About 4thCITY MedHub

in online •  6 years ago  (edited)


4thCITY MedHub is a licensed drug intermediary based in Asia. It was established in 2018 and moved to Canton from Hong Kong in 2019.
4thCITY MedHub helps people around the world to get drugs faster in countries without them, to provide patients with the drugs they need, and to monitor all aspects of transportation, customs and transportation.


For a variety of reasons, many patients have passed away before the relevant agencies approved the launch of breakthrough new drugs. So for these unnecessary drug delays now need to take action, this action is "MedHub."

Our goal is to integrate high-quality medicines from Japan, China and India in Asia. These countries have a lot of high-quality and cheap medicines.

More Opportunities More Choices

Many patients suffer from a situation where there is no medicine available after medicines resistance. Therefore, a disease requires more diverse therapeutic drugs in order to allow patients to obtain more opportunities for cure.

4thCITY Medicine Hub

4thCITY Medicine Hub believes that global integration of medicine will continue to prove its great social potential for patients, medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies, and will have a tremendous impact on the world in terms of innovation, economic efficiency and new opportunities.

Supporting Digital Money

4thCITY MedHub believe that digital money will contribute to Global trade,So we join here and support digital currency payments.

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