Here at Open Mic it's been a busy week, but that isn't to say it was a bad one - we had another massive showcase of unreal talent that just stole my heart.
You guys are amazing and the music you share is what keeps this contest running, some of you will have heard by now that Open Mic's main sponsor @pfunk has slipped out of the top 20 position - due to this he has had to reduce his amazingly generous contributions to the prize pool.
Firstly the biggest thing you can do to keep things steady here at Open Mic, is to support the witnesses that support you - that means if you haven't nominated your support to a specific witness now's the time to do it, why not start with @pfunk for his donations that sparked this contest into the beast it is today.
The next thing you need to know, is that things are changing due to this - you can read all about it here in @luzcypher's post, this explains the situation and the resulting events.

Now for some of you, hearing that the prize pool is being lowered will be taken as bad news - but for the most part, I think people understand what Open Mic is all about and well money just isn't it.
We are about the music, sharing the music and our love of it - we are about supporting and highlighting exceptional talents that find there way to us, were about the joy and love of music in general.
If it was meant to be about money, that's all people would talk about when they mention Open Mic - but that's not what you hear, what you hear about is the insane talents and brilliant music being created and shared.
It's about this amazing and supportive community, we have built up for over 85 weeks now - I've said it before but Open Mic is a family and it's that way because of it's members not the money being offered up as a prize.
I know the people that truly love music will be with us all the way, not to mention with rising steem prices 200 steem a week is still an amazingly generous prize - but Open Mic will continue, grow and thrive, this is just a bump in the road.
Now my selection post is late as always, but I wanted to ensure I addressed this and directed you all to the right place for information - so far the communities response has been heartwarming and we are thrilled to see it.
Ok so without further delays here is my top 5 selection for week 85!
This week's top 5:
1st Place - @lillywilton- Goodnight, My Love, Goodnight
Well what is that now three weeks in a row? Where I have no honest reasoning I can use to not place you, your entries have just been next level exceptional - tell me is there gonna be an easier week for me to justify giving someone else a go lol...
It's not that I am not eternally grateful, for this splendid musical feast you present us with each week - but I try to mix things up a bit, but damned me if your not making that impossible for me right now.
Now all jokes aside and after my little rant I do have to say, holy hell that was amazing - a truly pristine performance, with an outstanding song behind it.
I have just been swept away by your sheer talent, it is honestly breathtaking and I have no idea where you will take us next - your a musical journey maker and I am an avid tourist hitchhiking along for the ride, I cannot express how awesome it is to have access to music like this.
It's not just the stunning vocal performances that captivate my attention, it's the intrinsic nature you weave within your music - the juxtaposition between the music and the lyric, with the melody bringing it all together with such epic beauty.
I love a lyric that makes you think, at a glance your music appears simplistic in nature - but if you focus beneath the surface a complexity arises, that just makes this the kind of music I want to hear more of.
This lyric just keeps you on your toes, I love the contradictions, the subtext, generally just the way you use language in your lyrics - it's easy to say just what you mean, it's a whole other story to show the complexities of a relationship using metaphors.
I keep trying to settle on just one section of lyrics to focus on to highlight my points better, but the more I look at them the more should be included - these lyrics are just brilliant and to pull them apart doesn't do your work credit, so I recommend to everyone to go and read the lyrics in full on Lilly's original post!
You are an exceptional singer, a brilliant performer and a sublime storyteller - I can only hope to hear more as time continues and thank you wholeheartedly for sharing a part of yourself with us <3
2nd Place - @paintingangels - Jumping Broken Fences
Firstly it is awesome to hear some of the origins to your trippy awesome name @paintingangels, but I have to repeat what I was saying to @lillywilton - you guys keep making me choose you, I just can't move past entries of this calibre!
What a stunning display of your brilliant song writing lovely, Serena you really have an exceptional ability to capture a mood and fill it with such deep emotions - within seconds you have people hooked and feeling.
This is really a perfect display of craftsmanship, this song is expertly disguised to accentuate the beautiful facets of your vocal range and inflection - its just an amazing experience for the listener, you create an entire emotional connection within seconds and better yet you hold it.
I love the darker elements you weave throughout your music, it creates these amazing layers of complexity that I just can't get enough of - I really love hearing your music and I cannot wait to keep hearing more :D
3rd Place - @gabrielamenesesg - Fixed At Zero
When I heard your voice I just couldn't stop, this was just an incredible display of vocal agility, control and range - you have some serious power behind your vocals and it just steals the show!
The playing is absolutely spot on, perfectly adding the needed backing - displaying depth, range and tempo with just a guitar it was spectacular.
But I was simply transfixed by your astonishingly awesome vocal display, as a singer I am definitely drawn to the outstanding vocalists I come across - but i was more than a little impressed with your performance, I simply had to place you!
I cannot stress enough how much I loved this entry, you make it look so easy but I can safely say that is just you skill taking over - this song is one hell of a vocal work out and you just kick its ass, in every way imaginable.
Whilst I don't know this song, it is the kind of music I myself love to sing - and I have to say it's imperative to have a good song, one that you can perform as well if not better than the original and that you have!
This is just an epic vocal display on any level, simply the way you performed here is how most people hope to at their very best - and you just smash it out as though it was no big deal, just a brilliant performance in every sense of the word.
I cannot wait to hear more from you in the coming weeks, you both have epic skills - I am thrilled to have you with us!
4th Place - @dianakyv - TANTO EN TI
This was such an amazing performance I just had to include it in my top 5 this week, just stunning playing from the guitarist - but for me it was the insane vocals that just had me hooked, this was just a divine listening experience.
Your voice has a clarity and purity to it's tone, then there's the way in which you use it to such epic effect - first gentle and sweet, then you give us a small taste of the power hidden behind it.
The vocals in this song just take it to a new level for me, your control is just amazing - the vocal gymnastics are not only a pleasure to hear, but a fun challenge to join along with.
You really captured my attention and held it for the entire performance, I am so glad it did because you left the most amazing elements until the end (again in my opinion) - just such a joy to hear the moment you reached the peak, that was the moment that sold your entry most and made me want to hear more!
For a first entry you certainly caught my attention, just a sublime performance and display of what you are capable of - I truly look forward to hearing more from you in the coming weeks.
5th Place - @felixjfarfan - Black Or White
Now mate that was some seriously intense playing, you really performed the hell out of that song - I just couldn't get enough, this is what I want from a solo instrumentalist.
You created a full and dynamic sound with just the one instrument, even better it was a song that was easily placed and full of energy - you drew me into this performance by showing all you had to offer with it.
It can be hard for a solo instrument to do grab and hold attention, but my friend you absolutely accomplished this in spades - If you can create that sound so beautifully, I truly look forward to hearing more from you in the future!
Honourable Mentions:
@builtinfire - Tell me I'm wrong
Wow man this was epic, I am loving your music and this did not fail to impress - I love the composition you've created and the way the layers interact with each other as the song continues.
Your vocals as always thick and rich with emotion, just the perfect coupling of sounds - your contributions are so appreciated and I cannot wait to hear more.
@addiesworld - Donโt stop Believing
Oh lovely Addie, you just kick ass with whatever you do - this is just a perfect display as to why you always make my list's, your an exceptional talent and it's always a delight to have you with us.
I love your playing in this piece, your rework works well for you - and as always your stunning vocals just steal the show, always looking forward to more <3
@jons0318 - Eres mi amigo fiel
Wow guys this was not only an awesome song to hear, but fun to watch as well - the energy is great, I always love watching entries that are performed with such passion and conviction.
Stunning playing, that is quiet an intense tempo to keep that up yet still have complexities weaved throughout - again just loving those vocals, great range and control... keep it up guys!
@lucybanks - Crystallised
Oh hun I just love your vocals here, you really are the master of the haunting tones - just an impeccable performance and those harmonies are just divine.
Always stoked to have you with us lovely, great to see you trying new things and taking your music to new levels here with us - I've missed hearing you, so as always I look forward to more <3
@drewley - Castle By the Sea
Man I have been a fan of your compositions for some time now, but it never ceases to amaze me how brilliant one of your creations can be - you are a truly gifted pianist and composer.
Your music always captivates the listener and takes them on a journey, you convey so much emotion through your music you really are a master at it - I always love hearing your entries so keep them coming :D
@elliotjgardner - In Between Days
Wow mate long time no hear, but you didn't let us down with your comeback entry - just reminding us why we love you so much in the first place!
You really have such an amazing vocal tone, you are great at capturing emotion in you performances - I just can't get enough and hope to keep hearing more in the coming weeks :D
@dinoromanelli - Whitehouse Road
Hell yeah this was just a kick ass entry and I had to acknowledge it, it takes conviction to pull of a performance like that - and you absolutely did that, just a brilliant performance that I couldn't get enough of.
I loved your playing, you created a full sound with depth and character - the vocals were emotive and on point, just great to have an entrant enjoying what they are performing... hope to see more!
@ingridkornelia - Blessed we are
This was just epic lovely, just a stunningly beautiful performance - the song was perfection and just suited your vocals with divine precision.
As a vocalist I am drawn to epic vocal moments and you captured my attention with this entry, you have such intense vocal range and control - I truly hope to hear a lot more from you in the coming weeks, just epic hun... wow!
@olvidesantelmo - The Lady is a Tramp
It just cracks me up how awesome you can make a simple jam sesh, this was just a perfect display of all of your skills - just two voices and some percussion and boom, kick ass!
You guys really are brilliant performers, I just can't get enough - you make it look so easy and best of all it seems like you all have fun doing it <3
@samidbarid - Im not afraid anymore
This was so beautiful I simply had to at least mention it, you have some serious composition skills there mate - just the way you fill the sound so completely, every moment is just auditory perfection.
You have fast become a favourite musician of mine, for creating such masterpieces as this and the others you have shared with us - I am so honoured you share them with us, I cannot wait to hear more <3
@steembirds - Spring Steem
I am curious how many steem songs you can write, I mean you already hold the record I'm sure - but damn guys every time you get me, I love watching ya's work.
Your performances are always so full of energy, you put on a great show - not to mention it's awesome seeing you promo steem all over, can't wait for more <3
@josemarimbista - DIME
I just really enjoyed this performance, you created an epic sound - and the performance was just that, you guys put on a great show.
I really have high hopes for what you can all accomplish here, what a great atmosphere you created with ease - just outstanding playing and the vocals were just brilliant, I really hope to hear more and soon!
@guerreroots - Guerra
I really enjoyed the energy in this performance, you really caught and held my attention - not to mention there were several hints to some serious vocal control in that performance.
I love it when our entrants enjoy what they are doing and really get into it, for me you did this in this entry and it only enhanced the intrinsic quality - I really enjoyed this entry and hope to see more from you in the coming weeks :D
@camuel - May the Fourth be with You
Just wow and maybe a little more wow mate, this was outstanding - what a compositional masterpiece, you have such an amazing and intrinsic sound and feel you've created.
This is stunning there really isn't a better word that I can come up with, it's beautiful but complex and layered - yet clear and not overcrowded, this is just epic and brilliant... I love it and looking forward to more!
@andreabortone - WALKING ON SUNSHINE
Oh god not only am I now a fan of your's but your parents as well, you guys know how to put on a show and I am so thankful - what an epic performance and entry, you guys commit and just kick ass in the process!
Again great sound, you really know how to fill it completely with what you're using - and then there's your vocals hun, just absolutely epic and stunning... I'm looking forward to more <3
As I said earlier this was an epic week, just a slew of brilliant entries and as always a hard choice at the end - but as always still such a delight to take part in.
You guys really keep stepping things up, I have no idea where it can go next but just wow - I really am amazed and thrilled but the sheer quality of music we get week after week.
Well I am running late with this monster post, please remember to check out the links at the top of the post to keep up to date with the Open Mic contest - have a good one and enjoy the tunes!
I'd also like to remind everyone again that all top five nominations from this week, will feature in the Steemit Musicians live radio show on MSP-Waves next week.
A massive congratulations to all of those to be featured in the show, it is going to be great opportunity to get to further share the awesome entries we receive each week - I can't wait to hear the audience's feedback on our selections and your entries.
I hope you can all drop by and support those who made this week's lists, I'm sure they'd appreciate the support - not to mention if you join you get to help choose the weekly 20 SBD winning entry!
Please join us for Steemit Musicians this Sunday 12-1 UTC!
You can listen on twitch-
You can join broadcast hosts in a special chat room on the MSP Discord Channel:
You can check out for more information

On the note of the community I thought I'd take a moment to mention that, over at the minnow support program on our discord chat room Peace Abundance and Liberty - the recently revitalised music room has been getting rather active lately.
As well as the recent burst of activity, we have also added a jukebox to the room - so now when you're chatting with people in the music room, you can choose and play music from youtube (this includes open mic entries, I may have already played a couple I really enjoyed).
So far I have seen a few open mic regulars hanging out and about on the PAL chat rooms, now we have a place where we can actively share music live with people were chatting with - this can help musicians in so many ways, not to mention it's just fun to hang out and chat over and about good tunes.
In addition to the new music room Peace Abundance and Liberty chat rooms have a lot to offer, you can access bots to vote on your posts, you can also meet and interact with over 5000 steemians in the channel - this can be a very useful resource to new steemians, but is also a fantastic place to meet and interact with like minded individuals on many different topics.
Again a big thanks to @soundlegion, @meno, @verbal-d and @passion-ground for all they do as judges, please remember to go and check out their top five selections each week and to @luzcypher and @pfunk thank you so much for making all of this possible - until next week.
Which was your favourite entry this week?

Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
Please consider voting @ausbitbank for witness here
This was the first thing I read when I woke up and I'm in tears again. I can not thank you enough for saying all those incredible things, @krystle. And wow, there is so much talent and heart on this platform. Thank you for being one of our biggest supporters in so many ways. The prize reduction is a bummer of course but hearing someone say that he or she was deeply moved by your music is an amazing prize in and of itself. Thank you for giving us that experience today โค๏ธ
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Krystle! You are the best... thank you so much for the honorable mention:) Iโm stoked you liked my version of the song!
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Great job @krystle!
Click here to see who won Open Mic this week:
Steemit Open Mic Week 85 Winners See Who Won Open Mic And Join Us This Week --- by @luzcypher
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Un placer estar aquรญ presente en cierto modo. Un orgullo total, un saludo!
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I'm happy to tell you that I've chosen you for automatic upvotes as part of my new initiative "Jon Magnusson's favourite Steemians support".
This is because I personally has reviewed your content and found it to be something I want to support and encourage and/or the work you do for the Steemit community.
If you believe that someone deserves my attention, please leave a comment with a link to some of their work.
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Hey @krystle!
Thank you so much for the honourable mention for @olvidesantelmo!
We had a blast on that tour, and that video is a little taste of that fun (including the unexpected doggie love!!).
I'm really glad you enjoyed it! :D
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Your words means the world to me thank u soooooo much! Im crying rn.
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