RE: @Blocktrades + @Openmic: Steem Fest Giveaway - PART 2

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@Blocktrades + @Openmic: Steem Fest Giveaway - PART 2

in openmic •  6 years ago  (edited)

today I had to wait a looong time to post this, but here it finally is =)

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Very cool Steemian, she is doing good work to promote Steem on discord so I think she deserve the price, wish you good luck, let us ship you to the SteemFest :D

thank you so much for the support @lost108 =). Oh and you're pretty cool too!! LOL

If anyone deserves to win tickets to the SteemFest3, that would be @evecab. All the way from Panama and into the old world haha.

I've known this lady for about a year now and her husband @el-cr. Both of them are great people and solid community members, always engaging, always supportive and helpful. Not just online, but in their local communities too, check both of their blogs out, they're always doing cool things, being involved in different activist groups focused on environmental protection, animal protection, DIY projects and a lot more!
All in all, she's an amazing person that I am happy to have met here on Steemit. Hope you get the tickets, girl!

thank you so much girl! This is such a nice comment and I had no idea you thought that about us! Your support means a lot to me, you ROCK!

To whoever is responsible for choosing a winner: "If @evecab doesn't get these tickets, be sure whole Brazilian jiu jitsu community will look for you and find you and make you accountable for ur incorrect decision :D

Kidding...but this girl right here founded our Brazilian jiu jitsu Discord group and is a moderator there. She's also a founder of much bigger Vegans of Steemit discord. On top of this, she's not using voting bots, does't SELF-UPVOTE, reads the posts of the others and interacts etc etc...I honestly can't think of anyone who's more deserving of this than her...She's just such a good person, it's totally obvious from all her content. I'm 100% sure @jiujitsu, @zekepickleman, @bjjlifestyle, @el-cr, @steemitbjj and others can agree on this...

Oh and last but not least, she's also a very attractive woman :D There's never enough attractive women anywhere, so to whomever it may concern, get this girl to SteemFest!!


LOL you made me laugh so hard with your comment ahahahahah!!! Thank you so much for your support always @matkodurko you are defo one of my favorite people on this platform and if I go to Steemfest I hope to meet you in person =)

I will second this for sure. Get her to show you her shiny six back and then choke you out!

ahahahaha thank you @zekepickleman! I love our BJJ group you guys are all awesome and tons of fun!

I tried to join the Discord channel and it said the invitation is invalid. Do you happen to have a new link?

You should definitely be at Steemworld.

I actually got scared for seconds there with afew first sentences :D

Haha don't u worry :)


Eve @evecab is easily one of the greatest and most dedicated Steemians I have ever met here :) Eve creates top-quality posts on so many different topics, she loves to engage with the community and her followers and she is also doing a fantastic job in guiding and mentoring Steemit newbies. I mean who else should get the ticket if not Eve? :)) Fingers crossed my friend! Also, I cannot wait to feature you in my Monday Spotlight - you are exactly the type of Steemian that deserves all kinds of promotion so that you can keep up your inspirational work for as massive audience as possible ;) Good luck!!!

thank you so much Peter! your comment warmed my heart, thanks for the kind words!!! And yes definitely would love to be in your Monday spotlight =)

One of the most thoughtful, down to earth, friendly steemian ive known! Ive gotten to know Eve way back in the early days of the promo-mentors discord channel and i gotta say she has really helped in growing that community. She's also active in other channels as well and has gotten to know a lot of people so i believe she deserves to be at steemfest because not only will she now be able to meet a lot of her steemit friends in person but she's also a good ambassador of steemit as well. Hope you win this one Eve! Im rooting for you! 😀

Thank you so much for your nice words @andywong! Oh how much I miss my comedy trio, I would love to meet you guys but it will be hard unless I ever go to the Philippines...but I'm sure one day I'll make this happen =) BIG hugs!!

@evecab was one of the first people I met when I joined Steem. She is a great Steem ambassador, making everyone feel welcome. She mentors those who need help, does video interviews with some of the movers and shakers in the Steem universe, and meets and greets the often confused newcomers. But like the perfect mom, she is there to lend a hand, give and give direction but will not do it for you. She'll point you in the right direction, but the rest is up to you.

Her warm personality and energy comes through in every conversation but really shines on her videos, especially her interviews. Her "hi hi" with that engaging grin never fails to bring a smile to my face. @evecab is one of those people who brighten my day, just seeing her avatar on Discord. She is a tireless worker, knowledgable about many things both on and off Steem, yet never comes across as overbearing or anything but friendly and down to earth.

She makes Steem a better place every day just by sharing her natural warmth, and her willingness to pitch in and help whoever she can, wherever she can. She is well traveled, and I've seen her handle every type of person who comes into her mentoring channel with deftness and respect. It doesn't matter if they are long time professional writers in the "other" world, clueless newbies trying to make their way around Steem, or anything in between. @evecab treats them all with respect, honesty, and warmth. Other names may be more prominent and easily recognized, but for me, and countless others, Eve is the face of the Steem community.

Thank you so much Kay =) I'm very happy to have met you, this is what's so amazing about Steemit! I hope I'll make it to your neck of the woods some day so we can move cattle together =)

I tried to put many elements in your comment in mine, but I failed. @Evecab deserves it!

ohh thank you FT =) you guys made my day with your comments!!!

She's doing a great job to spread the word about Steem.
And an important point, if she come.... there will be more meat for us!

Bwahahahhaha that's such a good one! LOLOLOL Go Eve gooooo. We need more meat.

Merci beaucoup @hightouch, j'espère!!!! =)

AHAHAHAA I should have started my video this way "if I get the ticket I promise to give away my meat portions to you!" LMAO you made me laugh

Very good point!

This is awesome! @evecab is more than deserving of this chance to connect with the community the she has contributed so much to. I remember last year when Eve started to put the bug in my ear about joining Steemit. I had never heard of the platform and was pretty burned out from other social media networks. She assured me that Steemit was unlike anything out there and it was enabling her to really connect with like-minded spirits in a positive and constructive way that made her feel like she was a part of something awesome. Oh, and she did not leave out that you got paid in crypto to post (who doesn’t love to write content they care about and get paid for it). It took me months to join the platform and though I have very little content, Eve never ceases to assure me that what I have to say and contribute is of value and I should share my voice with the world!

I have known Eve since before she began her quest to empower herself and others via embracing veganism and more conscious ways of being. We started the our journeys with plant-based eating near the same time and I am so inspired by how much she has been able to effect change from her own backyard (literally...she has the greatest little home garden) and stoke dialogue in a way that has been accessible and respectful in a world that could use a lot more of both. Her vegansofsteemit group is literally ‘group chat for grown ups who like plant foods with a purpose’ and is so necessary for those of us who want to chat, swap content and share laughs together.

Her eternally positive attitude, willingness to share relatable, interesting content and expansive vision for being part of the crypto space as truly a major player (she’s got the ideas...all the ideas) is why I know she deserves to win the @blocktrades + @openmic: SteemFest Giveaway. Please give this woman a chance to tell you her story and participate in an event that celebrates the innovation that Steemians like Eve bring to table every day!

OMG you are amazing! You've got some serious writing skills girl! What are you waiting for, you should be a whale on here already =) Love you!!!!

@evecab clearly has a lot of stake in Steem in the form of enthusiasm, passion and motivation. As a member of her vegan group I appreciate her facilitation of connection and I'm sure she would be a boost to the social event of the Steem year in many ways!

Thanks so much @ura-soul! Your support as a vegan and a witness means a ton to me! Are you going I hope we can meet in person some day!

You are welcome. I am planning on going, but can't book anything or make a definite decision until other things are sorted out here first.. Thanks for the nudge and good luck!

Yep with Eve it will 99% be more fun, as she is not afraid to do some crazy stuff!

ahahahaahah you can bet on that!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Oh my goodness Eve what a day to try to post your entry huh?! I was thinking about you hoping this whole glitch got fixed quickly.

I love the work you do with vegans of steemit and it’s so nice to hear your passion to support the community. I’m also a big lover of comments over votes.. I think the engagement and relationships that are built through that are so vital for this place, and part of what makes it special. You are so sweet and I your commitment to this platform shines through your words. I’m excited to meet you in November! Best of luck in this contest!! ❤️

yes today was insane!!!My video was ready since this morning and I was really nervous about posting it I can finally breathe! Thank you so much for your kind words, I can definitely return the compliment =)

I think @evecab should go, never saw in steemit people as passionate for generating changes and improving life for others as she and her husband, they are quite activist altruistic people and I think the steemfest would help them get some attention to the very important problems and causes they fight. Plus, they are cool people to hang out with you know? bring her along!! no regrets on that guaranteed!!

hahaha thank you @gaeljosser for your very nice comment!!! Would love to hang out with you too btw! Hopefully we can organize a get-together somewhere in Latin America, closer for us =)

I'm not much of a vegan person but I saw you're so into the community. I hope you get what you hope for the the Vegans of Steemit. Hope to see you at the fest! :)

thank you so much or your comment @waybeyondpadthai =) That is very sweet of you!!! I hope to meet you too (btw pad thai is my favorite dish!!!)

Like, vagan pad thai with lots of TOFU would be so yummmm. Dang it, now I'm hungry LOLOLOLOL

yessss =)

@evecab She is a great person and cares so much about people and keeping in touch with them. I believe that networking at the Steemfest would be a good chance for her to grow even more and her group to support new people who are getting into Steemit. She speaks several languages as well which can spread awareness about Steemit even more!

thanks Melissa!!! You're the best! Thanks for the support!

There are tons of vegans on Steemit, I honestly do not have the slightest idea who would be going to SteemFest. @evecab would be a great representative for us vegans 😉 She is actively trying to unite us vegans of Steemit, that she opened a discord server just for us. Cool sauce she is 👍👍👍👍

thank you so much girl!!!! I hope to do great things for the vegan community, crossing fingers =)

There is literally no more important vegan on the Steem blockchain than @evecab . She has been consistently building community and empowering other new vegan Steemians like myself. She is the vegan matriarch on the Steem blockchain! I would like for nothing else but for @evecab to get to go to Steem fest.

thank you so much @fruitdaddy!!! I love how you call me the matriarch lol. Your support means a lot!!

I'd love to see the vegan group growing into your vision @evecab! You're among my favorite personalities on Steem, and think you'd do very well connecting with the other folks at Steemfest.

Thank you so much @cahlen!!! I can say the same about you =) are you going?

Thanks! I won't be there, but looking forward to hearing how it goes.

I think @evecab deserves to go to Steemfest! She founded the only steem based vegan community that I know, and she is always sharing interesting content about her life, like her jiu-jitsu practices, and by the way, I think she is probably the only steemian practicing jiu-jitsu :P which makes it very cool.

I hope she can win this competition and go to Steemfest :)

LOL thank you @dedicatedguy =) We are definitely not too many doing BJJ ahahah but there's still more than one =) Thank you so much for your nice comment!

Oh boy.. so many good ones to cheer on here ... sending you the best vibes eve ! so glad to see you participating and your passion and dedication to your groups! I totally agree networking is key and being able to meet everyone in person is sooo going to get you and your initiatives to the next level ! Btw .. I loled at the cat cameos :P ! What's his/her hame? Much hugs!


Hey Pechi, que bueno verte aqui!!!! thanks for your support! hahaha you like the cat and dog video bombers? LOL They always do that! The red one is Kokine (it means "red" in Greek) =)

Hola @anomadsoul - even though it may seem like cheating if I comment here as her husband, it also puts me in the best position to give you some details about the work she puts into @vegansofsteemit behind the curtains.

She is constantly trying to increase engagement there, and to motivate people. She chats more with people in the vegan group than with me sometimes (I'm a little jealous). On Sundays (her only day off) I want to got to the beach and I hear "no, I have to write the Newsletter, I can never miss one edition" and she spends hours reading posts to select them for it. She doesn't earn a thing for doing that, that's just the kind of person she is. I hope she gets that ticket, it would be the right choice for the Steemit platform! Suerte you will always be a winner for me @evecab!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@evecab shouldn't be a competition to win this ticket. For me, here commitment is on a different level. She's one steemians I know that does what she does for the love of it before any other thing. When she makes it to SteemFest, I can guarantee that she would do even more and bring our ecosystem to the spotlight.

Thank you so much for your kind words @bait002! You made my life soooo much better with your great Steemexchanger invention, so I'm returning the compliment!!! =)

Hi Eve. I'd really like to meet @futurethinker also and find out the secret identity. The man... or woman behind the mask 😉Ha ha, but anyway nuff of that silliness.

Great entry and good luck with the contest, I look forward to hopefully 🤞 hanging out at SF3 :-)

Thank you so much @raj808, I'm so glad to see you also posted a video. I will go check it out right this minute!!! Yes, fingers crossed, I really hope I can make it to Steemfest so we can hang out!!

Would love to see @evecab at steemfest representing the growing vegan community on Steemit! She is the kind of person that Steemit really needs taking initiative and action to make things happen on this platform. Good Luck, I hope you win a ticket !

Thank you so much @byebyehamburgers! I really appreciate your support always, here and on teh platform in general! I hope I can make you guys proud!

@evecab deserves to go to steem fest just like Leo Di Caprio deserved an Oscar for wolf of Wall Street it’s that obvious! If she isn’t selected I will protest by not gyming and eating unhealthy because clearly steemians do not believe in fitness if she’s not there 😋

ahahhaaha thank you @chekohler, you made me LOL! I won't allow you to skip the gym though LOL

@evecab is plain A-MA-ZIIN ! Such a helpful and well-rounded Steemian!
Give her the ticket :)

thank you so much @mcfarhat! Glad I met you and your amazing invention =)

There are quite a few people on Steemit that I wonder how they have the time to do all that they do on a given day and @evecab is one of them! Any time I pop into the vegan Discord group--she's there to greet, chat or answer questions. Want to collaborate on a video? Yep, she's killer at putting together really interesting and informative videos that bring different people together. If I need some support, I know she's got my back. All while trying to save injured birds on the beaches of Panama or rescuing stray kittens.

I love how @fruitdaddy called her the matriarch of the @vegansofsteemit group because she really is the "cool mom" that everyone wants to hang out with but you know you can always count on her to help you when you need it. I would be so excited to see the impact she would have by being able to get out to SteemFest. Not only would she represent her groups well and bust her butt to get the most out of the experience, but from a selfish perspective I know she would share all of her experiences as she so eloquently does for all of us who can't make it. ;) Good luck my friend!

OMG thank you @plantstoplanks! I didn't think that you saw me that way ahahah. I'm speechless! You know what's funny? My fest friends from University call me mommy too ahahah I must act motherly in general =) Many thanks again for this awesome comment!!!

The ever lovely @evecab embodies that community spirit and should be put high on the priority list for tickets to Steemfest.

Blissful blessings and smiles

in joy



thank you so much for your support Nathan!!!! You're awesome!!

Being a Vegan food blogger in steemit community is not easy. The whale visits are so limited in this category.
Very often you will see food bloggers being demotivated after posting a brilliant blog.
Thats were Evecab came into the picture, She has made sincere efforts to change this by making a small community named vegans of Steemiton discord, so that vegan bloggers can get to know each other. With help of delegation from few kind souls , she also curates the best vegan blogs!
This to me is a game changer in vegan blogging.

If you ask me who i want to send on that plane to steem fest , i would pick Evecab because shes such a noble soul and the steem community needs people like her.

Hey @backpackingmonk, you hit the nail on the head with your comment, it i indeed a shame to see quality content gone unnoticed. Let's hope we can change that together =) Thank you so much for your kind comment!

That is a great video Eve!! If anybody deserves to go there then it should be you! You do so much for the vegans on Steemit and you built a great community!

The way you want to grow the vegan community is amazing! It would so beneficial to have a curie like community for vegans and vegetarians and I'm sure you would be able to convince some big players to invest in our community!

Fingers crossed! You absolutely deserve it!

Hey girl, Thank you so much for this super nice comment!!I hope I win this, and if not I will find other ways....eitehr way we will make this community go to the moon =). Thanks a LOT for always being there and supporting!!!

My pleasure! We have to spread veganism together! :)

@evecab is a great motivator and spokesperson for the vegan community and more. Would be a great asset for Steemfest and can't think of a better representative than her for the fellow vegans here
Good luck!

Thank you @shadowdragon! I remember that you were one of the first people who joined the discord =) Thank you for the constant support!

She also has a great memory! ;)

@evecab is a the Steemian you will get as she shows herself, honest, fun and genuine. These qualities are very important and rare for a Steemian and even more so for a community creator. Eve has helped me since the beginning of @promo-mentors and even in bad times (including the bear market), her activity has stayed the same. She is a person who is very fun to talk to and you'll see that she affects groups very positively with her genuine interest in getting to know people.

I wish you guys a lot of luck in choosing between the contestants, there are many great ones. If you choose Eve you will have a fun and passionate Steemian in SF3, who is on a great mission to build up a community in which category I have found one of the bests posts in my team curating for @ocd and @curie. :)

Thank you so much @futurethinker, you make we wanna go get my tissues and cry ahahah. No seriously, I'm sooo happy to read this, you have no idea. It's such a nice comment on your part. I'm very proud to me @promo-mentors...til the end (which will never happen hopefully!) Count on me for all your future projects!

Oh I am not afraid to admit that I felt something coming up my eye seeing your video! :)

Count on me for all your future projects!

You are counted! ;)

Good luck @evecab. You've done a great job building the vegans of steemit community and you are an awesome person in real life. I hope you get to go and represent us (and Panama).

thank you @choogirl!!!! I'm so glad to have met you! I hope I'll make it to the big city soon so we can have some more of these draft beers =)

I hope you win the ticket, Eve. You're doing a very good job on here. Running a community isn't easy. Your love for animals and the environment has taught me a thing or two.


Hey girl thank you so much for the kind words of support! And the fact that you've learned some things from my blog makes me the happiest person ever! Big hugs to you!!!!

@evecab is the best Steemit ambassador out there. She has chased me for months to finally open an account and start blogging when I knew nothing about crypto. I haven't been as consistent as she would like and she keeps harassing me about that LOL. Joke aside, she deserves to win this ticket because thanks to her more people here in Panama learn about how to earn crypto on Steemit.

thank you @cizabocas! And yes you should blog more ahahaha!

Wow. Eve is awesome I met her in Panamá when I fell in love with one of her best friends. We are both now happily together living in Spain. We love and miss Eve and her husband dearly. She brings smiles to me every day and is a kindred spirit, with her love of plants and humanity. Good luck

Thank you so much Nick =) I miss you guys too!!!

@evecab is a Steemit-beast and deserves to go to the Steemfest. One of the most consistent members of the community and has formed one of the best communities on the Steem blockchain - Vegans of Steemit.

Thank you so much @mackeever! I'm very glad to have you in our group. We need more activists like you in this world!

Aw, thanks for the very kind words. Right back at you!

My new Steemit friend @evecab definitely deserves this! Although I (online) met her only recently, by her posts I can see that she is a very down-to-earth person, caring, loving and always smiling. She is all into helping the community and the community loves her back. Best of all -she is a vegan and into fitness, which means she doesn't only care about her body and health - she cares about all the beings on this beautiful planet. It doesn't get any better than that. Eve, you rock!


Thank you so much for the support Ari! I just met you and didn't expect you to help me, so I'm super grateful for that! =)

Hola @anomadsoul, @evecab should definitely get that ticket to Steemfest! There is nobody who promotes this platform to her family and friends and anyone who will listen as much as she does, and she's an example of a leader of a community. I'm not vegan but I admire her drive to create a kinder world for animals. She also creates great content and inspires me to do the same. It's thanks to her that I even signed up on Steemit, and she motivates me to post my fitness journey here, which I promise to do very soon!

thank you so much Angie!!! Eres la mejor! Te amo sis!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey sweet Evecab, wishing you all the very best.... Also for your work in vegans of steemit and for your motivating smile and passion, huh need video work outs. Hihi. Pris Sees her extra pounds lol. Thanls for inspiring the community into a healthier life, mind and body, for rescuing kitten and caring about this planet and its beings including us.
Rooting so bad for you and ll farms.
Pd. The power of feedback vs vote always, but here mine too.
You so deserve this.

thank you so much Priscilla!!! You are such an amazing artist and a good person, and your support means a lot to me =)

Evecab is one of the people I am working with on steemit via discord. We are in the same communities and she is doing awesomely. She actually deserves the good thing and this ticket should not be left behind.

hey sis, thank you for the kind message!!! It's been a pleasure working with you, always! You're one of my oldest steemit and discord friends here =) That counts for something!

@evecab is a great Steemian. She puts in a lot of thought and effort behind her interesting content. She's great at giving feedback and good, meaningful comments on other's content. She's been a leader in spreading the word about Steem and even starting her own Discord group for jiu jitsu and martial arts on Steemit. I hope she wins this. If anyone deserves to go to Steemfest, it's her.

thank you so much for the kind words @jiujitsu! We have to get together some day and roll!!! Thank you very much for the support! Oss

I cannot think of anyone who deserves this ticket more than @evecab. She is always working with the community to help out whenever needed. Eve is very active on Steem and many other cryto platforms always sending out a positive message whether its veganism or saving our environment. She is committed to always sharing a positive message and because of her I have opened my account. Imagine if she can get out and do this on a larger scale... She is an ambassador to everything positive and crypto. Get this lady a ticket ASAP! :)

Thank you so much Angie!!!!!!

I really hope we can seize this chance of making you look even more happy. You can see at Eves smile I won't say "we" but how much she genuinely cares about the Steem community. A big heart is needed to be thankful for an opportunity like this one, and I know for sure we all have a power to make it a reality for her, and a great dream indeed it is, after so much work, commitment, engagement. We all have a lot to learn about each other still, and I'm sure we will all make this platform a lot better taking this girl to SteemFest. I sincerely wish you the best always, and will be looking up to great updates and videos about this experience, 'cause you surely know how to rock a vlog !!! Kudos to el-cr as well, support and caring is all that we need sometimes, and you are the best asset to any community you are in, and awesome souls making the world a better place. Cheers!

thank you so much @steamdan! I can definitely return the compliment about caring about the community, you are the perfect example in Whalesahres!!! I hope to meet you in person one day!

Your balance is below $0.028. @dustsweeper is now disabled for your account until you transfer new funds. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

yayyy!! you will go to the steemfest!


oh i hope so @yusaymon =). The number of comments here will determine that hehe. Thank you very much for your support!!!!


Thank you for the awesome person that you are! I hope I get to meet you at SteemFest!

thank you @teamsteem for your support! You've been in our group since day one, and I really appreciate your support! I hope I make it so I can meet you too =)

Evecab should win the steemfest tickets!! She has been nothing short of amazing to have in our community. She is thoughtful, kind and encouraging to everyone she interacts with. Even when she disagrees with someone she always remains calm, and informative. Her videos are fun and she leaves fantastic comments . Go Eve Go!!

Thank you so much for your nice words @krazykrista! I love the whaleshares community and it feels like home already =). Thanks for your support!!!!

Hey Eve, all the best to you; I know how big of a help a free ticket would be to you, I was in a similar situation. I hope you win a ticket, see you at SteemFest if you do. :)

Eve was a fantastic guest on my radio show, I am sure she would be an excellent participant at SteemFest.

And Vegans of Steemit should definitely be represented at SteemFest as well.

Host of Here Comes The News on MSP Waves Radio.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Thank you @pennsif! It was great to be on your show! I love the idea of people telling their lives with music! I wish you lots of success with it in the future and hope to meet you one day in person at Steemfest or elsewhere

@evecab should definitely be included. Not only because of her MMA videos and she threathened me that she will do the arm lock techniques if I will not be commenting on it ( kidding aside) she really deserve this.

She has been one of the pillars of @promo-mentors anf helped alot of Steemians.
Also she is a member of Vegan community here on steemit! Which helps vegan and non vegan folks to be more healthy and her dlive videos truly rock!

She is an amazing friend too from the othet side of the globe.

I do hope that you will win on this Eve!


heyyyy @tpkidkai =) I would NEVER armlock you LOL ahahaha Thank you so much for your support here!!! Big hugs all the way to the Philippines!

@evecab has a huge heart and fantastic values. I believe Steem Fest would benefit immensely by having a leader as herself participate and promote her cause at the fest. Wishing you the best of luck , all the way from Canada :-) Your buddy @boyerobert

thank you so much @boyerobert =) I'm very grateful for the support! And love the Gif lol

I hope you can go to steemfest!
You deserve it (:

thank you so much girl =)

Of course, @evecab should join the SteemFest3, she is one of the most active and engaging people on Steemit and thanks to her the Vegans Of Steemit that she has founded connects the vegan community! I give her my vote:)
Much love and success,


thanks girl!!!! OMG I'm so nervous hehehe
Your support means a lot =) Do you think you will go to SF3? You are close by right?

I am not very far from Krakow, but I dont think I will go, or at least I haven't planned that yet!;)
But tell me, are you in?

@evecab the moderator, I get to see you real time.thumbs up I like what you are doing curtsey of @futurethinkers


I think evecab is definitely someone who deserves to go to steemfest. From what I know of her she is an ethical and honorable person who genuinely cares about others, which I personally think is both uncommon and admirable and she has a strong presence in the steemit community as well.

I think if she had the opportunity to go and meet those at steemfest and talk about her ideas that it would be helpful for both steemit and the world in general. :)

thank you very much for this super nice comment @apolymask =) Your support means a lot! cheers!

@evecab is one of thoses superstar steemians, plain and simple. I see her as a current and future leader of the blockchain but there is the issue - SteemFest 3 is literally a half a world away from her house! She should be there in person, because not enough steemians are currently aware of this force of nature, and I am positive that there will be resounding outcomes from the networking that occurs should she get to this event.

Al the best, Eve

thanks a LOT @maneki-neko =) You're awesome for supporting me, hopefully we'll get to roll someday, maybe even Krakow who knows!

This was a great explanation, very convincing and very nice!!!

Best wishes for you!

thank you @ylich =)

Eve is a very passionate Steemian and a human being who cares about the planet and all living beings. She is very active on Steemit promoting healthy living and helping her fellow Steemians by creating group on Discord Chanel. Attending the Steem Fest would be a great opportunity to share her creative ideas that could help Steemit grow.

wohooo thanks girl!!!! Thank you for your nice comment! Crossing fingers and toes now, the wait is killing me =)

You are most welcome Sweetie and I keep my fingers crossed too 😊

I could literally go on a tangent (you know it's true if you know me) about @evecab but I am actually in a super big rush at the moment so let me summarize! She has put in so much effort to the vegan community, something I myself tried to start and get overwhelmed with! She's continued it on and has provided a wonderful community where people can come together and this is exactly the kind of person we need rep'ing Steem <3 Good luck girl!

ahhh thanks girl!!! We're a team, I couldn't do anything without you guys =)

@evecab definitely deserves to go!!! She's helped rally vegans together and bjj practitioners as well on her discord servers. Shes an all around cool chick and I know she would have an amazing time!