Does an open source delivery app have any risk to security or privacy?

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The open source delivery app is a new way to order food. The app allows people to order and pay for their food without having to interact with a human. It also has an added benefit of being cheaper than other apps. However, the app does have some risks that need to be addressed.

One such risk is the privacy of the user data on the app. The company that created this app, Grubhub, is not publicly traded so it does not have any obligations to share its earnings or profits with its investors. This makes it difficult for anyone who wants to invest in Grubhub because they don't know how much money the company will generate in profit and what their return on investment will be. Another risk is that if someone were to hack into Grubhub's system, they could steal all of the information from each user's account and use it for malicious purposes like identity theft or financial frauds.

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