Bravo Opera!

in opera •  6 years ago 

I'd like to share about an event I've been to: an Opera!


I'm not a connossaire of opera, but still I am very much touched by it. As it happens, these spectacles are very expensive in Brazil (maybe they are expensive everywhere!), so this is not an event to be taken lightly! Specially when such an occasion has a popular price of R$1! I got up very early (for a Sunday) and went to Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, at 9 o'clock sharp I was there waiting for the ticket gates to open, which would open only at 10am!

I've signed up for an opera and got a whole lot more than I've waited for! The programming said it would be a pout-purri of several classic operettas, with the participation of two liric singers: a soprano, Mariana Gomes, and a mezzo-soprano, Lara Cavalcante. But what the programming didn't state was that the maestro, Antonio Seixas, would be explaining some opera facts and presenting the pieces before the orchestra played!
It was such a thrill!

My reward for waking up so early was to be able to sit up on the very first row, right in front of the harp:

Taking pictures was actually forbidden, so I cannot show you the whole orchestra and the maestro, but one thing I can assure you: it was AMAZING!!!

How are your experiences with opera, guys?

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