have you ever used eBay?
have you ever been RIPPED off on eBay?
did you always get scared of SELLING online?
well potentially be prepared for the same, BUT wait. .. .
what about this, however...
- no listing fees
- open & transparent bitcoin payments (maybe alt coins in the future)
- low cost to have your own online store on 24/7
- selling your services and get paid in crypto?
grab this course now over on skillshare, https://skl.sh/2mndVTt
yep, I'm really interested in p2p marketplaces, it's the next logical place for things to go for cryptocurrency especially when money vanishes and all we are doing is trading digital value around the web based on our time, skills and intent. think about that for a moment.
in this course ...
- no more websites to host, just peer to peer connection to a storefront and crypto payments
- remove all the barriers of payment provider and middleman costs. straight to provider payment
- payments effectively open if being paid with an open transparent crypto (bitcoin ledger)
- direct from supplier to buyer, decentralised platform where all involved help keep it running
- not all good because different kinds of issues manifest when using a system like this
- will be important to keep an eye on a pricing of your products if linked directly to a cryptocurrency
hope you enjoy this course! :)
just one of the NINE areas i'm interested in for the next 3/4 years - looking forward to sharing my new blog with you when it's finished! :)
grab this course now over on skillshare, https://skl.sh/2mndVTt
ALSO. ..