Panel discussion - Open Mind Conference 2017

Ole Dammegård, James Corbett, Max Igan, Hugh Newman, Carine Hutsebaut, Mette Mitchell and Frank Rasmussen at the
Open Mind Conference.2017.

The Open Mind Conference is an alternative conference that hosts internationally-acclaimed speakers from all around the world.

The topics that have been discussed over the years include global conspiracies, the health implications of mobile technology, geoengineering and organic versus conventional agriculture.

This year, the Open Mind Conference will be opening its doors for the sixth time running with a fascinating array of lectures.

We look forward to seeing you!

More info about Ole Dammegard

Carine Hutsebaut

Paedofilic networks – victims and offenders – Satanism and rituals

Carine Hutsebaut is a psychotherapist and criminologist from Belgium. She has attended numerous sessions as a ‘profiler’, worked for more than 30 years as a therapist for violated children and has worked with paedophiles. She has met some of society’s worst criminals in prison (including the FBI centre in Quantico, USA, which was made famous by the film Silence of the Lambs). Her reasoning was to try to understand the way they think and act. She is also the founder of ICMAC (the International Centre for Molested and Abducted Children) and she has written a number of books in Dutch, French and English.

Carine Hutsebaut will be talking about interacting with criminals and their victims (and even sometimes their families), and why it is so important to work with both parties. You cannot understand one without the other. Carine Hutsebaut seems to be the only person in the world who works in this way. In the mainstream system, it is normal procedure for a therapist to choose sides, either siding with the victim or the offender, not both, which in her opinion is a big mistake. She will also be discussing crimes against children, from lighter offences to torture and murder. Other topics that she will be discussing are paedophilic networks and rituals, Satanism and power, money and gratification, blackmail and bribery.

Max Igan

Which Path to Freedom? Looking Behind the Veil

We all live encapsulated in a control grid that encompasses all our activities during the course of our lives. How did this control system come into being? And what steps can be taken to emancipate ourselves from its clutches? What would happen if we failed to rise to this challenge?

The world is changing rapidly, and while people are busy looking for a remedy in a myriad of directions – spanning everything from anarchism, cryptocurrencies and sovereignty, to off-the-grid communities and far-left political candidates, still many are failing to acknowledge what lies behind the veil and the need to address things at the root core of the problem.

In this hard-hitting presentation, Max Igan reveals the true nature of humanity’s prison and the people farming our governments are involved in. Covering topics from Trump and the path to Persia that is being attempted and the true nature of the dark cabal that operates from behind the scenes, Max reveals the urgency of our situation and the very real need for people to adjust their moral compass, and, in doing so, to become an active voice for freedom.

The lecture covers a wide range of topics – from education, health, the destruction of the Amazonian rainforests, to Max Igan’s recent trip to the Gaza strip.

From the energetic and vibratory nature of matter and consciousness, to the contemporary influence of corporate entities and the irrefutable problems that mankind faces in the age of information, Max Igan connects the dots, providing an enlightening perspective of how to move forwards towards a collective awakening.

Max Igan has spent over 25 years researching the topics he covers in the many radio broadcasts and videos that he has produced. Covering a broad range of subjects, he never fails to inspire with his concise and lucid summation of the shared global situation.

He is a musician, activist and radio host on The People’s Network. He is the founder of and directed the films The Awakening (2008), The Calling (2009) and Trance-Formation (2012).

Ole Dammegård

“Terror” – are you kidding me?

At the Open Mind Conference 2016, Ole Dammegard discussed the templates and methods normally used in false flag operations. This year, he is back again with another angle on the subject.

Ole has been a returning guest at the Open Mind Conference since 2013. The reason for this has been because of the recurring alleged terror attacks in Western Europe and the USA. As an expert, he has been able to debunk the official stories behind many of these alleged terror attacks, such as the Copenhagen shootings, the mass shooting in Norway, the Nice, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan and Brussels airport attacks, to mention but a few. This year, he will talk about the Berlin, Istanbul, Jerusalem, Fort Lauderdale and Melbourne attacks. Prepare yourself for some explosive information.

Ole Dammegård is an author, inventor, former journalist and investigator who has dedicated some 30 years of his life into researching global conspiracies. His main focus has been finding out the real truth behind the assassinations of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Lady Diana and the truth behind 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Boston Marathon bombings etc.

Ole has discovered very strong links between the terror attacks e.g. identifying people that he alleges are linked to both the JFK and Olof Palme murders. The global elite seem to have used the same ‘skilled mechanics’ for decades who do their dirty jobs for them.

Ole has been a special guest on many programmes, such as The People’s Voice, Red Ice Creations (10 hours) (Sweden/USA), Project Camelot, (USA), Veritas Radio (USA), The Real Deal with Prof. Jim Fetzer (USA), No Lies Radio with Dr Kevin Barrett (USA), Super Woo Radio (Australia), Global Peace Radio (UK), Open Your Mind Radio (Ireland), Talk Radio Europe (Spain), Freedom Radio (Denmark) and Freedom Reigns, Australian Phi in the Sky.

He has also had articles published on prominent websites such as Veterans Today. His books include Coup d’etat in Slow Motion, Shadow of Tears, Re-Mind Me and Yolanda Yogapanda.

Ole was awarded the Prague Peace Prize as an investigator researching the truth and is considered a leading expert on false flag operations. He has been a speaker at many international conferences, including the recent JFK Conference, Dallas, in 2016.


Johan Oldenkamp

“Numerological Analysis of Terror Attacks” The Brussels terror attacks happened on March 22nd this year. In numbers, this date is represented by 3/22. The number 322 is on the Skull & Bones logo.

Jens Mohr Thygesen

“The J. F. Kennedy Assassination – based on pristine photographic evidence and testimonies” My approach to the JFK assassination is based on pristine photographic evidence and testimonies.

Mark Devlin

“Reality talk with Mark Devlin about his new book “THE MUSICAL TRUTH” Mark Devlin is a UK-based club and radio DJ, music journalist and author. Since 1990 he has played gigs all over the UK, and in over 40.

Tommy Hansen

“War or peace in Europe – the final call for journalism” Tommy Hansen, founder and editor-in-chief of, connects the dots in world history since WW2, leading up to the current crisis with refugees, immigrants and looming wars.

Christopher Bollyn

“The Dual-Deception of 9/11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror” Christopher Bollyn is an investigative journalist and the author of the Solving 9-11 set of books. He has a degree in history from the University of California at Santa Cruz focusing on the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

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