Which functionalities can developers offer to users of the OnLive?

in onlive •  7 years ago 

OnLive is a platform, which can help users to earn money easier and quicker. Using the OnLive, people will get money without the necessity of going to the traditional work. It is one of the most convenient chance for streamers to become famous and find their own auditory.

There are a lot of different innovative functions, which can be used by people, who are registered in the platform, such as:

  • messaging platform – it is the service, which allows people to chat with each other. There will be many buttons, which will execute different functions. The customer, who enters the chat, can ask for making some operations. It will be very convenient because users will make the transactions immediately during the chatting;
  • payment options – in the platform OnLive all students, who are registered in the project, can earn money by very easy ways, such as making online streaming translations and telling something interesting about different popular themes;
  • wallet – users of OnLive can earn and pay only using the tokens ONL, there is a built-in wallet, which allows to make some different purchases or earn some money;
  • reputation system – it helps new users in learning information about different streamers in the platform. With its help people can know as much as possible about the activity of other registered users;
  • channels – all channels, which are on the platform, have its own profile. There all people can learn some information about the development history of the channel and themes, which are popular there;
  • verification – developers of the platform are sure that trust is one of the most important things on the platform. That’s why there is a very reliable system of identification of persons.

All the transactions in the platform OnLive will be started from the first day of the public sale. Registered users can buy necessary amount of the tokens ONL to make transactions during the Public sale. It lasts from 11 Mart to 11 April. At this time developers will release near 63 million of tokens, which people can buy for achieving their aims in the platform. All tokens, which will not be bought, will be burned by smart-contracts.

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