This article attempts to show people, events and true history related to the following so they can decide for themselves. . .Connections!
Operation High Jump
Operation Deep Freeze
The Postal Service and the US military
Admiral Richard Byrd
Marie Byrd Land
Mount Hermon
The Book of Enoch Noah's grandfather wrote about demons and Nephilim, angels and the war between the principalities/realms
Stan Lee of Marvel
Operation Paperclip
Operation Overcast
Black Hole
A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.
The boundary of no escape is called the event horizon.
Although it has an enormous effect on the fate and circumstances of an object crossing it, according to general relativity it has no locally detectable features.
Moreover, quantum field theory in curved spacetime predicts that event horizons emit Hawking radiation, with the same spectrum as a black body of a temperature inversely proportional to its mass.
The first modern solution of general relativity that would characterize a black hole was found by Karl Schwarzschild in 1916, and its interpretation as a region of space from which nothing can escape was first published by David Finkelstein in 1958.
Black holes were long considered a mathematical curiosity; it was not until the 1960s that theoretical work showed they were a generic prediction of general relativity.
General Relativity
the geometric theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein in 1915 and is the current description of gravitation in modern physics. General relativity generalizes special relativity and refines Newton's law of universal gravitation, providing a unified description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time or four-dimensional spacetime.
The curvature of spacetime is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present.
It's important to Note. ..these are all Theories as are all classical Predictions!
Some predictions of general relativity differ significantly from those of classical physics, especially concerning the passage of time, the geometry of space, the motion of bodies in free fall, and the propagation of light.
Some differences include,
- gravitational time dilation
- gravitational lensing
The amount of bending is one of the predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. [Classical physics also predicts the bending of light, but only half of that predicted by general relativity].
- the gravitational redshift of light
NOTE. . .found this a few days later while working on another project related to sound waves off the coast of Mayotte. . .
This was in a National Geographic article which I will link,
Lemaire Channel is a strait off Antarctica, between Kiev Peninsula in the mainland's Graham Land and Booth Island. Nicknamed "Kodak Gap" by some, it is one of the top tourist destinations in Antarctica; steep cliffs hem in the iceberg-filled passage, which is 11 km long and just 1,600 metres wide at its narrowest point.
not only is it scenic, but the protected waters are usually as still as a lake, a rare occurrence in the storm-wracked southern seas.
Lemaire Channel, Antarctica (Time Lapse)
I was happy I got up early that morning to see the amazing Lemaire Channel. The water was like a mirror (see video at 1:47 mark) and it was some of the most incredible scenery I've ever seen. We saw a lot of icebergs and the color of the water around some of them was a beautiful aquamarine.
Lemaire Channel-Antarctica (With Music)
- the gravitational time delay
- singularities/black holes.
The quantities used to measure gravitational field strength are the scalar invariant curvatures of spacetime, which includes a measure of the density of matter.
Since such quantities become infinite at the singularity point, the laws of normal spacetime break down.
Gravitational singularities are mainly considered in the context of general relativity, where density apparently becomes infinite at the center of a black hole.
Physicists are undecided whether the prediction of singularities means that they actually exist (or existed at the start of the Big Bang), or that current knowledge is insufficient to describe what happens at such extreme densities.
The theory is. . .
While the Fallen Angels had established an outpost on Mt Hermon, it was Antarctica that they would be removed to ultimately after losing the heavenly battle with the righteous angels, according to Ben-Nun’s analysis of the Book of Enoch.
Mount Hermon
a mountain cluster constituting the southern end of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. Its summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon.
Mount Hermon is a cluster of mountains with three distinct summits, each about the same height.[7] Most of the portion of Mount Hermon within the Israeli-controlled area constitutes the Hermon nature reserve
Hermon is also called the "snowy mountain," the "gray-haired mountain", and the "mountain of snow". It is also called "the eyes of the nation" in Israel because its elevation makes it Israel's primary strategic early warning system.
Is there any truth to this?
Why does this exist?
Perhaps to learn more people should ask. . .what were the Richard E. Byrd expeditions all about?
What was really going on?
For those who claim ALL is conspiracy theory. ..there is no denying there Were expeditions that are verified.
The 1925 expedition was significant in several respects. It marked the first productive use of aircraft in Arctic exploration by Americans, and it thrust Byrd into the limelight as spokesman for the role of aviation in such efforts. As a joint operation with civilian and military components, it was well publicized and reported, with daily progress reports reaching the American public by radio. It also marked the convergence — or near collision — of the old and the new in Arctic exploration and in the careers of the men involved.
Word out by mainstream media is there was only nominal success.
By whose standards and definitions?
Did they have the Whole story?
Were they Really able to see the Big Picture?
Richard E. Byrd, the scion of an aristocratic and politically influential Virginia family, had graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1912.
Medal of Honor recipient
aviator, polar explorer, and organizer of polar logistics.
Byrd served as a navigator and expedition leader when crossing. . .
( the Atlantic Oceana segment of the Arctic Ocean
a segment of the Antarctic Plateau
discovered Mount Sidley, the largest dormant volcano in Antarctica.
Mount Sidley
It is a massive, mainly snow-covered stratovolcano which is the highest of the five volcanic mountains that comprise > the Executive Committee Range of Marie Byrd Land.
Marie Byrd Land
portion of West Antarctica
The inclusion of the area between the Rockefeller Plateau and Eights Coast is based upon the leading role of the American Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the exploration of this area.
The name was originally applied by Admiral Byrd in 1929, in honor of his wife, to the northwestern part of the area, the part that was explored in that year.
has not been claimed by any sovereign state. It is by far the largest single unclaimed territory on Earth, with an area of 1,610,000 km2 (620,000 sq mi) (including Eights Coast, immediately east of Marie Byrd Land).
Why was the Antartic Treaty Set Up?
No, I mean WHY was it Really Set Up?
The Antartic Treaty falls under the National Science Foundation
Dean Smith was the pilot during aerial overflights in 1929 with Richard E. Byrd's first Antarctic expedition (1928–1930).
At 17 years of age, he became the youngest flight instructor in U.S. Army history.
He was an executive for many airlines and aircraft companies.
When he was three years old he traveled with his family to Central America where his father's business was headquartered. He would often run away from home to go to his grandmother's to hear her talk about the pioneer days of covered-wagons.
The** first deep overland exploration** occurred during the second Byrd expedition (1933–1935) when a sledge party led by Paul Siple and F. A. Wade reached as far east as the Fosdick Mountains in 1934.
The Third Byrd Antarctic Expedition, also called the United States Antarctic Service Expedition 1939-1941.
This expedition established two base camps 1600 miles apart. West Base was near the former Little America base (68° 29' S, 163° 57' W) and East Base was near the Antarctic Peninsula on Stonington Island (68° 12' S, 67° 03' W).
The United States Navy (USN) mounted several expeditions to Antarctica in the period 1946 to 1959.
These expeditions [Operation Highjump led by R. E. Byrd, Windmill, and Deep Freeze I–IV]
- included aerial photography using the Trimetrogon system of aerial photographs (TMA; vertical, left, and right oblique images over the same point) over portions of coastal Marie Byrd Land.
What they told you and put into the school curriculum
Never forget who started those studios over in Hollywood. . .
Just the Start of the article from the Smithsonian Magazine shows you what the idea was. ..create war and damage. Why was this justified by certain three letter agencies? Was it only to justify their vast, costly programs? Was it to garner more money from American Taxpayers so they could allocate for these weapons and programs? Was it for job security, more reach in climbing the ladder? You decide.
Article from Smithsonian Mag November 2016
The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki may have put an end to World War II, but they weren’t the only destructive weaponry developed during the war. From nerve and disease agents to the feared and coveted V-1 and V-2 rockets, Nazi scientists worked on an impressive arsenal.
In the days and weeks after Germany’s surrender, American troops combed the European countryside in search of hidden caches of weaponry to collect. They came across facets of the Nazi war machine that the top brass were shocked to see.
SMARTNEWS Keeping you current
Why the U.S. Government Brought Nazi Scientists to America After World War II
As the war came to a close, the U.S. government was itching to get ahold of the German wartime technology
Wernher von Braun
Wernher von Braun, one of the architects of the Apollo program, was a Nazi scientist brought to the U.S. in secret in 1945. (NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center)
By Danny Lewis
NOVEMBER 16, 2016
The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki may have put an end to World War II, but they weren’t the only destructive weaponry developed during the war. From nerve and disease agents to the feared and coveted V-1 and V-2 rockets, Nazi scientists worked on an impressive arsenal. As the war came to a close in 1945, both American and Russian officials began scheming to get that technology for themselves. So it came to pass that 71 years ago today, 88 Nazi scientists arrived in the United States and were promptly put to work for Uncle Sam.
American Scientists Took the First Photo of Earth From Space Using Nazi Rockets
In the days and weeks after Germany’s surrender, American troops combed the European countryside in search of hidden caches of weaponry to collect. They came across facets of the Nazi war machine that the top brass were shocked to see, writer Annie Jacobsen told NPR’s All Things Considered in 2014. Jacobson wrote about both the mission and the scientists in her book, Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists To America.
“One example was they had no idea that Hitler had created this whole arsenal of nerve agents,” Jacobsen says. “They had no idea that Hitler was working on a bubonic plague weapon. That is really where Paperclip began, which was suddenly the Pentagon realizing, ‘Wait a minute, we need these weapons for ourselves.’"
But just studying the weapons wasn't enough, and the U.S. military wasn’t the only country eyeing Nazi scientists—their one-time allies in the Soviet Union were doing the same thing. If the Soviets were going to press their former enemies into service, American military officials didn't want to be left behind. So the U.S. government hatched a plan to bring 88 Nazi scientists captured during the fall of the Nazi Germany back to America and get them back on the job. Only this time, according to, they were working for the U.S. under a project known as “Operation Paperclip.”
While the military did what they could to whitewash the pasts of their “prisoners of peace,” as some of the scientists called themselves, many had serious skeletons in their closets. For example, Wernher von Braun was not just one of the brains behind the V-2 rocket program, but had intimate knowledge of what was going on in the concentration camps. Von Braun himself hand-picked people from horrific places, including Buchenwald concentration camp, to work to the bone building his rockets, Jacobsen tells NPR.
Operation Paperclip was top secret at the time. After all, the devices these men helped design killed many people throughout Europe, not to mention the deaths their government was responsible for on the battlefield and in the concentration camps. Even agents with the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations, which the U.S. government tasked with hunting down top Nazi officers who went on the lam after the war, were unaware for decades of the extent to which government officials were collaborating with their quarry, Toby Harnden reported for The Telegraph in 2010.
While many of the men who were brought to the U.S. under the program were undoubtedly instrumental in scientific advancements like the Apollo program, they were also supportive and responsible for some of the horrors experienced by victims of the Holocaust. Operation Paperclip has certainly left a questionable legacy.
Link in Smithsonian is wrong, I tracked down a working link here,
For more information see Project Blue Book | Page 8 of 12 | Exo News
and here,
Is there far more Truth to the "Science Fiction" that is thrown out there in various mediums to consume?
Is this a way they can both poke the population in the eye with what they are doing and meet the Universal Law of. .."Whatever you do, they have to be told what is being done to them first?" You decide!
Yes Facist Fauci justifiers. ..of course we know it is part of the Comic world. Just showing the obvious connections one would have to be brain dead not to see. ..or perhaps it's just when your Overlord Masters of Control simply TELL you there is Zero Correlation to truth, you take it as a bona fide dosing just as you do your daily feeding off of the airwaves pumped out from your Tell a Vision Box where You have been programmed daily since birth to feed into the frequencies from the Prince and the Power of the Air's Corporate Owned Media ran by just 6 corporations.
Do you get it yet? There are constantly Telling you the Vision they want you to have and who to Hate.
Why do you listen?
Why not start Thinking for yourself?
Just initiate your brain sequence of thought processes uninterrupted by their Narrative.
Try it. might be Amazed!
Johann Schmidt from Hydra of Marvel
Originally a professor at one of the universities in Berlin, Johann Schmidt became an Officer of the Schutzstaffel with the rank of Obergruppenführer. He was closely affiliated with Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler.Schmidt and Hitler shared a passion for Norse mythology according to Abraham Erskine, a German scientist who had defected to the United States.
Gee I wonder Who created the Marvel Universe and why this sounds oh so familiar?
According to the New Yorker in an article written in 2021
before and after his Army service, and into the decade that followed, Stanley became one of many typists and scribblers providing copy for word balloons and prose for the books’ filler pages in the offices of his uncle's comic book company.
He was as efficient as his older colleagues at churning out scripts, and already distinguished himself in one way: he put his pen name, Stan Lee, on all his work. He said that he was saving his birth name for a more respectable project, like a novel.
It is important to note there are endless debates over which parts of the comics are his as it takes a team of people to develop the comics.
Why should we care? One answer is money—lots of it. Nine of the thirty top-grossing films in history use Marvel characters. Though Lee gave up his stake in the intellectual property years before the Marvel Cinematic Universe began, money kept flowing his way. Another reason is honesty: audiences believe that Lee created those characters, and his lifelong habit of taking credit has stoked fans’ and journalists’ wish to get at the truth.
Figures that Lee co-created, or said he created, revived a genre that had been on its last legs, helping to launch them from drugstore spinner racks to the screen.
Americans who can’t identify Achilles or Botswana know Wakanda as a high-tech nation in Africa, Loki as a Norse god who’s up to no good, and Peter Parker as the original Spider-Man. Even as they dominate popular culture, superheroes—the flawed kind, the weird kind, the kind Marvel pioneered. ..
Stanley Martin Lieber was born in 1922, the first child of Romanian Jewish immigrants in Manhattan; his father was a garment cutter and his mother was a department-store saleswoman. His younger brother, Larry, arrived nine years later. As unassuming as Stan was self-promoting, Larry worked with—or, really, worked for—Stan in comics, off and on, for most of the century. At DeWitt Clinton High School, in the Bronx (a few years ahead of James Baldwin), Stanley showed verbal skill and a performer’s ambition. When he noticed a classmate with a knack for extempore peaking, he was inspired. “I decided that I wanted to be able to speak that way, to be able to hold the attention of an audience,” he recalled years later.
Had he grown up elsewhere, Lee might have fled to Hollywood. Instead, as a teen-ager, he took an entry-level job at Timely, his uncle Martin Goodman’s firm, where Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Bill Everett, and Carl Burgos were assembling stories about a cantankerous Prince of Atlantis named Namor; his android nemesis, the original Human Torch; and a blond, Nazi-punching guy called Captain America. Lee started out “erasing the pencils off the inked artwork,” as Simon recalled, but soon he was writing, too, not least because postal regulations made comics cheaper to mail if they contained prose, any prose. The 1941 story “Captain America Foils the Traitor’s Revenge” was the first to bear the name Stan Lee. Simon, who assigned the story, later remarked, “I made his life.”
The Timely business model emphasized quantity over quality, trend chasing over trend creating, and Lee quickly proved that he could serve the model. He displayed a spectacular ability to meet deadlines, scripting comics for Timely artists—Kirby among them—to draw. Goodman soon named him editor of the comics operation.
The Second World War might have derailed him, except that when Lee enlisted he was assigned to the so-called playwriting division at Fort Monmouth, in New Jersey, where he wrote training films for soldiers and kept writing comics for Timely.
After the war, he returned to the company, and to self-promotion. In 1947, he self-published a short, hype-filled book called “Secrets Behind the Comics.” That year, he met the English model Joan Boocock, who divorced her husband to marry Stan. The pair—by all accounts happy and well matched—settled cozily in Long Island suburbia, where they had a daughter, Joan Celia, known as J.C. Local newspaper accounts of their swank pool parties do not mention Stan’s comics at all.
NOTHING is by accident/#ThereAreNoCoincidences
Stanley Martin Lieber
Born 1922
Marvel Comics' primary creative leader for two decades, leading its expansion from a small division of a publishing house to a multimedia corporation that dominated the comics and movie industries.
- On January 10, 2018, Lee was accused by multiple nurses of sexually harassing them at his home in early 2017.
Lee later explained in his autobiography and numerous other sources that because of the low social status of comic books, he was so embarrassed that he used a pen name so nobody would associate his real name with comics.
Lee entered the United States Army in early 1942
- served within the US as a member of the Signal Corps, repairing telegraph poles and other communications equipment.
- He was later transferred to the Training Film Division, where he worked writing manuals, training films, slogans, and occasionally cartooning.
- His military classification, he said, was "playwright"; he added that only nine men in the U.S. Army were given that title.
- In the Army, Lee's division included many famous or soon-to-be famous people, including three-time Academy Award-winning director Frank Capra, New Yorker cartoonist Charles Addams,
and children's book writer and illustrator Theodor Geisel, later known to the world as "Dr. Seuss."
Vincent Fago, editor of Timely's "animation comics" section, which put out humor and funny animal comics, filled in until Lee returned from his World War II military service in 1945.
Lee was inducted into the Signal Corps Regimental Association and was given honorary membership of the 2nd Battalion of 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord at the 2017 Emerald City Comic Con for his prior service.
In the mid-1950s, by which time the company was now generally known as Atlas Comics, Lee wrote stories in a variety of genres including romance, Westerns, humor, science fiction, medieval adventure, horror and suspense.
Oblique Photography - Introduction
- III - Surveillance from Unmanned Airborne Platforms
- (a ) Apart from the multi-photo & multi-camera aspects of oblique aerial photography, the oblique imaging configuration is also of increasing importance for both surveillance and for visualization purposes – with the acquisition of both single and multiple digital images from both manned and unmanned platforms – often from low altitudes .
- (b) There are many new developments in oblique aerial photography using digital cameras operated through radio links on numerous types of unmanned airborne platforms from low altitudes :
The USN began construction of Byrd Station at 80°S, 120°W with traverses out of Little America V during Deep Freeze II.In 1957
Charles R. Bentley led a traverse from Little America V to the new Byrd station along the route blazed by United States Army engineers a few months before (the Army-Navy Drive). His team conducted measurements of ice thickness and of the Earth's magnetic and gravity field.National Geographic, issue 112, p. 383–398
SCAR GeoMap Station was the only major base in the interior of West Antarctica for many years.
In 1968, the first ice core to fully penetrate the Antarctic Ice Sheet was drilled here.It was claimed
The year-round station was abandoned in 1972, and after operating for years as a temporary summer encampment, Byrd Surface Camp, Byrd Station was reopened by the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) in 2009–2010 to support operations in northern West Antarctica.The United States Byrd Coastal Survey during 1966–1969, led by F. A. Wade, conducted geologic mapping of the Alexandra and Rockefeller Mountains and the Ford Ranges and produced a series of 1:250,000 geologic maps of the region.
This was a complex expedition involving remote helicopter camps and airborne geophysics.
From 1977 Antartica Research Program the USGS Publication Warehouse mantle plume was discovered deep below Marie Byrd Land.
A mantle plume is posited to exist where super-heated material forms (nucleates) at the core-mantle boundary and rises through the Earth's mantle.
after operating for years as a temporary summer encampment, Byrd Surface Camp, Byrd Station was reopened by the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) in 2009–2010 to support operations in northern West Antarctica.
The discovery of neutron stars by Jocelyn Bell Burnell in 1967 sparked interest in gravitationally collapsed compact objects as a possible astrophysical reality. The first black hole known as such was Cygnus X-1, identified by several researchers independently in 1971.
Black holes of stellar mass form when very massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. After a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing mass from its surroundings. By absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes, supermassive black holes of millions of solar masses (M☉) may form. There is consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centers of most galaxies.
The presence of a black hole can be inferred through its interaction with other matter and with electromagnetic radiation such as visible light. Matter that falls onto a black hole can form an external accretion disk heated by friction, forming quasars, some of the brightest objects in the universe.
An accretion disk is a structure (often a circumstellar disk) formed by diffuse material in orbital motion around a massive central body.
The central body is typically a star.
Friction, uneven irradiance, magnetohydrodynamic effects, and other forces induce instabilities causing orbiting material in the disk to spiral inward towards the central body.Gravitational and frictional forces compress and raise the temperature of the material, causing the emission of electromagnetic radiation.
The frequency range of that radiation depends on the central object's mass.
- Accretion disks of young stars and protostars radiate in the infrared
- those around neutron stars and black holes in the X-ray part of the spectrum.
Hawking Radiation
black-body radiation that is predicted to be released by black holes because of quantum effects near the black hole event horizon.The requirement that black holes lose energy into the wider universe, and therefore can "evaporate" and the radiated spectrum are both a result of analysing black hole thermal equilibrium combined with extreme redshifting effects very close to the event horizon, with some consideration of quantum entanglement effects.
A pair of virtual waves/particles arises just outside the event horizon due to ordinary quantum effects. Very close to the event horizon, these always manifest as a pair of photons. It may happen that one of these photons passes beyond the event horizon, while the other escapes into the wider universe ("to infinity").
A close analysis shows that the exponential red-shifting effect of extreme gravity very close to the event horizon almost tears the escaping photon apart, and, in addition, very slightly amplifies it. The amplification gives rise to a "partner wave", which carries negative energy and passes through the event horizon, where it remains trapped, reducing the total energy of the black hole. The escaping photon adds an equal amount of positive energy to the wider universe outside the black hole.
In this way, no matter or energy ever actually leaves the black hole itself.
A conservation law exists for the partner wave, which in theory shows that the emissions comprise an exact black body spectrum, bearing no information about the interior conditions.
As we tried to warn them. . .
WhatIsComing!Enoch was Noah's great grandfather.
Where do qubits come from for Quantum?
What equations did God give Noah?
300 cubits in length, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits height
Who is the Ultimate Physicist?
Facebook Post Link find supermassive black holes in quasar nearest Earth
Interesting possible connection to someone connected to Operation Deep Freeze and Ted Bundy as a friend.
Was he part of the FBI or CIA?
You decide!
Thank you for this link Robbie Walters. . .always On It! A must listen!
TED BUNDY# 6; Lived At Same Address As Military Intelligence Agent (CIA, USAF, USDS) (Post178)
Archiving the post and some of the comments in case it "Goes Missing," as some pertinent info tends to do on these platforms where the Censor overlords despise truth!
From post where Judge rules to unseal dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs, including those that reveal her and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship to the Clintons
FB post link here,
Comment from Robbie Walters with the above Ted Bundy vid link
"Strange connection! I found THIS link connecting Ted B. to AF Intel, CIA, Australia & Antarctica!"
Redacted. . .I believe we Know Why!
Military being infiltrated by the nefarious always reminds me of Aquino and even Dahmer. Dahmer was said to be charming, I didn't find Aquino so charming, but rather off putting when watching footage of him in interview takes, but he was said by many to be charming. What is interesting is Dahmer also did a stint in the military. . .army! In January 1979, on his father's urging, Dahmer enlisted in the United States Army where he trained as a medical specialist at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. On July 13, 1979, he was deployed to Baumholder, West Germany, where he served as a combat medic in 2nd Battalion, 68th Armored Regiment, 8th Infantry Division. He couldn't hack it [I know it's a hideous pun] for more than a couple of years, but it surely gave him even more free training and access as a medical specialist. I guess evil is as evil does!
· Reply · 2h
Numbers Off the Charts! Stan Otterson drowning victime Pier 51 [ power num for cabal 3x17 and we know what their 17 is to them] date of declaration of drowning look at that total of 5 sixes. . .9.6.1975 as above so below with the 9 and 7=5 encodes 12 or 2 more sixes.
· Reply · 2h
Operation Deep Freeze. . .interesting as that was the codename for a series of scientific expeditions to Antarctica in 1955-56 that were initiated [so we are told] by the International Geophysical Year 1957-58. What is interesting is that Navy was tasked with aiding, but Navy had already done so as. . .early as 1839, Captain Charles Wilkes led the first U.S. Naval expedition into Antarctic waters. Then there was Op Highjump in '46 to '48. Army of course played a big role. . .Dean Smith was the pilot during aerial overflights in 1929 with Richard E. Byrd's first Antarctic expedition (1928–1930).
At 17 years of age, he became the youngest flight instructor in U.S. Army history.
Interesting that after getting a Psych degree he worked for the committee to Re-Elect Dan Evans as Evans was clearly one who sided with the globalists. . .
Evans refused to endorse Richard Nixon for the presidential nomination, remaining a supporter of the unsuccessful candidacy of Nelson Rockefeller.
Evans graduated from the University of Washington with degrees in civil engineering (BS, 1948; MS, 1949). The UW later (in 2007) gave him the distinction of Alumnus Summa Laude Dignitatus, the highest distinction the university confers on its graduates. He returned to the United States Navy (1951–1953) before working as a structural engineer (1953–1956); in the latter capacity, he helped draw up the plans for the Alaskan Way Viaduct.
They love people they can control who are involved in Engineering and infrastructure as was Ghislain's father Robert. . .Whereas the publishing Co. was just a front as it was for Pearson publishing who had their grubby hands originally in building up Infrastructure Prior to them becoming a publishing house.
Maxwell appeared to do both simultaneously.
For instance. ..
Founding and Important history, connections, tunnels?
founded by Samuel Pearson in 1844 as a building and engineering concern operating in Yorkshire
1880, control passed to his grandson Weetman Dickinson Pearson (later 1st Viscount Cowdray), an engineer, who in 1890 moved the business to London and turned it into one of the world's largest construction companies.
Another of their prominent engineers was Ernest William Moir who, after working for Pearson on tunnels in New York City, became the contractor's agent on construction of the Blackwall Tunnel under the River Thames in London between 1892 and 1897.
Pearson Publishing also
built the Admiralty Harbour at Dover, the Halifax Dry Dock in Canada
built East River Railway Tunnels in New York City
the Mexican Grand Canal that drained Mexico City
the Tehuantepec Railway in Mexico
railways and harbours around the world
1915, the firm began construction of HM Factory, Gretna, the largest cordite factory in the UK during World War I.
construction business was shut down in the 1920s.
Among its final projects was completion of the Sennar Dam, in Sudan, in 1925
More in here,
Maxwell. . .
Concerning Evans, the political pundit Bundy worked on the commission to get re-elected. . .
He first entered the V-12 Navy College Training Program and was stationed at the University of Washington (UW), but was transferred eight months later to an ROTC program at University of California, Berkeley.
Two Universities in California tied at the hip are UC of Berkley and Stanford. . .think how these two Universities worked together on the Mother of all Demos.
More in here on that,
More in here towards bottom half with footage of the Mother of all Demos shown,
Stanford furthered someone else who was in politics and became prominent in "building a bridge" from the west coast to the east coast all while having a hand in steering both the Stanford University and Washington DC the seat of government and ability for control and reach. . . he was Hoover who was on the board of the Research arm for Stanford, Known to be involved in plenty of black military funded programs they simply labeled "Research."
Guess what Hoovers background was. . .mining, infrastructure and wasn't just here in the states, but also over in Australia, China, was consulted for Disneyland. Tunnels under there do you suppose? You decide!
Oh what a tangled Labyrinth we weave. Herbert Hoover Stanford and mining worldwide.
Hear tapes and see footage where Bundy's crimes took place in this 20/20 report put out by ABC where you can hear Bundy himself talk about how a serial killer can be successful if he changes his Motive of Operation.
This is why moms, guardians need to teach their daughters, friends, other women in their lives Not to be trusting and to use instinct as not all who "look injured" and claim to be in need of help are truly needy, but Could be Posers!
Same actually goes for men and boys as in Jeffrey Dahmer's case, he preyed upon boys and men. One as young as 14 years old.
This one goes over the daughter of Bundy's girlfriend and his predatory practices towards her as a child.
Life with Bundy Full Episode | ABC 20/20
Comments show more info related to his pe_o tendencies and the fact that None of it was ever reported or attended to. Wonder why.
Interesting who one of the reporters is. . .the one ABC would not allow to run the interview with Virginia Roberts Guiffre which Project Veritas reported on
Did they learn their lesson?
2nd prison escape from Garfield Colorado, the papers called the police the Keystone cops.
In the Florida murders after the Chi Omega sorority murders. . .Kimberly Leach, only 12 years old.
Some pretty sick stuff with Bundy being allowed by the Judge to represent himself in the Chi Omega murders and him having the detectives on the scene give a full, detailed report of how the girls were found and how others felt he was using it as an opportunity to relive his sickness.
How creepy is it that he asked an avid supporter of his, who he called as a witness, to marry him there in court during the Chi Omega murders trial and under Florida law if a notary public is present and the person you asked says yes, you are legally married?
Annie Jacobsen: Inside DARPA: The Pentagon's Brain
What we are really up against in learning the truth and delivering free energy already supplied from our Creator. Who tries to keep this out of the hands of civilians? What was found in Antartica? What are the implications of 5G in the wrong hands?
Another time photography and a famous photographer were used for NASA and he even signaled it in his movie The Shining and talked about his work for NASA!
Inside of here, scroll about halfway down
Inside of the above link where it talks about whether it is physical or paraphysical. . .Dead Zone Also had an episode about this. . .Season 2 Episode 16 Ascent Part 2
In his publishing company and the scientists from Russia whose writings he would procure for his Pergamon Institute. . .he was quite interesting in Technology and Engineering as seen here and other places.
In Evans case, he first entered the V-12 Navy College Training Program and was stationed at the University of Washington (UW), but was transferred eight months later to an ROTC program at University of California, Berkeley.
Two Universities in California tied at the hip are UC of Berkley and Stanford. . .think how these two Universities worked together on the Mother of all Demos.
More in here on that,
More in here towards bottom half with footage of the Mother of all Demos shown,
Remember #ChrisCornell involved in the movie, #TheSilentChildren and he had an org that tried to help children and others who were trafficked. He tried to expose #Pedogate with #ChesterBennington and here Bennington was said to have died just a few months after Chris right on Chris' birthday. #Synchronicity, #ThereAreNoCoincidences
Also #Avicii, #TimBergling spoke out on Child Sex Trafficking.
See evidence here,
More info in here,
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From ExoNews
Antarctica and Imprisoned Fallen Angels from the Book of Enoch
#Antartica, #BookOfEnoch, #Enoch
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UPDATE 3.18.2024
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