Is it God or Physics? or One in the Same...

in oneness •  4 years ago 

"What's going on? Awakening/Ascension to 5D, but first everything that is NOT of God comes to Light for healing, love, integration. <3 "What the heck is going on? Awakening, Ascension into Oneness (5D) with God; but first everything that is not God, but is of 3D human ego mind must come to Light for healing, integration. My thoughts are that with every thing that becomes different from what it used to be here on Earth, we must ask ourselves, "How is this my Good at play?" In almost every instance or ultimately our Good @ play comes down to removing our dependence on external sources (physical/material/mental) for our information/guidance and encouraging us to go within ourSelf to our Source ( Soul/I AM Presence) which is @ Zero Point = Oneness where we are all One and connected. [This is also Quantum Physics]" <3 kk
global awakening by spiritualgoal.jpg

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