One photo every day: Quick snapshot of our windowsill plants. (201/365)

in onephotoeveryday •  7 years ago  (edited)


No art, just documenting. I'll add some info about the flowers later. :)

Public OPED Project Announcement:

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[Previous post: Remember that Christmas meal shot I had taken...]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



I'm stupid. (194/365)
Epiphany (195/365)
Dead Chili (196/365)
War boat (197/365)
Guess who had other things on his mind than photography. ;) (198/365)
Kiemis again (199/365)
Furry Frost (200/365)

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The comment grew so long, I dont know what to say about the plants.

This looks like a monocotyledon plant.

I checked... it's a dicotyledon. But I'll be posting about it later. Not sure how I'm going to take its picture yet though. :)

Ok. Good. It looks like maize leave, that was why I assumed its a monocot. Thanks for checking.

I am familiar with may be two plants in this photo. I can only name one. Lol the 2 little cacti . I've seen the very green one in the middle a good number of times but I'm not sure what it is called.

I'll be cataloguing all the plants here in the coming days, so keep posted and you might find out! :)

Will definitely be keeping up.

You are like my wife , she like flowers at home , we have a lot on windows and front of the door

I guess my wife is like your wife, then. ;)

Oh so you are married that's good , do you have children? I have one named Ziyad , I posted yesterday post for him :)

Nyt on kukkaa niin birusti

Kommentoin suomeksi, koska sain käsityksen sinunkin olevan suomalainen. Onko tuo oikeanpuoleinen jonkinlainen rahapuu? Lehdet näyttävät paksuilta ja vahvoilta kuin rahapuun lehdet, mutta runko näyttää melko erityiseltä.

Meillä on vaimo hankkinut muutaman rahapuun ja ne ovat venähtäneet aika reippaaseen kasvuun keinovalon alla :)

Jep rahapuu on, toinenkin löytyy tuosta samalta ikkunalta. Meillä on rahapuita myös muissa huoneissa, yhteen aikaan kun huvikseni niitä kasvattelin irtileikatuista lehdistä. Ne on kaikista helpoimmat kasvit, mutta ei niitä enää jaksais. ;)

Rahapuita on monenlaisia, nää on itseasiassa sellasia roikkuoksaisia, mutta mä pakotin ne kasvamaan pystyyn leikkaamalla, siksi näyttävät hassuilta. Olohuoneessa on sellanen jota ei ole leikattu ja se on aivan lyttänä.

Meillä vaimo teki tuota lehtien irroittelua ja niistä kasvattamista lähinnä erilaisille mehikasveille. Siinä tosin lopulta kävi niin, että ne kaikki kuolivat kerralla. En jäänyt kyselemään mikä meni vikaan, mutta ehkä seuraavalla kerralla pitää koittaa rahapuita.

Minä olen aina ollut chilien kasvattaja ja olen kokenut ne (lajikkeesta riippuen) todella helpoiksi kasvateiksi. Jos joskus kaipaa helppoa vaihtelua rahapuille, esimerkiksi malawi bird's eye on hyvä ja helppo vaihtoehto. Pysyy inhimmillisen kokoisenakin eikä ole kovin haastava :)

Really nice one there. Really sorry, I've not been keeping up. All that will end now, I'm over it..

Let me check some of the posts I missed..

No worries, I'll be here. :)

Interesting flowers, many are not even known to me. Thanks for sharing.

I'll be going through them one at a time now. Sadly even I don't know exactly what the first one is.

Ho really nice flowers..looking beautiful...nice photography..thank you for sharing with us...@gamer00

We will wait for this information from you my friend ;)

First one posted. :)

I always follow your publications .. In any publication you will find me LOL , because you share with us what you live

Geez, what a collection! I have a thing with big plants, trying to convert my home to jungle. Newest love of mine is Monstera obliqua. Check it out :)

Aah, I thought it looked familiar! My mother-in-law has a Monstera deliciosa (Jättipeikonlehti).

I'm not sure I could live in a jungle, at least not here, we have too little space for my photography as it is. ;)

I have monstera deliciosa too(in the pic also) but mostera obliqua is smaller. And its leafs are cute !

How often do you hear: "Feed me Seymour" coming from that windowsill?

That's from the Little Shop of Horrors am I right? Our Nepenthes could qualify, although we've never heard it call for food. It keeps our place relatively fly-free.

When beauty lies in need to artificial beauty......nice job.....@gamer00

really its so beautifull and awesome that you have these plants and i also like the plants and i agree on it that the natural is the best beauty,,,also we wait your infor on flowers @gamer00

I would like to know what are these bluish tall plants. I like the colour a lot.
I've never seen something like that before.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'll be giving a full run-down of our flowers one by one starting with today's photo. Bluish one included (but not today). ;)

See, you will never ever run out of ideas for a photo with me asking stupid questions all the time heh :d

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So nice shot..I've had good luck with aloe vera. It can handle as much or as little sun as your windowsill will provide. It's relatively thirsty for a succulent, so just add it into your watering-day routine.

It's a graceful plant and if it likes the conditions it can take up a fair amount of space.

The sap or whatever it's called really does seem to have soothing properties, so it's a useful plant.

Good photo taken friend , are these real plants or artificial plants ?

They are all real. We don't have any artificial plants except the Christmas tree.

What do you mean no art, master Jaro!
There are plants, there is a window. Even a reflection is there! And here we go - looks not bad at all! :)))

There are some that I do not know what they are, but I like the 2 captus,

He always had 1, before he had the popular belief that they absorb the radiation of cathode ray monitors XD.

btw, I'm very intrigued by the red pot

It’s like you have a whole garden on your windowsill! Can’t wait to hear the info later :).

Very nice to photograph your windowsill plants. Thank you very much for sharing these beautiful photographs with us.

wow beautiful shot and all of the plants looks so cool and attractive, Stay blessed and thanks for sharing

Simple but best!!

Interesting design of plants and window sill.

Thank you @gamer00...steem on and stay blissul...

Wow in one photography for a day, you got an amazing photo shot! Excellent!


All of them living being? Nice photo by the way :)

They are all alive, yes. :) Thanks.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

well a wonderfull photo and snap shot today in your everyday one photo...and these plants give you house an wonderfull beauty and make more attractive your house from this window

Off topic:

Was the ice in the skating area I advised you to go to good enough for skating?

Very good ice, too crowded with hockeysticks. We stayed though, and Miro talked a lot. :)

Not filter, not look for an angle, not planing, just natural, really simple, I like these real photos, to many photo Gibberish uber uber photoshopping on steem later. thank @gamer00 best luck mate

Yes well it is a snapshot. I was so tired when I took it... ;)

Not best but good capture friend . @gamer00

That's funny! ;)


Yeşil alanınız güzel olmuş...

Good use of window sill at least :)

Thanks @gamer00 and Have a great day.

Lots of plants in window area.

Thanks for sharing it here.

Very authentic. 🍁

Very nice post. My frends 🙋‍♀️🙆‍♀️👏

Yea keep it going buddy !

Beautiful flower :)

It is very nice to photograph your windowsill plants. Thanks, thanks for sharing it with us.

I'm really overwhelmed by seeing your windowsill plants. Extraordinary all collections. Awaiting your next photo.......