How To Get Rid of Nail Fungus

in onychomycosis •  3 years ago 

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Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a type of infection that grows under the nails or in other moist areas of the body such as the hair and skin. It is caused by certain types of fungi. Left untreated, it can spread into other areas of your body and become dangerous. In this article, you will learn more about nail fungus and understand how to get rid of it.

What Are The Symptoms Of Nail Fungus?
The first symptom of nail fungus is a change in the appearance of the nail. You may notice that the nail becomes thicker, or that it starts to discolor or crumble. If the infection spreads beyond the nails, you may notice that your skin is scaly and discolored. You may also experience pain in your fingers or toes if the infection reaches the joints. If nail fungus is left untreated, it can spread to other areas of your body, creating serious health problems. The fungus may spread to your blood, bones, and internal organs, creating life-threatening infections. With early detection and treatment, these complications can be avoided.

How To Know If You Have Nail Fungus
If you suspect you have nail fungus, the first thing you should do is make an appointment with your doctor. A doctor can examine your nails and determine if you have nail fungus, as well as suggest treatment. It’s important to see a doctor because nail fungus can be easily misdiagnosed as psoriasis, eczema, or other conditions, so it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis from a doctor. There are, however, some ways that you can tell if you have nail fungus at home. If you have discolored or thickened nails, it’s a good idea to see a dermatologist. If your nails have any of these symptoms, you may have nail fungus.

Natural Way To Get Rid of Nail Fungus
If you’re looking for natural ways to get rid of nail fungus, you’ll have some options. The first thing you should do is change your nail care routine. Wear gloves while doing housework and avoid walking barefoot in public spaces, as these are all ways to contract nail fungus. If you already have nail fungus and are looking for natural remedies, below are some suggestions: - Peel and debride infected nail - Treat nail with tea tree oil - Apply hydrogen peroxide - Wear socks - Use home remedies - Get a doctor’s prescription

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Home Remedies to treat nail fungus
Peel and debride infected nail - You must remove the infected portion of the nail to let the healthy tissue grow. You can do this by using a small knife or a nail clipper to cut away the infected portion of the nail. You can either file the nail down or clip it back to a healthy length. Clean the area thoroughly with soap and water to prevent the spread of the fungus. Treat nail with tea tree oil - Tea tree oil is a bactericide and fungicide that can help keep nail fungus at bay. Applying tea tree oil once or twice a day can help kill the fungus and prevent it from spreading to other nails. Apply hydrogen peroxide - Hydrogen peroxide is a great home remedy for nail fungus. It’s important to follow the instructions carefully to avoid injury to the surrounding skin.

Wear socks
Wear socks while you sleep. This is an old wives’ tale, but it actually works. The warmth and darkness of your socks will keep your hands warm and moist, preventing the fungus from spreading.

Use home remedies
Home remedies are some of the most effective treatments for nail fungus. These include: - Turmeric - Turmeric has been shown to be as effective as some anti-fungal medications. You can apply turmeric to your nails 3 times per week as an anti-fungal treatment. - Lemon - The citric acid in lemon can kill the fungus that causes nail fungus. Before applying lemon to your nails, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly or wear gloves. - Horseradish - Eating horseradish has been shown to increase the flow of blood to your extremities, including your fingers and toes. This can help slow the growth of fungus in those areas. - Apple cider vinegar - Apple cider vinegar has anti-fungal properties that can help treat nail fungus. It also promotes nail growth, making it a good choice for a home remedy.

Get a doctor’s prescription
If home remedies don’t help clear up your nail fungus, a doctor may be able to prescribe an anti-fungal medication. This can take longer than a home remedy, but it’s more effective in some cases. If you have a serious case of nail fungus, or if you’ve been trying home remedies for some time without success, it may be a good idea to visit a doctor for a prescription.

Nail fungus can be a very annoying and sometimes painful condition. Luckily, there are various ways to treat and prevent nail fungus. If you’re experiencing symptoms of nail fungus, you should treat the infection immediately. It’s important to prevent the spread of the fungus and prevent other areas of your body from being infected

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