How to Be a Part of the Revolution in Online Learning

in onlinelearning •  3 years ago  (edited)

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There is no doubt that the online learning industry is going through a revolution. Be it the pandemic or multiple other factors that contributed to driving the growth of e-learning in recent years, the fact is that online learning is the future of education.

Because the e-learning industry is growing at such a rapid pace, everyone wants to be a part of it. Not just businesses, but even individuals and investors want to get associated with the booming digital education business. And now they have many ways to do that. In this article, we will discuss a number of ways you can become a part of the revolution in online learning.

What is the online learning revolution?

The revolution in the online education space refers to the use of advanced technological methods to improve the way people learn. For example, the increasing use of blockchain technology to make education affordable and accessible and break regional boundaries is a good example of how online learning has evolved over the years.

How to join the online learning revolution

If you or anyone you know is looking to join the e-learning revolution, here are the best ways to do it.


The best and easiest way to get involved in the e-learning revolution is to invest. There are many things you can invest in, an online learning start-up, an e-learning project, a blockchain-based online learning project, or a cryptocurrency for online education.

If you are looking for ideas, do check out the Green Uni Network, which is a blockchain project that aims to enable a huge number of people from all over the world (over 600 million target people) to obtain a higher education degree with a legitimate European diploma. The Network will provide access to a number of blockchain-based platforms for online/distance learning and degree courses in Informatics and Computer Science to obtain a legitimate European diploma. The native cryptocurrency, Greeny Token, is all you need to get access to and learn through the online education platforms of the Green Uni Network. The ICO sale of Greeny tokens is running now.


Another way to get yourself involved in the online education sector is to create or build something to help improve the industry and make education more accessible for students around the world. Online learning is all about convenience and cost-effectiveness. If you can develop easier ways for students to learn online at reduced costs, there will certainly be a demand for your product/service.


Lastly, if you really want to become a part of the growing online education industry and intend to help uplift the lives of students through the right education, you can become a teacher, start your own online channel or website to teach students all over the world, create and launch courses, use technology to make education more accessible to people in your area, and so on. Besides being a highly fulfilling job, this might also help you make good money because the online education sector is on the rise.

Online learning refers to the use of the internet and other technologies to learn. Online learning is revolutionary because it makes learning more interactive, effective and accessible. Investing in the Green Uni ICO is one of the many ways you can contribute to the growth of online learning.

Originally published at

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