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@stellabelle - I think it is extremely important to do what you want to do and what your instinct tells you - as someone below already commented you do not need to justify no matter if people ask you.

I have seen video messages by KE which sounded convincing - think she is an awesome developer of new visions! However - not all is clear to me - please realise I am male, I am German and I come from a sales & marketing background and it takes time to convince me - why is that? Hit me on DM - I have learned a lot about similar models so i tend to be careful to protect my own community.

I personally admire you for what you do here even I did bombard you with questions which is my attitude to get around new things :-) (not happening anymore as I think I found someone that is capable to answer the important things - will update you soon on that). I usually have to get answers before I buy-in for anything. Scams can happen - Enthusiasm is great - due dilligence before that more important. People knowing me are aware that I try to take care of my community by checking a lot questions before telling them about a new fantastic thing, I usually ignore any hype even by good friends but focus on facts and due diligence before I join that. Sounds boring and negative - maybe but in my view more important as jumping on unknown trains.

Hope all will become real as you anticipate @stellabelle! You just have to understand people will ask questions simply based on the below sentence which I agree on I have to admit - what is the message behind this or the intention?

"She has told me that indeed she is not creating ONO for the money."

Hi @stellabelle! I have a friend (maybe you know each other @mammasitta) who has told me about ONO. I must accept that I still do not fully understand what ONO is going to be, nor am I sure how to become a volunteer, but I am sure I want to join.

As you say, I have not come to ONO by myself, it simply appeared because @mammasitta also came to me; I could only be in the right place and time.

For a long time, I follow you here on Steemit, but I do not know why I always felt that I could not fully adhere to your themes, however ONO (without knowing it well) I feel it close to me.

I hope and I will find a way to join you. I do not know about programming and little about numbers, but as @mammasitta knows, humanity is my greatest vocation and I feel that there is going to be a lot of that in ONO.

Have a nice day! :D

I fucking miss you and the way you write ! Wow that was fun to read and literally answered some of the questions I’ve had. So cool! So proud of you @stellabelle. This is legit perfect for you. I posted a sick picture of us btw from Austin. It’s the black and white one when we were outside that reccomended taco joint lol. It’s a great pic haha enjoy your evening ttyl

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Gonna read that on the way to work today, thanks! Congratulations on finding a fulfilling job @stellabelle !

The story really shows the willpower some people have in wanting to change the world. While no one would ever like to think of it at the time. It was for the best that people kept telling him to “drop the dream” as I can only imagen that put even more fire under him to want to be part of a better place. To many corporations out there just suck the souls out of people and take them for everything they can.

Nothing worse than being an idealist being taken advantage of by a business when they can make them think there ideas are going change the world. When in fact, they are changing it just not how they wanted it to happen. Certain types of people have to extra careful with whom they share their ideas with. People these days just use and toss others aside like a candy wrapper. History has show us this happening a few times.

i also have crumbled under the weight of evil people in corporations. it's not something i will ever forget. usually, the more psychopathic one is, the higher on the food chain they go...for this, it seems opposite...

Whenever I make decisions or life choices I never consider what other's will think of me, I just decide what is good or right for me so that when I make a decision I will be better informed to help others if need be. I think as cliche' as it sounds, it is true: "follow your heart". I don't really know what ONO is, but if it is a type of steemit site, I'd love to know more. I have been blown away that a site like Steemit can even exist and it has made me and a few other artists I speak with regularly feel how important this type of environment and online world is for and to the arts.
How can the common person get involved?


that girl is lightening fast!


"Collaborate with others, and compete with yourself."

You don't need to justify what you do or who you do it with.

Enjoy and best of luck.

I do since I was criticized. I want people to understand the truth, not believe rumors.

Looking over the white paper, I think we need more social settings than just the few we have now, most of the current ones are not to my liking, that is why I was absent from online social media for so long until my wife told me about steemit, which I like, a lot. So another potential view makes sense to take a look. I did not like the Solo system, and have been waiting to see what Dan and EOS do, but in the meantime, nothing stays the same, there is and always has been change.

Thank you for this post, I will definitely read the ONO white paper @stellabelle. It is good to follow your guts, people will always judge you but when you turn out successful in that thing they run to you for guidiance. That is the world we are in.

Do the thing that makes your blood get hot. I never bothered with the idea of "success". I only am concerned with being free, and helping others get free. This is my mission actually.

Glad to know that @stellabelle. Thank you.

This comment of yours just lifts my spirit and I believe it's in line with the core value of ONO. Thanks ma @stellabelle. Will take my time and read the white paper. Cheers

ONO needs people to build a social fabric that is worth being wrapped in.

I love your burning desire @stellabelle

Do you know if ONO will do an airdrop to EOS token holders? Will ONO do ICO at later date?

We don't know right now. Anything is possible, things are being discussed, but nothing concrete at this time. Best to follow the official accounts to find out.


What an awesome opportunity! I'm excited to see how ono turns out, and even more interested now that you are on board.

Im curious how you feel about the state of steem these days, if that is too touchy a subject?

I know it'd be big when they refused investors who may likely control them. I'm following them closely, in the world where money rules almost over everything, it's nice to see people who actually care.

I think we are all free to make our decisions, explaining the reason behind your actions won't change people's opinion. So, why bothered?

I think human beings are wired that way, we judge intentions not the actions or even the motive behind the actions.
When a loved person did something wrong, we give reasons to cover him up, but let the unloved one repeat the same thing, the whole world will hear about him.
Ever since I know you through @alexandravart, you have always been somebody of your word. I love people of such quality

Go ahead with your intentions and actions if you are good with it.

That is life for you @stellebelle but you have to take it behind you and move on

Currently working in the prison system... and so Kudos!!! Way harder to do the right thing when everyone else is telling you it's not the way you should be doing things..... stay true to you!

Now on to see what ONO is about!

What excites me most about ONO is the Freeeedom! I love to be free and spread the news of freedom. You are a bold and creative leader @stellabelle, guts don't let down.

I live by this rule: I will not work with anyone for 5 minutes who I wouldn't want to work with for 5 years.

This really got me....I love the quote

All you need to do is read the White Paper and let it sink in.

I thought ONO has no white paper

ONO's White Paper is 75 pages long and took the ONO team 5 months to write. Of course it has a White Paper.

Wow! Really I never knew about that, congratulations on your new project @stellabelle

Thanks for sharing

ONO belongs to everyone. It's not "my" project. I am a helper of the vision.

please click on the link.

This sounds very interesting, don't know much about crypto, but I'm learning, great move working together for the same goals can only bring success.

@stellabelle i really like on how you went straight to your point, one thing i will learn from this post is "Do not work for 5mins with someone you cannot work with for 5 years" i really reflected about it and its truth.

Please more of the same!.. An congrats in advance to your ONO project.


it is absolutely true. If your core philosophy does not align with your boss, then things will get ugly. I have seen and experienced this many times myself. Align yourself with others who believe the same core philiosophy and it will be like being in a loving relationship.....

Nice post from a great steemian, thanks for sharing this information, there is a saying which says information is power.

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Congratulations with your new job! You should NOT care what people say....follow your brain!

Thanks Stella! All your hard work has been amazing to watch..

@stellabelle this is very insightful

I'm happy for you to have found an enterprise worth devoting so much energy towards!

great post, this is very exciting.
congrats on your new well deserved job. :)

They say there is a big waiting list. How big is the list for the international version? Where can I look into getting in line for it? It sounds like a cool project with a positive philosophy. I heard you all on the eosradio. It got me excited and I wanted to see where and how I can take part. Hope things have been good Stella!

Interesting to hear an update about your involvement, I've heard more than one person disparage your involvement "shilling" ONO, and to be honest I didn't know much about it or your involvement.

People who are "all in" on Steem are going to be hostile to a competitor, which ONO clearly is, and not only that it's on the platform that the former lead dev of Steem created, there's clearly a bit of shade still there. So not hard to connect the dots.

It looks cool, and I'm not a Steem maximalist, we have to be pragmatic. I'm still not sure about EOS and how the platform is going to develop when it gets battle tested but I'm interested and following things. I wish you good luck with your involvement in ONO.

I should say one thing about the idealism. In my experience it's never the whole story. "Making the world a better place" more often that not turns out to be spin. There are idealists for real, you're one, but ask yourself what are you hoping to get out of it? What are they hoping to get out of it? Being honest with this question is so important, it's easy to hand wave away the hard truth here.

I would caution your trust of anyone (a n y o n e) and like any investment, and everyone is super fond of saying this, don't invest more than you can afford to lose. That goes for your time too, and the time you put into ONO. You know this, I just say it to say it.

Also, what happened to ERA, the users, team and investors? Did people get burned or did it land and dissolve gently?

Keep us updated! The journey will be interesting no matter what happens.

"Collaborate with others, and compete with yourself."
such a great thought!

I have seen how the community in steemit have changed lives all around the world... And I am pretty sure ONO will be way beyond! That is the most exciting part for me :D ... And the stickers xD

none of us know where it is going, however numbers usually speak louder than any words.

numbers, actions, results! yeah, we just do our best so if everything fails we don't feel like we could have done better.

I really love your thought about life and about any project you embarked on. ONO is really meant to meet the needs of many as the needs of human being come first.

Many people are out there to criticise fulfilling project like ONO but it takes someone that really knew where he/she is going to not to be distracted.

I really commend your efforts on this project @stellabelle

Have not seen your post for a while. Was wondering what you have been up to these days. Thanks for letting us know about ONO will certainly try it out. Great to know that such smart and not money driven people are behind this project.

By the way, @stellabelle I invite you to try our completely free mobile app called SteemApp for Steemians. We are also not money driven. Just want to make an app that people will enjoy to use. We are constantly working on improvements and new features. If you like what we are doing for Steemit please consider woting for our team as witness @yuriks2000. Looking forward for your feedback.

Awesome stella! I am very glad it seems you have found your place! From the sound of it the CEO is someone really amazing!

Good luck on your new journey!

It has been a long time since I have seen you on Steemit. Thanks for the update.

I am glad that you have found people that you connect with and are willing to work with. I know that must be meaningful to you. Blessings as you search for freedom. I hope you find it!

This is a keeper I saved in a special file on my laptop! Inspirational, and I feel good having followed you!
The line "Collaborate with others, and compete with yourself." speaks to me, because I do that, and competing with myself, I always know I can do better (next time)!

EOS is exciting and I'm really quite impatient for the public unveiling of its social platform. I was late to discover Steemit, I wish I found it 2 years ago, I won't be late with ONO.

Thank you for sharing us a little about the personalities behind the platform.


This is very interesting... I have to take a look..

I am also very impressed with Ke Xu and ONO, as well as EOS and am wondering when the international version will be launched and if I need to get in line or just wait for launch date?
Her social, philosophical and humanistic perspectives are both inspiring and refreshing :) Glad you are there to support her and add your knowledge. Feels very empowering for women.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

So says the woman who survived a psychopath to go on and continue building things that speak to her heart. Which if you've survived something like that you know is one of the hardest things someone can do. Don't be simplistic.