Fruitful Friday: [ 3 Practical Ways to Be Fruitful This Friday ]

in onequality •  6 years ago 

Ignited people love Fridays because it gives them an opportunity to celebrate their effort irrespective of outcomes; they know it’s only a matter of time before the results and fruit show up. ~ @Psalmmuel

Here are 3 ways to Ignite a Fruitful Friday:

  1. HAVE CLARITY: Be absolutely clear what you would like to achieve this Friday or indeed what did you set out to achieve this week? At the end of today, shortlist what you achieved…Lack of clarity robs you of a sense of accomplishment necessary to have a Fruitful Friday and awesome weekend.
  1. BE GRATEFUL: Be grateful for how far you’ve come this Friday. Some people started the week with you and ended up dead. Be grateful for your small and big wins. I’m grateful for the great quality team at Fine and Country. They’re absolutely amazing! I’m also so very thankful for my family and my marriage that is 22 years old today.
  1. BE HELPFUL: Empower, Encourage, Celebrate or help others today. Could be a stranger, a colleague, a friend, family member, etc. Deliberately seek out ways to be helpful and truly be fruitful.

And for a bonus…

REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN: Friday is a great day to celebrate your week, let your hair down, dress down, make a deliberate effort to relax. Look for mini fun moments. Get a quick “massage or manicure in between work” (you wish,) listen to your favourite music while working (with headphones of course), or hey ask your colleagues if they won’t mind listening. Work and Life should be fun.

Here’s to a fruitful Friday
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