RE: The Power of Water - Part 1 - Openschool (IB Physics and A-Level Physics exam preparation)

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The Power of Water - Part 1 - Openschool (IB Physics and A-Level Physics exam preparation)

in openschool •  7 years ago 

Very good idea the video format to make these articles, much better than a written article. but my english is limited I lose some important notions I think. anyway thank you for this great content ! :)

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Thank you. Yes, more digest for those that want to go straight to the point (students that have so much to learn in such a short amount of time).

I am actually working this morning in improving the sound and the intelligibility of my voice (I am a self taught sound engineer after all!), in order to make it accessible to all, even with low levels in english.

Je vais aussi probablement faire des versions en Francais une fois que je suis rode a ce nouveau format.

A propos, tu es dans la botanique pratique avec ton super projet. Si tu as envie de faire des cours videos structures (En Francais) de jardinage, l'Openschool t'ouvrira ses portes :-)