Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
All praise be to Allah Almighty
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu how are you all I hope you all are very well by the grace of Allah I am also very well by your prayers and by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah.
At present, our days are passing in a very difficult crisis. I don't know how long this day will pass, but I thank the great Rabbul Alameen who still keeps us alive and healthy in this world.
Online money income is true?
Nowadays there are thousands of unemployed youths walking for jobs with worn out shoes, but no jobs at all. Such is the situation in the country, so many young women are relying on online.
Today I will discuss with you what is the correct method of earning money online and whether it is possible to earn money online.
Today's discussion is about whether you can earn money online or which means of earning money online will be best for you if you work on any site and you will get money properly.
Before starting the discussion I want to tell you some important things that you need to know that you can earn money online it is not a lie but it is true but if you want to work online you have to make some changes in you online work is not that easy and it is not as difficult as you think. .
Now many people may think that I have a smartphone, I have a laptop, I can work online easily, this is your wrong idea.
I am telling you the changes that you need to make in yourself first of all you need to be patient online is such a platform that if you don't have patience you can't survive here.
Many of us see YouTubers earning a lot of money, but have you seen the age of his YouTube career?
I have also seen a brother who has been uploading videos on YouTube for the last 5 years but he is not earning much but he is working patiently because he has patience, he is still here and I hope Allah Ta'ala will give him success very soon.
I would suggest you if you want to work online then you must have these things in you.
You have to work with patience, you have to have the will to complete the work you have undertaken day by day and best of all you have to spend a lot of time here.
Now let's find out which sites you can earn money from online.
Firstly you can do YouTubeing and secondly you can open Facebook page and upload your own videos there.
You can earn money by working on blogging sites like writing articles.
Many people will see that air drop works, if you work on air drop, you will see that if you join 100 air drops, it becomes difficult to get payment from ten air drops.
Because you don't have any channel, you don't have any group, you don't have anything to do here, the referrer who can refer gets the referrer commission.
No matter where you work you have to work patiently but I think you can earn income by writing you need patience also you have to work with your wits you have to work on these sites I hope you will get a fairly good salary.
Now maybe many of you may ask me that where can we get sites for writing articles, today I will share with you some sites from which you can easily account by sharing your daily travels or by sharing the travel stories you have been somewhere or You can earn income by writing the creative words that you have.
If you want you can work on serey io if you want you can work on blood you can work on hive there are many more websites like this where you can earn by writing articles.
But you have to have patience one thing I say no matter how many platforms you work online you have to work with patience and move forward slowly.
You don't think that you joined today and tomorrow you have a lot of income but income online is not giving you if you can move forward little by little then you can do something good in your future online.
I will tell you one last thing, don't sit in the life of unemployment, at least do something that can at least solve some of your current problems.
So I would say keep trying for job quietly and also try to do some work online so that your online career will grow slowly along with you keep looking for your job, you keep working online meanwhile keep looking for job Allah ta'ala will surely see. You will be arranged for something and the most important thing is to pray five times a day and trust in Allah because Allah never takes everyone's day the same.
# Finally I will say one thing no matter where you work, work with your honesty, your creativity and your patience, you will see that one day or the other in life you will definitely succeed.
- Thank you very much for spending your valuable time to read my article!
Wishing everyone to be well and healthy, I leave here like today. I will certainly appear among you again with some new matter. Until then, Allah Hafez Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.