in onlyfun •  2 years ago 

{'id': '3/Gk13icn2u7YBPhNMFb8Q==', 'author': 'qd5f784bc', 'subscriptions_name': '凯子区块链', 'body': '?sA夬夬挫扼?2sA', 'memo': 'vtLMJQoGeWcV5RSfoS6z8A==', 'avatar': '', 'status': 'normal'}

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Nice post and this is about the picture with the title only fun that you shared with us. The picture showed a girl and we don't her name. The girl looks like a young miss. She looks like a fine young lady.

{'id': 'BL/AW26ck4YrEvxGFUhkkQ==', 'author': 'q455b9e91', 'subscriptions_name': '凯子区块链', 'body': '中亽赇斜', 'memo': 'KWv+lSK98uvKHHElJFLF0w==', 'avatar': '', 'status': 'normal'}