I don’t feel sorry for any dark skin people who choose to engage in a colorism pity party. I’m sorry I just don’t. Well, let me back that up somewhat. I show concern for little children who begin to comprehend what colorism is at an early age, but once a person reaches around 16 years old or so, I don’t feel sorry for you anymore. And the reason I don’t is because if you are 16 or older and you are still running around throwing colorism pity parties because you think that all the black men are choosing white women, light skin and biracial women over dark skin women, or you are a dark skin dude who feels a certain type of way about your skin color because you feel like light skin men are out here just snatching women up everywhere effortlessly…well, I’m sorry. You need to get over yourself and develop some self-esteem by either seeking out a therapist or digging deep within to find that love and appreciation for your skin. I don’t care what message white society as a whole is pushing in terms of promoting whiteness and light skin over dark skin, at the end of the day, you have to take control over you emotions and feels and turn that shit into something positive that can bring value to your life. Only you can do that. But if you really want someone to blame for this whole colorism issue and why you can’t seem to get over it and accept who you are, then blame your mama or your daddy for failing to instill in you at an early age that you were a beautiful dark skin girl who should be proud of your skin color, and the same for you dudes who who cry about colorism too.
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