What's ONO everybody ask, but I will tell you WHY ONO!

in ono •  7 years ago 

May seems to be a very long month,

and the yearning to become an ONOrary member is overwhelming.

1 copia.png
Cuz we are in love again!

I think there will be time to say and disclaim about ONO. How it works, what are its policies and regulations, lucrative mode, among other things. But above all, it's important that we know (and recognize) the importance of ONO in the future of social networks.

I wouldn't like to speak as an expert, especially since I am still waiting for the international launching of ONO and I have not been able to test the platform myself. Instead, I want to speak like a young man full of expectations and haunting to know a new real possibility of living within an egalitarian world, where growth is intrinsically related to the good or bad of your content, nothing more.

ONO, the hope of a humanist

For those who don't know me, I tell you that I have a degree in literature and of course, I'm a lover of everything related to human vicissitudes. Passions, sins, loves, disappointments, tragedies and epics, a whole range of reasons why human beings will always prevail over anything.

But like every humanist who feels poetry as if it were his body's nails, technological advances have thrived a bit in my system and for a moment I felt totally lost. It was my modern tragedy.

For a spark of luck, Steemit said "hello" and I answered with 10 fingers hungry for words. I found a place among so much contemporary drama, but I admit that it was not enough. Steemit gave me the opportunity to look at the world better, but not to feel tickle in the stomach, as well as when you are going to meet the person that brings you crazy. On the other hand, ONO is the restructuring of that hope.

For me the most important thing about ONO at this moment is not its systematic functioning, but the human power with which I interact behind the screen. The people who are part of the first generation are simply spectacular and the best, strange as it may seem, are very different between them. They are not linked by a specific topic, but by humanity itself. Maybe that's why I feel so comfortable with this new group of people.

The atmosphere is loaded with so much good vibes that I'm sure that when ONO finally reaches the international level, it will make the foundations of the internet rumble.

Building bridges

If you approach the WhitePaper, you will see that ONO is governed by the foundation of human common sense. And I don't say it because it appears exactly with those words, but because it is the most laudable conclusion that I have been able to perceive.

Ke Xu has worked in finding through an online platform the human utopia: equality above all things.

In this sense, individuals of limited resources will be able to compete side by side with people who have better economic possibilities; I will explain it as a croupier would.

A poker game

During the tournaments of this popular card game, all players start with the same amount of chips on the table. It doesn't matter if you have the Rolex owner mogul in front of you or if you are with the four-time world gaming champion. All are equal.

As the tournament progresses, some players begin to project more than others given their card skills. We can make the analogy and think of those skills as the ability to create quality content to other users who create less remarkable content, which will give a better reputation to the first over the second (more chips in the case of poker).

Arranged that way, the game always gives you the opportunity to improve your chances, because in each hand dealt (each content posted) the chances of winning reopen.

Now imagine that the chips are your reputation within the platform. If you create good content and behave according to the basic rules set by ONO, your reputation will be ascending, just as if you won chips. On the other hand, if your development on the platform is deplorable, your dislikes will increase and therefore, your influence on ONO will decrease until you are eliminated, exactly like the game when you lose all your chips.

So, where are the bridges?

In the possibilities of uniting people of all strata, tastes and motivations!

Nowadays it's very difficult to link people with the same taste but different possibilities. For a literary critic to read a novel, he must first pass through an editor who in turn demands that the writer have a certain path in the world of letters. Through ONO no, because the writer > editor > critical chain of command is not created, but the 3 form a heterogeneous line in which there are no structural divisions: writer = editor = critical, and thanks to that the projection of a good writer increases significantly in the same way that their chances of being read grow.


Open a browser window and start to paper out of everything "ONOverse" has for you!

Thanks @mammasitta, that word is just perfect!

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Now seriously, there is nothing more beautiful than human motivations and to achieve that with the world of technology is simply an idyllic dream that we are about to reach.

ONO will be a living organism as you can see on @onosocial, moldable through open consensus and will evolve according to the interests of the majority and as Ke Xu believes, we all believe that we are part of the ONObuilders team: people are good and we have good intentions, that's our best resource.

Here's WHY ONO, don't be careless.

If you take too long you may end up saying "O-NO WHY   I didn't act before"

2RVmpmQ - Imgur.png

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I am really excited for this one too. I hope they are still able to launch this month. :-)

Even if launching is in June, I'm already exciting @melbookermusic hahahaha... I think this gonna be great!

Agreed-this should be really good.

This quote at the bottom:

"Here's WHY ONO, don't be careless.
If you take too long you may end up saying "O-NO WHY I didn't act before" "

YES. 😂💙 We are happy to have you sharing the #ONOLove

That's what ONO is making to me, feeling!!!

I'm such happy to share with all these people behind to an amazing project <3 #ONOLove! Yey!

I love how you wrote this and made it resonate with the humanist in me.

I like how you used a poker game to highlight an even playing field.

I am so happy to be part of it.

"Made it resonate with the humanist in me", this is the most important @maverickinvictus!

It means then that I achieved my goal. I want to be able to translate ONO as what I feel it is: a place created by good people for good people.

We are sailing together friend, I'm also very happy to be on this ship!

But like every humanist who feels poetry as if it were his body's nails,


The people who are part of the first generation are simply spectacular and the best, strange as it may seem, are very different between them. They are not linked by a specific topic, but by humanity itself.

And they are all great people! The first post I did on the topic was titled 'What if We Could Change the World?' and it's definitely a lofty goal, but if a large group of like-minded people come together to do just that, then we may just make a dent in the negativity at the very least. At least it's something. 😏

Well @ambrosial, here is a sure squire who will help you in the battle to bring about that change in the world. Once I heard (I don't remember where) that the change started by oneself. Well here we are and we're going there!

Thanks for your poste, interesting project!
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