Steemit OpenMic week 103 - Bintang di surga (Peterpan) Acoustic guitar cover by @miaapado

in openmic •  6 years ago 

Bintang di Surga is the second Peterpan music album released in 2004 through Musica Studio's. This album contains 10 songs with the first single is "What's with you?" followed by the singles "Mighty Later", "I Say Beautifully", "Stars in Heaven", "Above Normal", and "High Level Imagination". This album became one of the best-selling albums in Indonesia with sales of around 3 million copies, of which 2.7 million were sold in Indonesia.(Wikipedia)

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This is the song's lyrics:

"Bintang di surga (Peterpan)"

*Masih ku merasa angkuh
Terbangkan anganku jauh
Langit kan menangkapku
Walau ku terjatuh

Dan bila semua tercipta
Hanya untukku merasakan
Semua yang tercipta
Hampa hidup terasa

Lelah tatapku mencari
Mencari hati untukku membagi
Menemani langkahku namun tak berarti

Dan bila semua tercipta
Tanpa harus ku merasakan
Cinta yang tersisa
Hampa hidup terasa


Bagai bintang di surga
Dan seluruh warna
Dan kasih yang setia
Dan cahaya nyata

Oh bintang di surga
Berikan cerita
Dan kasih yang setia
Dan cahaya nyata*

<<*Translate lyrics into English*>>

Star in heaven (Peterpan)

*I still feel arrogant
Fly my dreams away
Sky caught me
Even though I fell

And if all is created
Just for me to feel
All that is created
Life feels empty

Tired of my gaze looking
Looking for my heart to divide
Accompanying my steps but meaningless

And if all is created
I don't have to feel it
Love left
Life feels empty


Like a star in heaven
And all colors
And faithful love
And real light

Oh star in heaven
Give a story
And faithful love
And real light*

Steemit Open Mic is an online, live music venue to give musicians a chance to share their music with the Steemit community and get their music heard. It is growing larger every week thanks to all of you.

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Thanks to @luzcypher, @pfunk, @passion-ground, @soundlegion, @verbal-d, @krystle, @meno for supporting this event so I can contribute in my hobby as a musician.

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