Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

in onlinevideocourses •  5 years ago  (edited)

Are you ready to see the Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 and beyond here with me, Jerry Banfield? What does private label rights mean? Private label rights mean you take something that someone else made with their permission and you get to use it as your own.

If we're talking about it here, we're focusing on using video courses for private label rights. Either you can take your video courses and sell them with private label rights or you can get somebody else's private label rights and execute the business systems I'm showing you here.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

I have a library of 153 video courses including a lot from 2019 that have sold millions of dollars online that I make available in my Partner Program for just $48 a month or $1,000 for life.

You can easily make $10,000+ using exactly what I'm showing you here.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

To give you some concrete evidence of that, you can look up Joseph Delgadillo on YouTube. He has 224K YouTube subscribers. He might even pass me. Wow!

What did he do to start his channel? He went into the Dropbox folders in my channel 2 years ago when I first launched my partner program and he went through these courses and followed the exact business ideas I'm about to show you and now he has 224K subscribers on YouTube.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

He makes over $10,000+ a month and now he's into producing his own video courses as well as continuing to use my private label rights to earn money on the exact business system I will show you and in some ways you can expand it.

Tip #1 The number one suggestion I have for making money with private label rights is Youtube. This is my 1st tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

Upload the videos to YouTube. Now do not upload them verbatim by just taking them straight out of the folder and upload them. Make at least some small edits. So that the video is unique and you don't get a duplicate video.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

What you can do is something simple. For example, you can add your little intro, you can make other business ideas following what I'm about to show. You could do them and then make an intro based on whatever else you were doing.

For example, if you want to sell video courses, you could make a little intro to the courses. You want to make sure that you make the videos unique.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

I'm showing you my advertising revenue on YouTube and the videos in my private label rights folders are responsible for this income and these subscribers. You have access to almost all the videos that have generated this including the very best ones that have earned the majority of this.

That includes hacking videos and technical tutorial videos that get a lot of views. One of the number one things I recommend with private label rights is to get them up on YouTube and make long-format tutorials.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

If you look around on my channel, I've got a lot of long-format tutorials. If you look around on Joseph's channel, you'll see the same thing. Here's a 7-hour The Complete Linux Course which he published 2 years ago.

This was the first video that Joseph did use on my private label rights library as soon as the program launched. It has 1.3 million views using videos that I made nothing of myself. You might think, “Well, why didn't you just upload them?

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

I have this Dropbox. It has too many courses for me to effectively manage and to get everything out there. That's why I do private label right so you can make more of what I already have.

This is the best format for success with YouTube ad revenue because these long-format tutorials keep people watching, keep people sharing and coming back. These get ranked high in YouTube searches. Those get you subscribers and once you've got subscribers, you'll get views on your new videos and all of your videos have the chance to rank higher and higher.

Joseph puts out videos consistently. They get a lot of views and he has used the strength of the private label rights to build his own business now but all of his top videos are either directly from my private label rights or other ones expanded on the original videos he uploaded with private label rights where he built a following and then after that he went and got his own content produced.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

Therefore, YouTube can give you that initial following and once you've got the following on YouTube, you can put up whatever you want to. If you want to do videos on something else or hire someone else to make videos, YouTube gives you access to do everything else I'm about to show you.

YouTube is how you market yourself and build a following very effectively. You can also put these on Facebook. You can cut them up into small videos and put them on Twitter or LinkedIn. There are a ton of things you can do but YouTube is the best option. It's number one and I highly recommend with private label rights for video courses to get them up on YouTube.

Tip #2 is to complement and monetize your YouTube channel while I've earned $50,000 in YouTube ad revenue and Joseph earned about the same. This is my 2nd tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

Take the full course here,

If you've got 0 subscribers, you can’t earn ad revenue right away. What you can do is immediately start selling video courses. is the best thing to do with private label rights and the best for video courses is to put up video course bundles as I've got on Uthena which is my online education platform and continuing education platform for entrepreneurs.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

We sell video course bundles and these sell really well because we keep adding to them at no additional cost. I call these, for example, this Ethical Hacking forever course bundle is our best selling course bundle and people love buying it because you pay $48 once and you get access to all the new courses we add to it forever.

With private label rights, here's what you do just like Joseph is doing. You put the videos up and then you sell the courses with the options mentioned below.
In the description.
In the video intro.
With annotations on the video.
With your presentation within the video.

You can do a little break, for example, if you're using my private label right, you can take the course videos out of the folder. When you go to create a video, you render a little intro on it where you can sell your courses on your platform and you can then make all of the money on that.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

When you set up your own platform like this, you get to make all of the money. On Uthena, many of the instructors will cooperate and give you private label rights to their courses. When you go sell these on your website, you get to do everything and that's why private label rights is a very good business.

There are no royalties to pay unless you work with a publisher that makes you pay royalties. I don't require any royalties which means for $50 a month with my private label rights, you can make $1,000 a month in sales and I'm happy with $50 a month because when you make $1,000 a month in sales, you'll keep paying the $50 a month indefinitely.

It's a good deal for everybody. Therefore, it's essential to have your private label rights partnered up with your own video course website and if you're new to teaching online, it's not as hard as you might think it is.

In fact, I've got tons of posts on my website about how you can set up your own online teaching platform. I recommend you to read this post “Start Teaching on YouTube, Udemy, Skillshare, StackCommerce, and Uthena Today!” Or watch the video linked above.

This will show you exactly what to do. If you want to teach courses that you film or pay people to make courses and combine that with private label rights, this video will walk you through every single thing you need to do that. The equipment, the platforms and it includes an entire section on how to set up your own platform as we've got on Uthena.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

The best part is that my partner program includes daily video calls. If you need help with anything, you just hop on a video call. You can share your screen, ask questions and we will let you know exactly what you need to do and give you suggestions about it.

You've got everything in my mastermind with the Jerry Banfield partners that you need to make sure these things are working for you.

Tip #3 Once you've got your video courses up, you can do a membership program as well and this is the 3rd suggestion for how to make money with private label rights is to have a membership program, especially with video courses.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

What you can do is put them all into one master bundle and on Uthena, for example, we've got 459 video courses that you get for $48 a month plus you also get access to the daily video call workshops as well. I've combined my 2 membership programs with the only difference being private label rights.

This way I've got all these video courses. If people want to focus on learning in terms of video courses then that you do the Scholars Program and if you want the private label rights then you do the partner program. This is my 3rd tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

Now, the partner program says 87 courses because that includes all of the courses I've published on Uthena that you get access to with my private label rights. So you've got 87 courses that are already completely outlined and ready to go for you.

I've gotten rid of some of the older courses and I didn't upload some of the courses I published before. Therefore, you've got a complete outline of the 87 best courses.

Membership programs are really powerful when you do it for a private label rights business because then these are recurring income. I've been testing membership programs and I'm amazed at how many people will just sign up and stay for years without accessing the benefits.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

That's why people wonder how you can offer something like daily video calls for $48 a month and private label rights. It's very easy for me to serve because a lot of people will subscribe, start working and not ask for anything.

Now, I prefer you subscribe, ask for help and get to know me because that gives us the best chance of success but with membership programs, a lot of people will just join, not do anything with it and stay on it sometimes for years.

Therefore, instead of getting just one-time sales with courses, one of the best ways you can monetize and build your own online business, especially with private label rights is to do membership and this also gives you an incentive to be constantly improving.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

For example, if you get my private label rights, you get your 87 courses up. Then you start wondering how you can do more and get your own library of courses up to something like a bundle to give you the ideal value proposition.

You can also get creative with memberships and you can do it in something more than just video courses. You could offer some unique services or you could put the courses into a specific type of learning and that gives you the ability to have the very best results for this.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

Tip #4 is to just sell the partner program itself. You will get 50% lifetime affiliate earnings anytime you et someone to join my Mastermind Program through your referral. You get a link where you can send people directly to sign up on Uthena and when they join, you get 50% of their earnings.

That means that when you love the partner program as much as I do, you could earn about $24 a month indefinitely to bring somebody else in. What an outstanding deal when you combine that with everything else.

For example, you put the YouTube videos, create the courses, make the membership program and then when you really get to know people they ask, “Well, how did you make this business?” Then you tell them about the partner program and even a small number of people you refer could easily lead to hundreds of dollars a month in income.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

There's also a lifetime option on my partner program for $1000. That means you have the ability to bring somebody in and earn $500 off of an affiliate commission. This is my 4th tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

The beauty of this is that you are in a great position to sell what you love, enjoy and is working for you. Therefore, when this works for you, it's easy to bring other people in. That brings us to number 5.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

Tip #5 is to set up a free coupon page and build your email list which you can then use for anything else. This is my 5th tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

For example, if you put the videos up on YouTube, you can do free coupons for some of the courses on Uthena and use your affiliate code to earn 50% lifetime commissions and build your own email list if you require people to sign up to see the new coupons.

You can also literally take the codes off of my free courses page, put them up on your own website, you don't even need to give me anything. You can just put them up on your website there and then use that to build your email list.

The ideal way to do this is to put the videos up on YouTube and set your course platform up with bundles and membership. Then you have a free coupon list that you advertise and that can have coupons off of my list.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

What we do on Uthena is we slip in these coupons to courses on Uthena and that way we get some signups. We are building our student list. Then we have an automated email marketing that says, “Hey, welcome. You might like the continuing education program for entrepreneurs”.

This way you put the videos on YouTube, set up your course platform, get your bundles and membership. Offer free coupons to get people signed up and with the signups then you sell the bundles and the membership from there.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

It's a beautiful business system where even if things don't work as you planned, you've got something. For example, if the YouTube videos do good for getting views but they don't make sales, great. You've made a huge YouTube audience like Joseph has done here.

If there are YouTube videos that do good to get people on the platform but they're not buying, you can use free coupons. You've got an email list by which you might be able to sell something else. It's a very flexible business system.

Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses

Tip #6 is to get the videos transcribed into blog posts and start getting visitors to a website. I have not transcribed the majority of the videos in the Dropbox and I'm currently doing just a few of the newer ones and I'm already getting hundreds of visitors every single day from the new blog posts I'm doing from transcriptions.

You can do it by yourself or it's relatively cheap to hire a freelancer on Upwork to take the videos, transcribe them and put them up on a blog post. This is my 6th tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

The best part is you can build this with your YouTube. You can transcribe videos that you've got on YouTube, send people to your blog and then put the YouTube video on the page with the blog post and get people from the website onto YouTube.

Just send people back and forth. This post is a massive Python tutorial which gives me a great chance to get people searching for anything in particular about coding Python to end up on my blog. Once they're on my blog, there are tons of ways for me to make sales, memberships, bundles, ad revenue, and all kinds of income-earning opportunities.

Therefore, transcribing some of these to a blog with the smart thought out strategy, for example, pick certain courses, use it on your existing blog or make a new blog and go for organic search traffic. There are tons of opportunities to build a website like this.

Tip #7 is instead of trying to sell courses with private label rights, you can set this up to make sales on services. Instead of trying to build a YouTube channel and sell classes, what's a lot easier is to just offer services directly related.

Below is one of the original videos I put out online. I used to get clients from it. This is my 7th tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

For example, Joseph doesn't do this but if you wanted to do it instead, what you could do is take the exact same thing but instead of selling courses say if you need help setting up your bun to Linux server, put an email address, a phone number or some other contact just like I did in my tutorials.

What I did on this is I did a long-format video course. I offered services and I'd get clients who would sometimes spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars off of YouTube. Even if you don't know any of the subjects yourself, you could hire freelancers often at a much lower hourly rate.

Now you need to research this beforehand but what you can set up will be a lead generation system where you put the videos up and then you get people needing services related to the videos. You charge a higher dollar per hour rate than the freelancer charges and then you just make money in the middle.

Let's say someone needs help with Linux, you can find a freelancer that can help for $20 an hour. You charge say a 10-hour coaching or help package for $300. Then you pay the freelancer $200 to do it. You've just made $100 to be in the middle.

Obviously, you could set things up even better than that like you could charge more and pay less, etc. That's another way that if you don't want to set up all the video courses. You could just do this system without needing to do any of the video courses.

Tip #8 is to publish the courses or private label rights courses into books. A lot of producers of video courses like me can't be bothered to go do a book version of their video course and the majority of the video courses I've got in my private label rights have not been turned into ebooks.

The Bun to Linux one that Joseph has on his channel, I turn it into an ebook. Paperback royalties have earned me more than $500 if you put all the royalties together already within the first couple of years. This is my 8th tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

I have earned an additional over $500 with eBook Royalty. So over $1,000 in royalties on Amazon alone just to get this transcribed and put into a book. If you combine transcribing into a blog with an ebook and the royalties, you've really got a lot of earning potential.

Tip #9 is you could also just watch the video courses and get a job with them yourself.

I have an Upwork tutorial video that you can watch below. This is my 9th tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

You might be in the process of going through all these videos. See some of the new skills you'd like to learn. Learn them and then with these new skills learned, you might be able to get hired at a much higher hourly rate on Upwork than whatever you're already doing.

If you add the new skills you've learned together with your existing skills, you can just up your existing hourly rate. The best way to get a job online is to have some unique skills that it's not easy to find someone else with those exact set of skills.

Therefore, just learning 1 or 2 different topics out of all these private label rights courses might help you a lot and it's a good way to just get immersed and to test out and see which things you'd like.

Tip #10 is you could set up your podcast on I've got an entire video course “How to Promote Your Podcast in 2019 for Free!”. This is my last tip out of the top 10 Private Label Business ideas for 2020.

I've made over a thousand dollars on my Anchor FM podcast in ad revenue. If you look at the income report, this didn't show the first 3 months. I made $172. You can take certain courses and put them into an entire podcast and have the ability to earn income indefinitely.

I got 74,080 plays as soon as I switched my podcast to anchor and within the first few months earned hundreds of dollars even though I didn't have very good sponsors at the time.

Thus, a podcast can give you the ability, especially on some of the Evergreen courses that means like a productivity course, it'll be good in 10 years still. You could set up a podcast just by taking the audio files out of some of these video courses and make a podcast that could earn you passive income every single month once you set it up for life.

Thank you very much for learning. I suggest if you want to make all of this work, join my mastermind at We've got 5 new members within the last 2 weeks.

Join Jerry Banfield's Mastermind Program

The daily video call workshops are absolutely outstanding. Just try one of these, you'll see. I get so inspired. I get a lot of great ideas out of the workshops I do. This is a support group I needed as an entrepreneur online.

I would love to show up for the calls. They helped me. We have weekly study materials for you and a Facebook group where other people are doing the same things. You can ask questions. You can talk directly with me and other partners who are doing well on exactly what you're trying to do.

I appreciate you learning with me about “Top 10 Private Label Business Ideas for 2020 with PLR Online Video Courses”. Thank you for giving me the chance to serve you.

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If you have any questions, you can contact me directly at via message, WhatsApp or email and that's it. I love you. You're awesome. Thank you for reading till the end and I'll see you in the next post or video.

Jerry Banfield

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