similar questions the disciples ask Jesus regarding the Temple destruction and His second coming in Matthew 24:3. As humans we all want to know the what and the when! The angel then swears to God in truth, that 3.5-year period was appointed to the completion of the shattering of the power of the holy people (Israel) shall come to an end.

Daniel wants more insight and understanding, but the angel tells Daniel these words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. We are seeing more and more believers get clearer revelation, dreams, visions, prophetic words and understanding of the last days. Why? Because as we are getting closer to Jesus return, He is opening up the sealed words and shares them with those who are earnestly seeking Him. I am not talking crazy stuff here, just a clearer understanding of Scripture, signs and clarifying the times we are in.

This period (last days) will cause many to purify themselves, make themselves white and be refined. The angel saw a time when the Church (both Jews and Gentiles) will hunger to live Holy lives, separating themselves from the world and live righteously by the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit and walking in love. I hope you are feeling drawn to live such a way and are becoming more spiritually awake and hungering for authentic Christianity and community. God has been doing this work in my heart for many years now and teaching me what is means to be a son…intimacy with Him.

Remember it is never about “Perfection” or “Legalism” but being alive in Christ is daily surrendering to Jesus Lordship and becoming a Christian who loves God’s Word, who is Spirit lead, praying about everything and sharing our faith with others as God opens doors.

All at the same time there will be an increase in wickedness (sadly this is happening right before our eyes), and people are increasingly living in delusion and believing blatant lies. This period will intensify until the mid-point of the Tribulation period where the Antichrist sets himself up as god in the Temple and stops the regular burnt offerings. The angel ends by re-affirming the 3.5-year period when things will become very dark with a bit of a twist to the story.

He adds 45 days to the 1290 days and calls those who wait for this time frame to complete “Blessed”. So, whatever we must possible endure for another 45 days will be worth it! Daniel is instructed “but to go your way till the end”, then rest until you come back at the end of days as one of God’s beloved servants ruling and reigning with Christ. Let us trust that we too will be faithful in this life as Daniel was and joyfully enter into our full inheritance as Daniel will!

I will continue the series next week Lord willing and transition to the amazing insights John the Apostle had on the Island of Patmos. He too saw the rise of a One World Government in the last days and we will gain more insights.

From a friend, Bill W…if you have found these studies insightful and encouraging pass them on to a friend! Maranatha…Our Lord, come!

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