Mojo - Never ending, constantly moving ambient music...

in opensource •  7 years ago  (edited)


It's (slightly) different every time! This p5.js program has three elements, represented by red, green & blue squares that wander randomly around the screen. The pitch and audio is affected depending on the location of the three elements.

You can watch the animation here:

Try refreshing the page and see how it develops, or leave it for a while and see where it's at. It's quite soothing to leave it playing in the background. The program uses three layers of sound, which were originally created for a theatre performance of Mojo, by Jez Butterworth, hence the name.

If you want to poke around the script it's below. Visit to checkout the programming language used.

var w;
var w2;
var w3;

var song;
var song2;
var song3;

var img1;
var img2;
var img3;

function preload() {
  // Load a sound file
  song = loadSound('../media/mp3/mojoambientclock.mp3');
  song2 = loadSound('../media/mp3/mojoambient1.mp3');
  song3 = loadSound('../media/mp3/mojoambient2.mp3');

function setup() {
  canvas = createCanvas(windowWidth,windowHeight);
  w = new Walker();
  w2 = new Walker();
  w3 = new Walker();
  img1 = loadImage("../media/images/scratch.png");  
  img2 = loadImage("../media/images/scratch.png");  
  img3 = loadImage("../media/images/scratch.png");  

function draw() {
// background(255);
    // Set the volume to a range between 0 and 1.0
  var volume = map(w.pos.x, 0, width, 0, 1);
  volume = constrain(volume, 0, 1);
  var speed = map(w.pos.x, 0.1, height, 0, 1);
  speed = constrain(speed, 0.01, 4);
  var volume2 = map(w2.pos.x, 0, width, 0, 1);
  volume2 = constrain(volume2, 0, 1);
  var speed2 = map(w2.pos.x, 0.1, height, 0, 1);
  speed2 = constrain(speed2, 0.01, 4);
  var volume3 = map(w3.pos.x, 0, width, 0, 1);
  volume3 = constrain(volume3, 0, 1);
  var speed3 = map(w3.pos.x, 0.1, height, 0, 1);
  speed = constrain(speed, 0.01, 4);

function Walker() {
  this.pos = createVector(width/2, height/2);

  this.walk = function(){
    this.pos.x = this.pos.x + random(-5, 5);
    this.pos.y = this.pos.y + random(-5, 5);
    if (this.pos.x > width){
      this.pos.x = this.pos.x-5;
    if (this.pos.y > height){
    this.pos.y = this.pos.y-5;
    if (this.pos.x < 0){
    this.pos.x = this.pos.x+5;
    if (this.pos.y < 0){
    this.pos.y = this.pos.y+5;
  this.display = function() {
    fill(random(0), random(127, 255), random(0));
//    rect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 60, 60);
//    rect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 60, 60);
tint(0, 255, 0, 25);

image(img1, this.pos.x-windowWidth/4, this.pos.y-windowHeight/4, windowWidth/2, (windowWidth/2)*.66);
  this.display2 = function() {
    fill(random(127, 255), random(0), random(0));
//    rect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 60, 60);
tint(255, 0, 0, 25);

image(img2, this.pos.x-windowWidth/4, this.pos.y-windowHeight/4, windowWidth/2, (windowWidth/2)*.66);

  this.display3 = function() {
    fill(random(0), random(0), random(127, 255));
//    rect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 60, 60);
tint(0, 0, 255, 25);
image(img3, this.pos.x-windowWidth/4, this.pos.y-windowHeight/4, windowWidth/2, (windowWidth/2)*.66);



window.onresize = function() {
  canvas.size(windowWidth, windowHeight);

function windowResized() {
  resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
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Ya code is pretty tight. How long have you been making Animation? What is the best animation you have used? Thanks for the share.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I've been following Daniel Schiffman, he's inspirational! I've been playing around with coding for a few years but never gone too deep, always looking to learn more though. Check out Daniel Schiffman here:

you rock bro! :)

So cool, your talents are never ending!

Jack of all trades!