OPENLEDGER hacked? Impossible to trade with OPEN.COIN markets

in openledger •  7 years ago 

Since two days ago there is a known alert recommending to not use Open Ledger URLs in order to trade or access to your wallet. Instead you can use Bitshares which has full access to your wallet by using the brain key or online account.

And it was so at least till this morning, on which I realized my wallet has an important reduction of funds.
I thought that was a problem with the node connectivity or latency or the like but is not.

Seems that I have the quantities of OPEN.BTC , OPEN.LTC and OPEN.STEEM in the wallet but there is no equivalent "value" in USD.

Then I checked the OPEN.BTC market and I saw the following message:

"The Owner of OPEN.LTC has disabled trading in this market"


At least my BITSHARES wallet indicates that I still have those OPEN.COIN but, with no value at all (LoL)...

Hope OPENLEDGER recovers the control over their domains soon...

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In case you missed this one CRITICAL Bitshares: DO NOT USE OPENLEDGER.

I knew it. Thanks anyway!

I have the same problem! This is the answer I received from OpenLedger: "Sorry, but we have no information about how long it will take"

everything is very disturbing

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You could use CryptoBridge, which is another decentralized exchange based on BitShares. It is possible to use the same account everybody is using on OpenLedger.

hahahha, bitshares funciona sense problema tambe... no estic dient aixo, lo que dic es que, si tens OPEN.BTC, per exemple, no ara mateix no val res perque no la post vendre ni comprar, han deshabilitat la possibilitat de trading d'aquests mercats encara que entris a cryptobridge, bitshares etc...o qualsevol exchange que treballi amb el blockchain de bitshares

At least hacker can't trade or withdraw your funds too, gotta hope and wait

yeah...that's my understanding as well

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Dear All, I sympathize with those users who were affected by the recent hosting provider’s account breach. Though it wasn’t our fault that credentials of some OpenLedger DEX wallets were stolen, resulting in lost crypto assets, I couldn’t stay still. Starting from July 2, our trading platform will launch the Reimbursement Program for such users. Read more in the official announcement at Yours sincerely Ronny Boesing, CEO, OpenLedger ApS.