RSUD Tgk Chik Ditiro, Sigli, Kabupaten Pidie. Saturday (3/2), successfully performed surgery on two infants suffering from Hydrancephaly (swelling of the head) and Spina Bifida (formation of gaps or defects of the spine and spinal cord).
"Alhamdullilah, the surgery of both infants of patients with Spina Bifida and Hydracephaly runs smoothly and is ready for surgery. The result until now, both babies are in good condition "said the director of RSUD Tgk Chik Ditiro, Sigli. Mohd Riza Faisal. MARS.
The operation of both infants was led by Dr. Endro Basuki. SPBS. M.kes from RSUP Sardjito with Team O.K RSUD Tgk Chik Ditiro Sigli.Kata him, the two babies are male type. Each named M. Faiz was six weeks old (spina bifida sufferer) while the other, a baby from Ny Badriah (not yet red-named) was two weeks old (people with hydrancephaly).
Drg Mohd Riza Faisal, in the process of surgery performed on infants of Spna bifida patients performed a closed act of defect and reconstruction of cele. While hydrancephaly inserted vp shunt action. He discloses surgery for infants with spina bifida and hydrancephaly, the first of which was the hospital he had dreamed of.
Drg Mohd Riza Faisal, appeals to the Pidie community, who has a family suffering from hydrancephaly and spina bifida to immediately consult with the medical team of RSUD Tgk Chik Ditiro, Sigli in order to get medical treatment.