This is how the poor family lives

in onemealaday •  7 years ago  (edited)

In the midst of a state of deprivation, Macica suffer from asthma that often recur. However, Macica always excel in school that is third and second rank.

"I aspire to be a swimming athlete. I often practice swimming in order to become an athlete, "he said.

To meet the needs of his family, Sumini sells side dishes around his village. In a day he can get money worth Rp30.000. The money is usually used to eat and meet the needs of his two children's school.

This was done because her husband, Sarbini, 39, who worked as a truck driver in Surabaya rarely came home and rarely sent money.

Sumini claimed to have never received help from the government. Even BPJS Health too, his family has not received so at this time have to pay for treatment.

"This is the first one given assistance by the village government and Polsel Mejayan. Previously we had never received any help at all, "he said.

He hopes the government can help his family to get a decent dwelling. "Most importantly my two children can go to school and can be a useful person for everyone," Sumini hoped..

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